Desire (Desire, Book 1)

Chapter Four

“Is there anything you want to ask me?” I spoke softly.

Neri, Sam and I sat on the couch. I had no idea what to say. Neri sat with her legs tucked under herself, focusing way too closely on fingernails. Sam looked up at me, confused.

“Who are you?” Sam asked innocently, brushing his golden bangs out from his eyes. Neri smirked. I shot her a look, and smiled at Sam.

“You don’t remember me? I’m your sister.” Sam didn’t look convinced. I didn’t blame him. Neri was his sister and he saw her every day. For a five year old, having a sister you don’t remember, or know, would be a big thing to get your head around.

“Why don’t you live with us, then?” He asked suspiciously.

“Because I came here to go to college. You were only a baby when I came here.” Sam seemed to accept that. I glanced back at Neri, who was now scowling, and still playing with her nails. “Guys, I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch. I wanted to. I didn’t think you’d want to hear from me.”

“What, things get too hard so you just give up?” Neri’s voice was laced with sarcasm as she glared at me.

“You hated me, Neri. You told me that enough before I left. You wanted me out of your hair. Out of your life. Gone.” I protested weakly. I knew I’d let her down, I’d known that from the day I left.

“I was eleven! I didn’t know what I wanted.” She sighed, shaking her head, “Look, it’s fine. Whatever. Is it okay if I go and read?” I nodded, watching as she flounced off to her room, not that she had waited for an answer.

Sam still sat next to me, stealing glances at me. For his sake, I put on my happy face.

“So, Sambo. Tell me about you.”

I half listened as Sam chattered on about Angry Birds, baseball and Lego, while the other half of me wondered what I was going to do about Neri. I’d been fifteen once, and fifteen year olds were hormonal, emotional and didn’t like to forgive.

Well, maybe that had just been me.

After arguing with myself for several minutes, I decided the best thing was to give her space. For the moment, anyway.


“Yes Sambo?” I put extra energy into my response, feeling guilty that I hadn’t really been listening.

“I’m glad we’re here.” I leaned over and gave him a hug. He was so sweet.

“Me too.”

“Kait?” Sam looked at me again, his eyes filled with worry, “Will mommy come back?” I felt my heart snap. What was I supposed to say to that?

“Sam, mommy loves you so much. I’m sure she will be back as soon as she can.” Sam smiled, as if he was happy with the answer. I wish I felt as confident as I’d sounded.

The worst thing about the situation with Neri was how civilized she was being.

I could tell she was hurt, and I knew she was feeling abandoned, first he dad, then by me, and now by her mum, but she refused to let me see any of that.

“You guys feel like pizza for dinner?” Sam let out a squeal. Smiling, I took that as a yes and turned to Neri. She shrugged, not looking up from her phone. I ordered enough pizza for four, knowing Ara would be home any minute. Just as I’d hung up the phone, Ara walked in.

“Hey guys! You must be Sam and Neri.” She smiled warmly at them both. Sam glanced at me, his expression alarmed. I smiled at him, letting him know it was okay.

“Guys this is my roommate, and best friend, Ara.” Neri smiled shyly, while Sam stared at her with wide eyes, instantly taken by her relaxed attitude, and her beautiful looks, like most people were.

“Are you looking forward to school, Neri?” Ara took off her coat, throwing it on the back of the chair she flopped down into, “I went to South West too. You will love it, especially a hot little thing like you.” Neri’s face reddened as Ara chuckled, “Hey, if you have it, flaunt it, right?” She nudged Neri, who blushed even more.

“I like school.” She admitted finally, “But I’m not sure about starting one mid semester, especially freshmen year.”

“Honey, all the boys will want you, and all the girls will want to be friends with you.”

“I have a boyfriend already.” Neri said quietly. I looked at her in surprise. A boyfriend? I hadn’t thought about the friends she’d had to leave behind, much less a boyfriend.

If I were in her shoes, I’d be hating the world right now.

“What’s his name?” I asked, smiling. Neri managed a smile back.


“Is he cute? How long have you been with him?” I asked smiling.

Neri pulled out her phone and handed it to me. I looked at the picture on the screen. Neri had her arms around a boy of about 16. He was cute, with his dark hair and tall athletic frame.

“We have been together almost a year.” I felt a pang of sadness as I noticed how happy she looked in this picture. There was no trace of that happiness in her face looking at her now.

“Maybe we can go and visit him next weekend.” For the first time, a sparkle appeared in her eyes.

“That would be awesome.” She smiled. Was I finally breaking through her armor?

Sam was busy showing Ara the ins and outs of his Lego collection. His shyness had evaporated as soon as she’d asked him about it. Ara glanced up at me and winked.

“Let’s put on a movie.” I decided. Pointing to the cabinet behind the TV, I told Neri to choose one. She poured over my selection (which admittedly wasn’t very good), before coming back over with Mean Girls.

“Now there’s a great choice before starting a new school.” Ara said dryly. Neri laughed, fitting into the spot between Sam and me on the couch.

“Maybe it will give me some ideas on making friends.” She quipped. Both Ara and I giggled.

“God help me if you get yourself suspended from school.” I moaned, covering my face in mock horror.

“You don’t need to worry about that.” Neri rolled her eyes, “If I want to study medicine, I need great results. Everything from now counts.”

I eyed her in awe of her determination. At fifteen, I’d had no idea what I wanted. The biggest thing on my mind had been trying to ensure how I could get an uninterrupted night’s sleep.

“How long have you wanted to be a doctor?”

Neri shrugged, “For about the last two years. As soon I was old enough to really consider what my options were.” I sat back, shaking my head. This kid was fifteen? She had more focus than half the people in my college. Who ‘considered their options’ at thirteen?

“You are so driven.” Ara commented, mirroring my thoughts. Neri blushed. “No, don’t be embarrassed. Be proud that you know exactly what you want.” A small smile appeared on Neri’s lips. Secretly, I think she loved having her hard work recognized.

“What does mom think about you becoming a doctor?” I asked softly, not wanting to ruin the moment, but curious as to how much encouragement she’d received at home. The smile disappeared and was replaced with a frown.

“Not much. She never really took much of an interest in school. So long as I went, and I passed, that was all that mattered.” Her voice hinted some sadness at mom’s lack of interest in her future.

“Neri, I’ve no doubt that with all the hard work you put into school, you will be an amazing doctor in ten years. You are definitely a special girl. This Jeremy fellow is lucky to have someone hot and smart.” I teased. Neri covered her face with her hands, but I could see she was smiling at my dig.

It had been a long day for everyone, so when the kids had gone to bed just after the movie, I wasn’t at all surprised. Alone in the living room, Ara joined me, handing me a beer.

“So, how are you?” She asked.

“I’m good. Better than I thought.” I admitted. Strangely enough, I really liked having the kids here with me. I knew it would take time for them to settle in, but the first day had gone well.

“They are great kids.” Ara commented, reaching for a handful of the nuts she’d just set on the coffee table, “I can’t believe Neri is only fifteen.”

“I know.” I agreed, “It’s kind of scary, how focused she is. I hope she doesn’t forget to be a kid while she still can.”

“I think she’ll be fine. Look at us. I’m always home, pining over my boyfriend, and all you do is work and study.” I rolled my eyes, wanting to argue that wasn’t true.

Unfortunately, it was.

“You should have seen this detective, Ara.” I sighed dreamily. Ara giggled, raising her eyebrows.

“Kait has a crush? Who’d have thought?” She laughed as I rolled my eyes. She made it sound like I never had boyfriends. “Admit it, Kait. You haven’t exactly been fawning over the opposite sex lately. Or any sex, for that matter.” She giggled. “And picking up the odd guy for a one night thing doesn’t count.” She cut in before I could reply. I closed my eyes, knowing I had no come back for that.

“Shut up and let me enjoy this.” I grumbled, propping my feet up on the coffee table.

“Fine, so what does detective hottie look like?” Ara held her hands up in defeat.

“He is so great.” I sighed, closing my eyes and picturing his face in front of me, “His eyes, Ara, are just so damn sexy. He has the most wonderful smile. And his body, god don’t get me started on his body-.. What?” I stopped abruptly when I realized she was smirking at me.

“Nothing.” She shrugged, her eyes dancing with amusement. “I’ve never seen you like this over a boy, that’s all.”

“Like what?” I argued. “You asked me what he looked like.”

“Yeah, and look at you. You’ve gone all swoony and lovely dovey. You’re like a big bag of mush.”

“I did not go all lovey dovey.” I retorted, color creeping into my cheeks. Ara rolled her eyes.

“You did too. It’s cute.” I knew she was teasing, but I couldn’t help but bite.

“Like you can talk! I hear you on the phone with Luke. Talk about lovey dovey.” I grumbled. Ara giggled and nodded her agreement.

“Hey, I’m not embarrassed about it. I’ll gladly admit that Luke and I never got past that cutesy stage. As soon as you admit you have the hots for this detective.” She added.

I narrowed my eyes at her. Why couldn’t I just appreciate his attractiveness? Why did I have to be crushing on him?

“Night Ara.” I stood up and kissed her head, ignoring her giggling as I went to my room.