Daughter of Isis (Descendants of Isis #1)

Mr. Jackson stared into Seth’s eyes. The teacher’s mind opened to Seth, allowing him to guide Mr. Jackson to his conclusion. “I guess not.”

“That’s right.” Seth nodded in agreement. “Besides, you really don’t have anything to worry about, teach. I’m just being friendly. See you third period.”

Seth set his lunch tray down at his usual table, making sure to get a good view of Natti while she ate with her friends. Q shot him a quizzical glance over his laptop screen, raising his brow.

“I didn’t expect to see you here.”

“Yeah,” Ky spoke with his mouth full of tacos. “I thought for sure you hooked up with one of your babes for lunch again.”

Seth leaned back in his chair and shrugged. “I skipped breakfast this morning, and as much as I wish it weren’t true, I can’t live on sex alone. No matter how hot it is.”

He took a bite of his sandwich before letting his eyes shift to Natti. He began to undress her with his eyes. He started with her hair, releasing the bun and letting her dark waves of hair float down her back. He unlatched each button of her lightweight blouse, fully exposing the white tank top underneath. Picturing his fingers tracing her waistline, he then focused his mind’s eye on unzipping her khaki shorts.

Seth’s fantasies were interrupted by a sudden lurch of his heart. Something inside him tore open and crumbled, giving way to the force of his racing heart rate. The beast growled and hissed when the fire touched its flesh. Bewildered, Seth put down his sandwich and pounded his fist into his chest.

“Dude?” Ky asked, “Lunch not agreeing with you, bro?”

Seth waved off his concern, the burning pain dimming into a smolder. “Something like that.”

The predator in his heart settled down and licked its wounds. Seth’s mind drifted back to thoughts of Natti. He began to plot different ways of getting her alone with him. Considering their schedules and lunch hours, he listed the empty classrooms, offices, and abandoned restrooms he had at his disposal. Yet none of his usual haunts fit the bill. These were places more appropriate for a quick hook up, maybe for an hour or so if lucky. And time was precious in this case. Seth needed somewhere he could truly take the time to seduce Natti, to wear her down.

One day, he thought. That’s all I need. One day alone with her. I’ll take her to the presidential suite of my father’s hotel. Once there, I can use the full power of her name to help me seduce her. Slip inside her head. After which, she’ll be completely mine to play with. I will have full control. I just have to convince her to come with me, somehow.

The screeching of metal against vinyl flooring jerked him from his thoughts. Mandy yanked the empty seat right next to him and sat down. Her back leaning against the table, and her legs straddled around the back of the chair. Seth couldn’t help watch her chest heave as she thrust it forward. She smiled hungrily at him and twisted a strand of her golden hair.

“Hey you,” she breathed. “I thought we had plans today.”

Mandy released her hair and rested her hand on his. Her fingers squeezed and pulled at his skin. Seth realized her body was unconsciously looking to absorb some of his magic, which Mandy had become so addicted to over their years together. Seth gathered up her hand and let enough of his charm soak in to keep her hooked. Her face became dreamy, her eyes glassy, and she shivered in delight. Seth grinned. The urge to slam her against the table and nail her there grew stronger with every ounce of magic he used.

“Sorry about that, Mandy.” He glanced at Ky and Q. They were trying to pretend they weren’t watching, though it was clear they were from their snickering. “I’ll . . .” His eyes fell on Natti, and his hunger fell away. “I’m just not in the right mood. Maybe later.”

“Oh.” Mandy looked disappointed. “Too bad. You see, I had a little surprise for you today.”

Seth glided his fingers across the smooth flesh of her arm. “And what was that?”

Mandy gave him a mischievous smile, unbuttoned her blouse, and flashed him her new ruby red lingerie.

“Oh, yeah, babe!” Ky hollered and whistled.

The predator roared inside Seth as well. It wanted desperately to tear into her and satisfy its ever growing need for a victim. Reminding himself Natti and about a hundred other students were in the room, watching, Seth grabbed her blouse and covered her back up. Embarrassment and frustration heated his cheeks. He risked a quick glance Natti’s way only to find her focused on her own conversation.

Kelsey Ketch's books