His Love Endures Forever


DANIELLE WALKED INTO MARTHA’S BEDROOM AND leaned over the bed. “I can’t believe this happened.” She eyed Martha’s broken foot protruding from beneath the quilt at the end of the bed.

“I can. I’m lucky that dog didn’t kill me.” Martha rolled her eyes at Dude, who merely yawned from the floor and happily resumed sleeping. “Pull up a chair. I’m glad to see you. Katie Ann has been coming over and fussing over me like I’m an old woman. Arnold too. Both of them . . . fuss, fuss, fuss.” Martha shook her head, but Danielle knew that there probably wasn’t anything that Martha liked better than to be fussed over.

“How long do you have to stay off your foot?” Danielle scooted a chair close to Martha’s bed and eased into it.

“Until it doesn’t hurt anymore. And that could take forever.”

Danielle straightened, then repositioned herself when she felt Joshua kicking. “Arnold said you fell down the porch steps.”

“Yep. I was heading to market, and I guess Dude didn’t want me to go. He rushed me like an offensive tackle, and down I went.”

Danielle covered her mouth with one hand.

Martha rolled her eyes. “Go ahead and laugh. I’m sure it was quite the sight.”

“Well, I’m sorry you’re hurting and laid up.”

Martha waved her hand. “Tell me about you. Morning sickness gone?”

“Yep. Feeling really good these days.” She put a hand on her stomach. “He’s a feisty little guy, always kicking.”

“That’s good. So I hear.”

“Guess what?” Danielle leaned closer, grinning. “Levi’s whole family is coming to our house for supper Saturday night. Levi is so excited. I’m making your chicken lasagna. I’ve watched you do it a hundred times, so I’m going to try. Emily has been teaching me to cook some things, but I want to make something different.”

“Vera is coming too?”

“Yes. So I want everything to go just perfectly.” Danielle sighed. “I want her to like me.”

“Honey, someday Vera will come to know what a fantastic, wonderful person you are. It’s the concept of you taking her baby boy away that gets in the way for her.”

“I know. She didn’t even like us being friends, it freaked her out so much. And now . . . But maybe if she could see that we are happy, and that Levi is happy . . .” She paused, smiling. “Have I mentioned how happy we are?”

“Four hundred thousand times.” Martha laughed, patting her hand. “And I’m happy for you. Just don’t get your hopes up about Vera. She’ll come around, but it will take her awhile.”

“That’s what everyone says—Levi and Emily too. But we’ve been married two months.” Danielle sighed. “Well, either way, I’m looking forward to them coming. Levi will love it.”

There was a knock at the door, and Katie Ann walked in.

Martha frowned. “Where’s my baby? I thought you were bringing Jonas to see me today?”

“He was napping, and Ida Mae was at the haus with the twins, so she offered to stay while I came to check on you.” Katie Ann pulled a container out of a small bag. “I brought you more creamed celery.”

“You are forgiven.” Martha licked her lips. “Nothing like creamed celery to heal all that ails a person.”

“Hi, Danielle.” Katie Ann smiled, and Danielle was glad the woman lived so close and felt compelled to take care of Martha. Danielle would do anything for Martha, but Katie Ann had a nurturing way about her that Danielle didn’t think she herself had. Maybe that came with being a mother.

The three women chatted for a while, and Danielle half listened as she thought about Saturday night. She was going to make sure it was a great night for Levi.

LEVI WATCHED HIS beautiful wife scurrying around the kitchen on Saturday night, and he’d never been more proud. “Why haven’t you made this before?” he asked, leaning over the stove and taking a peek under the tinfoil. The chicken lasagna looked delicious.

Danielle playfully slapped his hand. “Stay out of that now.” She secured the foil again. “I had to get Martha to write the recipe down. She’s made it so many times that she just knows it in her head and couldn’t find the actual recipe.” Danielle laughed. “Funny that it’s the only thing she knows how to make. But . . .” She pointed to the written version on the counter by the sink. “I’m not sure if she meant teaspoons or tablespoons here, so I hope I did it right.”

Levi wrapped his arms around her full belly. “It will be great.” He was so thankful that Emily had been coming around and teaching Danielle how to cook. They had homemade bread on a regular basis now, and Danielle had mastered some of Levi’s favorites, like his mother’s chicken and rice casserole and meatloaf.

Danielle eased away from him, then paced the kitchen. Levi was as nervous as she was. His mother would be watching her like a hawk, and Levi wanted his mother to see that they were happy and living a good life. Danielle still prayed with him every night, and they attended Amish worship. It wasn’t the same, but it was familiar, and it made Levi feel like he hadn’t given up everything.

In the evenings, he laid his head near Danielle’s stomach and talked to Joshua. He felt a strong bond with the child that he hadn’t expected. Danielle wanted him to be in the room at the hospital when the baby was born, but he’d nearly passed out more than once when he’d witnessed a calf being born. Not wanting to admit that fact, he told her he would.

“They’re here!” Danielle jumped, then frowned as she glanced around the kitchen. The house was cleaner than Levi had ever seen it, and he knew he had Martha to thank for that. She might have hurt Danielle’s feelings a little, but whatever fire Martha lit underneath Danielle had sparked a cleaning frenzy that seemed to have changed her ways forever.

Levi kissed her. “I’ll get the door. Don’t worry about anything.”

“DON’T LOOK SO uptight,” Elam whispered to Vera as they waited for someone to answer the door.

“I’m not uptight.” Vera snapped her head in his direction. “I’m happy to be seeing mei sohn.”

“Less than four months until baby time!” Betsy squealed from beside Vera.

“Hush now.” Vera latched on to Betsy’s hand and, as always, worried what else Betsy might say this night.

Levi answered the door, and Vera rushed into his arms.

“Mamm, I just saw you last week.” Levi laughed and kissed her on the cheek.

Vera stepped back and eyed him up and down. “I think you’ve lost weight since then.”

“No, Mamm. I haven’t.” He stepped aside and ushered them in. “Ignore the walls. We can’t paint them while Danielle is pregnant.” He paused. “Someone said we could, using lowodor paint, but I don’t want to take any chances.”

Vera fought the urge to cringe every time the baby was mentioned. She loved children, but thoughts of Danielle and the child she carried just brought up unpleasant associations. That doesn’t make me bad.

Danielle came into the room and greeted everyone, but Vera hardly noticed what she said. Vera’s eyes were on her son and the way he watched Danielle, with a twinkle in his eye. Vera could practically feel the love radiating from him. Within the first minute of their visit, Vera realized that she was no longer the number one woman in Levi’s life. She remembered when the realization hit her with Jacob, when he’d married Beth Ann. But marrying Beth Ann had been a wise move for Jacob.

Danielle was still talking, and Vera still wasn’t listening. She watched her son, and without intending to, she felt a smile spread across her face. He is happy.

She decided to try and relax into the evening, even if just a little.

“Emily hasn’t been by in a while,” Danielle said as she served everyone chicken lasagna following the blessing. “Is she all right?”

Vera couldn’t contain the smile that stretched across her face.

“Mamm . . . what is it?” Levi asked, his fork hovering in front of his mouth.

Vera shook her head. “Ach, I really can’t say.” Even though there was nothing she wanted to do more than to tell Emily’s news.

“Mamm, you have to tell us now.” Levi took the bite, chewed, and waited. Then it hit him. “Emily’s pregnant, isn’t she?”

“Yeessssss!” Betsy bounced up and down in her chair. “She is, isn’t she?”

Vera covered her red face with her napkin for a moment. “I can’t say.”

“Too late!” Levi pointed his fork at her. “She is!”

Vera sighed. “Well, ya. Since you guessed, I guess I can’t deny it.”

“That’s wonderful.” Danielle sat down after serving everyone. “Levi said they’ve been hoping for a family. When is her baby due?” Danielle passed a basket of bread to her left.

“April.” Vera took a slice of bread and passed it on. “Our first grandchild.” She made the comment without even thinking, but when the table went silent, not even the clink of a fork, Vera looked up to see Levi’s eyes burning into her skin. “I mean—except for—except for Danielle’s baby.” Vera could feel the heat rising from her neck and filling her cheeks. I am the most insensitive person alive.

“It’s not Danielle’s baby, Mamm. It’s our baby.” Levi looked at her with such disgust that Vera wished she could leave. She looked at Elam for help, but he had his head tucked, chewing on a bite of chicken lasagna.

“I know that, Levi. I just wasn’t thinking.” And that was the truth. She turned to Danielle, who wouldn’t meet her eyes. “Danielle, this is really gut chicken lasagna. It tastes just like Martha’s. You did an excellent job.”

Danielle barely looked at her, but she smiled politely. “Thank you.”

“She worked all day cleaning and cooking, wanting it to be a special night.” Levi’s tone was bordering on fury.

“And everything is lovely.” Vera was losing her appetite, but forced another bite down so as to not further offend Danielle. How could I be so dumm?

“Thank you,” Danielle said, her eyes still on her plate.

“I always thought that Beth Ann would be the first of the kinner to be with child.” Vera spoke slowly, carefully. “But now it looks like you and Levi will be first, then Emily and David.” She smiled at Levi, but he also wouldn’t meet her eyes for more than a second.

Elam cleared his throat. “Levi, I’ve been thinking . . . I’ve got some extra solar panels in the shed at home, extra ones that I ordered when there was a sale. You should take a couple of the larger ones and get your new fraa some power going in here.” Elam smiled. “I’d be doing that myself since Bishop Esh allows it, if your mom wasn’t so against any type of progression.”

“I think that’s a gut idea,” Vera added. “Especially with a baby coming, and Danielle isn’t used to tending an infant, especially without power.” Vera thought she was being positive, reassuring, but one look from Levi said otherwise. I give up.

Elam raised his plate. “Danielle, I’m going to need another large scoop of this lasagna.” He passed his plate, which made their daughter-in-law smile.

“Did you make dessert, Danielle?” Betsy sat taller. “I ate all my supper.”

“I did.” Danielle smiled at Betsy too. “Emily said that your brother likes carrot cake, so I made your mother’s recipe.” Then Danielle gave Vera a thin-lipped smile, nothing like the one she’d given Elam and Betsy. Vera took another bite of lasagna and kept her head down. That was a family recipe, not for sharing. Didn’t Emily know that? But I guess Danielle is family now. She took a deep breath, resolved to keep her mouth shut through the rest of the meal.

After the main meal, Danielle served everyone a piece of carrot cake, and Vera had to admit, it was as good as hers. She ate every bite and commented several times about how good it was. But clearly, the damage was done.

“Excuse me a moment, please.” Danielle politely got up and left the kitchen.

“I’m sorry, Levi,” Vera whispered. “I just wasn’t thinking, and this is all new for me. I’m so sorry.”

“Mamm . . .” Levi lowered his head, stroking his beard. Vera wasn’t sure why he’d grown the beard since he didn’t have to. He looked up at her. “That baby is as much mine as if . . .” He glanced at Betsy, then back at his mother. “You know what I mean.”

“I’m not a dummkopp.” Betsy scowled, talking with a mouthful of cake.

“Nee, you’re not, my little one.” Elam stood from the table. “Come out on the porch with your old daed and let’s get some fresh air. Levi, care to join us?”

Levi shook his head. “Danki, Daed. I’ll wait for Danielle and help her clean the kitchen.”

“Levi, you can go with your father. Cleaning is women’s work. I’ll help Danielle.” Vera stood up and began gathering plates.

“I help her every night. Because I want to.” Her son began putting the butter and jars of chowchow in the refrigerator.

They were both putting dishes in the sink when Vera heard Danielle faintly call Levi’s name from the middle of the living room. He twisted his head. “What is it, Ladybug?”

Vera began running hot water in the sink, eager to avoid her son seeing her surprise over his pet name. Then Levi dropped a plate in the sink so hard it broke and ran across the room. Vera spun around, the water still running.

Levi ran to Danielle and wrapped an arm around her waist. The girl could barely stand up, and her face was the color of the white clapboard walls. Vera instinctively moved toward them. By the time she reached Danielle and Levi, she saw blood running down Danielle’s leg, her skirt staining a crimson red.

“Mamm, help. Mamm! What do we do?” Levi’s voice cracked as he spoke, and maybe for the first time since everything had happened, Vera took note that there was a real live little person coming into their lives, and that life was now at stake. She ran the other direction, out toward the porch.

It had been a long time since their rumschpringe, but she remembered the tan automobile Elam drove for a few months.

“Elam! Do you remember how to drive a car? We have to get Danielle to a hospital right now!”

Beth Wiseman's books