Eye of the Storm (Storm, #2)

After going through the cottage and finding nothing, he moved towards the main house. Silently creeping through, he arrived at Evie’s bedroom. He was disappointed there was no dirty laundry for him to go through. He went over to the bed and pulled the covers back. Slowly leaning down he moved from the top of the bed to the bottom smelling, closing his eyes in appreciation of the fact the linens on the bed had not been washed since she’d been gone.

He could smell her on them. This was the closest he’d ever been to her. He’d been missing out on her scent. His cock pulsated with anticipation. He pulled his pants down and slid up the bed on his stomach, burying his face in her pillow. He imagined he was pounding his cock hard and fast into her wet *. He thought of it being extra wet with all the blood.

Biting down as hard as he could on her pillow, imagining it being her neck, he thrashed his head back and forth, thinking of ripping the flesh off. That last thought was all it took to push him over the edge and he emptied himself all over her sheets. He rolled over and rubbed it into the sheets.

Pulling his pants back up, he took one last look at the room. A spur of the moment decision had him going back to her dresser and pulling out a couple pair of panties. Putting them in his pocket he walked to the next room. Silently opening the door, he walked in as if he owned the place. When he got to the side of the bed, he looked down at the sleeping old woman. She had no idea he was there, no idea what was coming.


Evie sighed and relaxed against the seat in the car on the way back to her grandmother’s house. The red-eye from Seattle was uneventful, except she didn’t get much sleep. The nightmares weren’t as frequent as the first night, but she didn’t want to panic the whole plane by waking up screaming.

She was hopeful that with the new information they just received they might be able to get somewhere. Anthony’s friend had come through and they’d found the flight information. It was a long shot, and a lot of names to go through, but maybe something would show up. It couldn’t be as easy as Jay Ellison was on a flight to a murder site around the time one happened.

Gasping, Evie sat up and leaned forward in her seat to get a better view out of the windshield. There were police cars and crime scene tape all around her grandmother’s house. Frantically searching the crowd she couldn’t see anyone she knew. As soon as Anthony stopped the car, she was out and running towards the house screaming her grandmother’s name.

Strong arms grabbed her from behind and held her from going any further. Kicking and squirming to get out of his hold, she turned and started beating her fists on his chest. “Let me go! I’ve got to get to Grams!”

“Miss Taylor?”

Evie turned around; the police officer was so serious. Thoughts whirled in her head. This couldn’t be good. Please God, let her be ok. She nodded, not able to form words. Starting to feel lightheaded because she was breathing so fast, she leaned back into Anthony searching for his strength. She took small comfort as his arms wrapped tightly around her.

“There was a break-in here last night.”

Evie’s hand flew to her mouth. “Oh no.” Everything started to spin. She was having a hard time concentrating on his words.

Anthony leaned down and whispered in her ear. “You’re stronger than this. Calm down.”

His words seeped into her soul and she grabbed onto them. “Tell me.”

“A, Jackson Taylor, came home a little bit ago; it appears he went down to Boston for the night. When your grandmother wasn’t downstairs as he expected he went upstairs looking for her. She was gagged and tied to the bed. They took her to the hospital to get checked out, but she should be fine. The guard on the other hand, didn’t make it.”

Evie sagged against Anthony, almost bringing them both down in the process. “She’s okay. She’s okay. I’ve got to get to her.” She pushed out of his arms and started running to the car. When he didn’t follow, she turned back around. “Come on.”

“I’ll be there in a minute. I just have a couple of questions.”

“You’ve got two minutes; otherwise I’m stealing your car.”

“La mia belezza, you might not want to say that in front of the officer.”

Fuming, she flung herself in the car. Tears started falling and she buried her face in her hands. She’d been so scared that her grandmother was dead. She should’ve never left her here alone. They should have made sure security was here for her. Her anger towards her brother intensified. She couldn’t wait to see him, wanting to kick his ass for leaving her there alone.

Looking up when Anthony opened the door, she felt like his calm was the only thing keeping her in control. When he pulled her into a hug, she didn’t notice the gearshift digging into her side. His warmth and support filled her up, making her feel halfway normal again. When he let her go, she leaned back into her seat. “Drive and talk. What did you find out?”

“It was Jeremy.”


“He left a message. He wanted to make sure we got it.”

“And, what was it.”

M. Stratton's books