High Stakes Gamble

Chapter Forty-Two

Instinctively, Kai knew what had made Aurora trust Jane. He waited for a little while to let the poor woman enjoy the special connection she had with his daughter and then he broke the spell.

“I know why Aurora chose you.”

His words caught her attention and Jane looked at him. “What?”

“You said you didn’t know why my wife chose you to look after our baby. I do.”

“Why?” Jane’s gentle hand held the Lily’s tiny fingers and she caressed them as if they were precious.

“Because you love babies. I’ve never met you before but I can see it clearly. Aurora is the most intuitive person I’ve ever met, it’s one of her most fascinating qualities and so important in a good policewoman. She gave Lily to you because she knew you would never let anything happen to her.”

“I wouldn’t. She’s the most beautiful baby in the world.” Jane leaned over and kissed the fuzzy hair on Lily’s head. “I’ve wanted a child for so very long.”

“Tell me.”

Jane’s eyes cleared and she moved to lean her back against the nearest chair. Not realizing she’d left the gun under the teddy-bear blanket not far from Kai, she reached for a chew ring and handed it to Lily who lay across her knees fully contented.

“My husband Marc and I had been trying for a baby for fifteen years. When I found out I was pregnant with Lucy, we were over the moon. I’ve never been happier than I was for the nine months I carried my little angel. Never had a sick day during pregnancy and…”

Before she could sink back into despair, Kai quickly prompted. “Why did you call her Lucy?”

“Pardon me?” It took a moment for the clouded look to fade and awareness to return. “Lucy? Lucy is my second name. And it was my mother’s name. Once we knew we were having a girl, there was no decision.”

Kai smiled and nodded. “Makes sense to me. We called our baby Lily because it was Aurora’s favorite name that came from an adored friend she’d had growing up.” Just as he had made up the story about his marriage with Aurora, Kai wove another story about Lily’s name. “When Aurora was young, she lived near a nurse who, like you, cared for sick people. Her name was Lily and every day she would leave the hospital about the same time as Aurora left school. They would often walk home together. Lily lived in the apartment next door to Aurora. The lady treated Aurora so kindly that my wife loved the gentle soul. Since Aurora didn’t have a mother growing up, just a mean old drunken father, Lily became her saviour.”

“Poor little girl. I was very lucky to have a good mother.” Jane paid attention to his words as if mesmerized.

“Not everyone is as fortunate as you. It must be why you have such a loving nature. Aurora lived with a bastard for a father who treated her horribly. I guess that’s why her friend Lily became so important to her.”

“I can see that. Little girls are so impressionable.”

“Yes. When she told me about her friend, she sobbed her heart out. She admitted that Lily had saved her from becoming hard-hearted like her father. Having the woman’s gentle influence had made all the difference in the world. You wouldn’t know it by the way she acts when she’s working, but my wife is as mushy as a marshmallow bunny.” He laughed, encouraging her join him and felt exceedingly delighted when she did. Not wanting to break the momentum, he continued.

“At the scene in the doctor’s office was my wife kind to the poor woman who’d lost her baby?”

Jane thought for a moment. Her head leaned to the side and she blinked numerous times. “I believe so. I remember thinking that the other woman didn’t look so scared after your wife went to her.” Jane’s eyes widened and shock appeared. “Your wife, she hugged the poor dear. Held her close and calmed her. As a professional, I applauded her skill… her technique in taking charge. It’s so important to make the patient feel safe and that there’s someone in control.”

While Jane rambled on, Kai noticed that Lily had fallen asleep, most likely the sound of their voices talking had lulled her. “Your husband told us that you had that same type of skill. That your patients loved you and trusted you.”

“Yes. Many people complimented me on my nursing.” Jane’s back straightened and she lifted her chin. “Marc always told me how proud he felt. Where is Marc? He hasn’t come home for…” Panic appeared and Jane’s head swivelled toward the door.

Jumping into the quicksand of chance, Kai answered before he lost her. “He’s coming any moment. I saw him parking the car so he should be here soon. He’ll be anxious to see Li—the baby.”

Calmed by his soft tone once again, Jane replied. “Yes. He loves Lucy.”

“How could he not? She’s so beautiful. Does he like to hold her and rock her?”

“Yes. He’s very careful. Holds her head properly and rocks her so she won’t wake up. Oh yes. He’s a wonderful father.”

“I’m sure he has a key so he can come in without you having to stand and disturb the angel.”

“Uh huh.” Jane’s voice quieted for a minute and then she said. “Tell me more stories about your wife.”

“Ma’am, you certainly know how to make a guy happy. Talking about that woman is my favorite pastime.”

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