After the Storm (Storm, #1)

“I can be strong. I’ve faced harder things than Noah Matthews. I’ve spent a lot of time and energy rebuilding after everything that happened with my last relationship. Is it no wonder that I don’t want to just jump into bed with him. I thought I was being careful last time, and look where it got me.”

Propping her chin in her hand she gazed off lost in thought. “It’s not just his looks Pepper, he’s got a heart too. Remember all of his work with the Special Olympics? Can you image jumping into Lake Michigan during the winter for their Polar Plunge to raise money?” She shivered just thinking about it. “And don’t forget Make a Wish. How many times has he done that? Or even just visited sick kids that were in hospitals near their concerts? There are endless charities that he donates not only time but money to.”

“I’m not going to make it through these months without giving in, am I, Pepper?” Lexi leaned forward and placed her head on top of her dog’s.

Another alarm went off upstairs. “Crap, I’ve got to get ready.” Lexi shook her head to clear her thoughts. “Be a good girl and do your doggie chores while I’m gone. Oh, and don’t get too attached to the neighbor.” That is advice both of us need to take.



“Whew, it is going to be a hot one today.” Evelyne Sumner smoothed down her sleek, modern, bobbed haircut. Just because she was in her seventies and had grey hair didn’t mean she couldn’t look nice. She wore simple elegant clothes that stood the test of time and the only jewelry she wore was her and her late husband’s wedding rings on a chain around her neck.

Evelyne had been an accountant for a publishing company. One of the happiest days of her life was when they created spreadsheet programs on the computer.

“Do you think he’s going to take his shirt off?” Said Evelyne

“If we’re lucky,” replied Leigh Winslow. She was tall and thin with dark grey hair that fell just below her shoulders. You never knew what she was going to wear, or what she was going to do with her hair on any given day. Leigh had been a singer and actress before falling in love with her husband, Ray. After they’d married, she had given up her career as soon as she found out she was pregnant and had never looked back, happy to stay home and take care of her little boy, the house, and her husband.

“Ladies, can’t we enjoy the scenery without you two getting in the gutter?” Marie Holmes was the voice of reason among the three. Her hair and clothes were always perfect along with her manners. She was a bestselling author of many books, timeless stories of romance and strength of character. Her stories were truly inspiring along with her marriage to Tobias and their five children together.

“No!” Evelyne and Leigh replied at the same time before dissolving into giggles.

“Are you two ever going to grow up?” Marie held up her hand to them. “Nevermind, I’ve known the answer to that question for over fifty years.” She looked up and sighed. “You know I enjoy watching men as much as you do, but do you always have to go there? I swear, you two must take cold showers all day long.” She shook her head and shuffled a deck of cards while keeping an eye out for the men.

“Well, I do have a special shower head.” Evelyne giggled.

Marie stopped mid-shuffle. “Evelyne, I cannot believe you just said that.”

“I can. Who do you think told me about it for my bathroom remodel?” snickered Leigh.

Marie rolled her eyes at the two of them while waving at them. “Now be quiet, we are going to miss the action.”

And that was how Lexi found the ladies.

She knew right where they would be—every Thursday the landscapers came, and every Thursday the ladies would come to senior center to sit on the patio under the umbrellas and play poker. Lexi knew their secret though. Oh, sure, they held the cards and shuffled them every once in a while but basically, they were just props.

These little old ladies had been her grandmother’s best friends since college. Through marriages, families and death they’d always come together for one another. They were feisty and would let you know exactly what they were thinking.

Lexi enjoying giving them a hard time for peeping at the landscapers. “I thought I’d find you all out here. How’s the show?” She placed her clipboard on the table.

“Shirts are still on so it’s slow going,” Leigh grumbled while looking at Lexi out of the corner of her eye.

“Well, it’s still early.” Lexi smiled and took a look around. “Do you need anything, maybe some water to cool yourselves down?” She wondered if there was anything that could keep them under control.

Evelyne waved her off without looking at her. “You could go over and tell them to take their shirts off. Give an old lady a thrill.” She patted Lexi on the arm.

“I think they’re onto you and just hold out to tease you.” Lexi rubbed a hand over Evelyne’s shoulder in return.

“I think it’s because of OSHA rules. They have to follow them,” Marie said smugly.

M. Stratton's books