Black Cathedral


Carter wrapped his hands around the mug of hot coffee and looked at the faces staring at him. He had no idea what they were expecting from him. They were going to be told a mixture of speculative conjecture based on what he had read, facts extracted from his recent research, and intuition. Personally he trusted the last one the most but doubted they would share his faith.
Kirby looked younger than ever; almost like a child waiting for her father to tell a favorite story, only Carter wasn’t sure this time there would be a happy ending. McKinley was impassive, his strong features seemingly relaxed, although Carter could tell by the pulses at his throat and temple that he was struggling to keep his emotions inside. Only Bayliss seemed relaxed, smiling as he breathed in the aroma of his coffee.
Carter took a sip of his drink, breathed out through his nose and summoned his thoughts. ‘Judaism originated in Israel about four thousand years ago; Christianity, both Protestant and Catholic, takes a lot from Judaism. Incidentally so does Islam.
‘Jews believe there is only one God, who created the Universe, and keeps it going for all time. God has always existed, and always will. God cannot be seen or touched but can be reached through worship. God chose the Jewish people as his special people and to be an example to the world.
‘Judaism doesn’t have any set doctrines, or creeds; it’s a religion that follows Torah which is guidance from God found in the scriptures. Humans are made in the image of God, and should try to seek holiness in everything they do every day.’
Bayliss caught Carter’s gaze and rolled his eyes to the ceiling. ‘There’s a point to this?’
Carter ignored him. ‘All Jews have an affinity to Israel, the land God promised to Abraham and to the holy city of Jerusalem. Jews are divided according to their beliefs and practices and also to their racial origins; some, the Ashkenazi Jews, having roots in central Europe, and others from Spain and the Middle East, the Sephardic Jews.
‘DeMarco was a Sephardic Jew.’
Bayliss snorted in derision. ‘There’s no evidence for that.’
‘None that you found,’ Carter said quietly.
Bayliss placed his mug untidily on a small side table and stood. ‘I’ve researched him for years and there are no suggestions that he was anything other than Spanish. Spain has a rich history of explorers and in his way that’s what deMarco was about. Only he took it to extremes.’
‘I haven’t said he wasn’t Spanish. Sit down and let me continue. I admire the work you’ve done, you told me things I hadn’t pieced together, but accept that I have an advantage.’
McKinley laughed, a gentle bass rumble. ‘He means his psychic ability.’
‘It allows him to get into corners ordinary research can’t reach,’ Kirby said.
When Bayliss was seated again Carter began speaking. ‘During the time of the Spanish Inquisition Jews living in Spain were persecuted for their faith. To continue living there many of them lived a double life of pretending to be Catholics but secretly practicing their real religion in private. Because Catholicism was considered the one true faith many Jews became conversos, people who actually converted to Catholicism but still practiced Judaism underground. Those who refused conversion were tortured and killed.
‘Those who converted but secretly maintained their true faith were called Marranos. In Spanish this means pig; it’s taken from the Arabic muharram, which means ritually forbidden, based on the Jewish, and Muslim of course, habit of not eating pork.
‘Many Jews did actually convert to Christianity but they were never fully accepted. The conversos on the surface were practicing Catholics; they went to Mass, but didn’t embrace the faith. They still ate no pork, celebrated Passover, and gave oil to the synagogue. The Marranos employed a man to slaughter the animals, drain away the blood and deliver the meat, and another man to secretly perform their circumcisions.
‘The large numbers of the conversos, and especially their wealth and influence naturally aroused the envy and even the hatred of the Spanish Catholic population. The New Christians, those who actually converted, were hated the most, but all the Marranos were persecuted. In the fifteenth and sixteenth century there were many attacks and riots because of religious bigotry.’
Carter paused while Kirby and McKinley made some fresh coffee and sandwiches.
‘Smoke?’ Carter offered Bayliss while they waited for the others.
Bayliss shook his head. ‘One of the few vices I’ve managed to avoid.’
‘You see where I’m headed with this?’ Carter said, drawing the smoke deeply and dangerously.
‘You can’t have positive proof. Most of your conclusions will be supposition at best.’
Another cigarette was lit from the end of the first. ‘Partly, but don’t underestimate my powers. They’ve let me research this in ways you won’t have been able to. You’ve done well; what you told us confirmed most of what I’ve found out.’
McKinley and Kirby came back in with two trays, one of coffee and one of ham and cheese sandwiches.
‘Cigarette out please, Robert,’ Kirby said as she brought over a mug of coffee and plate of food. She smiled at him as he took them from her.
When they were settled again, and Carter had devoured half his sandwich, he began talking.
‘In Spain the Jews were gradually placed in ghettos and ended up living apart from the Marranos. The two communities continued to communicate, with the unconverted Jews trying to keep the conversos faithful to Judaism.
‘Constantly persecuted during the Inquisition, most conversos tried desperately to leave the country. This wasn’t easy, although many fled to Italy, ironically the country that houses the Pope. Fanatical Popes imprisoned the conversos; those who didn’t convert were burned in public executions.
‘In Spain a certain group of Marranos began to embellish their Judaism. Living in houses of secrets they looked for outlets beyond their Jewish faith. Practicing in secret meetings they began to adopt the ancient and mysterious ways of Kabbalah.
‘Kabbalah is considered to be the world’s oldest set of spiritual wisdoms. Believers say it contains the long hidden keys to the secrets of the universe as well as the ways to unlock the mysteries of the human heart and soul. Kabbalah details how to navigate the whole world, physical and metaphysical, to stave off every form of chaos, pain and suffering. It teaches that every human being is born with the capacity of greatness and that Kabbalah is the way to activate that greatness.
‘Kabbalah is meant to be used every day; remember how that links to the Jewish ideal. Kabbalah has as its purpose to bring clarity to the world, make people free to live to their full potential and ultimately to erase even death itself.’
Carter finished his coffee, lit another cigarette, and looked at each of them in turn. ‘DeMarco was a Marrano. He took the path to Kabbalah but he twisted it out of all recognition. Bitter at the persecution he saw against his family he pursued the path towards erasure of death, and…’
‘And succeeded,’ Bayliss said, with a kind of awe.

L. H. Maynard & M. P. N. Sims's books