Decker's Wood

“You never used to talk. As I recall, you were constantly stuck with your nose in a book. I didn’t even realize you had glasses or metal because I never saw your face,” I finally said.


Andi smiled again and my lip twitched at one side. A small smile found its way to my face which had recently become a stony scowl. Her happiness was contagious. I was nudged from behind, bringing me close enough to breathe in a lungful of Andi Jennings. Damn, she smelled as sweet as she looked. Cursing the asshole who had pushed me, I reached around Andi and grabbed her suitcase. As I did, I drew in another breath of her unique scent. Andi recoiled slightly and gave me an arched brow.


“What?” I asked with nonchalance.


“You sniffed me,” she said with an amused look on her face.


I shrugged. “You smell good, like cinnamon.”


She blushed. Too innocent, I reminded myself. New York was going to suck her in, chew her up, and spit her right back out. The thought of licking, sucking, and eating Andi filled my thoughts. Man, how long had it been since I had truly felt a spark of attraction to a girl? I couldn’t remember. Was this attraction? My semi-hard dick suggested it was. Bradley was going to kick my ass. This was my best friend’s little cousin—she had even lived with Bradley and his family for a short time—she was practically his sister. There were rules in these situations: hands off sisters and family. Andi was forbidden fruit, and even if she wasn’t, there was no way a pure country bumpkin like her could handle a self-confessed * pounding warrior like me.


“Come on,” I growled, my mood slipping back into the familiar sludge it had been in for months. “I got shit to do today.” Andi frowned as I turned and began to haul ass out of there. I was being rude, and a small part of me was ashamed I couldn’t even manage to display some resemblance to manners. The other part of me, the irritable and smug male that burned in my veins, just wanted to get out of here and away from the too sweet country girl. As Andi scampered along behind me, I realized I was lugging her suitcase, like a packhorse. Go fucking figure.






Chapter 2