Daughter of Isis (Descendants of Isis #1)

“Patience, Mikael.” Sean moved closer, focusing his turquoise eyes on Natti. They were as hypnotic as Seth’s, but instead of being warm and comforting, they were cold as steel. Drawing her deeper into their depths, her body temperature plunged as if she were thrown into an ice bath. “She just needs a little coaxing. After all, not even one blessed with Ma ‘at will resist my power for long.”

He stroked her head, and then ran the tips of his fingers under her jawline. An overpowering sensation ran through her body. Its power consumed her, causing Natti’s breathing to become even deeper and heavier. Yet the fresh air could hardly filter through Mikael’s grasp over her mouth. The headache burned, and her vision began to darken along the edges.

“You will talk,” Sean told Natti, continuing to stroke her chin. His touched chilled every inch of her body. “I have no doubt about it.”

A tear ran down Natti’s cheek. She pulled together what was left of her strength and screamed, pleading for help.

“Hem-netjer?” Doctor Chang pulled Sean’s gaze from her as he held up the syringe.

Sean nodded. Natti’s eyes widened at the sight of the needle being inserted into the tube. She cried for him to stop, and attempted to reach for the catheter in her hand. Mikael noticed her fingers twitch, grabbed her free hand, and forced his weight down on her head. She watched in terror as the doctor applied pressure on the syringe, pushing the liquid into the intravenous solution. Desperate, she tried again for the catheter, knowing she had little time before the drug would enter her system. Feeling her movement, Mikael squeezed her hand, shooting agonizing pain into her fingers.

“Easy,” Sean snarled. “We don’t wish to cause her too much harm before the offering.”

Natti cried, trying to get any muffled scream through Mikael’s thick skin. The injection Doctor Chang administered inched into the catheter, entered her blood, and coursed through her veins. In a matter of seconds, Natti felt her heart rate slow down from a gallop to a steady beat. Her body grew heavy and weary, sinking deep into the mattress. All her muscles released their tension, allowing her head to drift back under Mikael’s weight.

As if in a dream, Natti’s focus slowly moved to Sean. He gently pulled her into the depths of his eyes and stroked her arm. A harsh chuckle emerged from his throat.

“Yes, my beautiful child. Sleep.”

Natti tried to keep herself awake, but the weight of her eyelids overpowered her will. They fell like iron curtains. Her mind slipped from the conscious world.

The Jaguar pulled into the empty driveway of Natti’s home just as twilight began to fade. All the windows were dark; their curtains and blinds drawn. An air of abandonment draped over the exterior, gray walls. Seth shut off the engine, glancing quickly at the clock of his dash board. Apparently, Natti’s father hadn’t arrived home from the hospital. Visiting hours only just ended about five minutes ago, which meant he probably had less than ten minutes to break into Natti’s house and pack everything she would need for their new life.

No sweat, he thought with a cringe. Though he had high confidence in his skill for breaking and entering, his fear still had his nerves on edge. Even with the nurse watching her, he didn’t like to think of Natti being left alone in the hospital in her vulnerable state. And if he was caught . . .

No, don’t even go there. You can do this.

Seth shook his head, took the extra four hundred dollars he withdrew from the bank, and shoved it into his stash of cash. His tension building, he picked up the Glock 38 and removed the clip one last time. It was fully loaded. He shoved the clip back, feeling more secure, and placed it on the passenger seat.

Knowing his time was running short, Seth swiftly moved to the trunk. He glanced down the street at the other homes, making sure no one was peering out the windows. He opened the latch and snatched one of the two gym bags resting inside. His eyes skimmed the rest of his gear, double checking he had grabbed everything he could possibly need from his home: seven days of clothing, weapons, tool kit, first aid, tooth brush, and a few personal items. Now he just needed to collect supplies from Natti’s room.

His plan was simple. Sneak Natti out of the hospital and run away with her. He didn’t know how or even where they would go, but it was a plan nonetheless.

He gently closed the trunk and slipped to the front door. The glowing porch lamp shimmered over the doorway, giving Seth enough light to work. He pulled his wallet from his back pocket and took out his lock picking tools. Keeping one eye open for any danger, he inserted the tips of the torsion wrench and pick into the lock cylinder.

Kelsey Ketch's books