Two Dark Reigns (Three Dark Crowns #3)

“This is more than just ships,” Katharine says. But whatever they give is a small price to pay. The Martels had sent their favored son to become the king-consort of Fennbirn Island, and he had not even lasted a week before being killed in a fall from his horse. A bad fall, thrown down a shallow ravine. It took most of another week to find his body after his horse came back without its rider, and by then, poor Nicolas had been dead a long time.

If only they knew exactly how long. The story of the fall was a lie. A fabrication, worked up by Pietyr and Genevieve, so that none would ever know the truth: that Nicolas had died after consummating his marriage with Katharine. That she is a poisoner in the most literal sense, her whole body toxic to the touch. No one could ever know that. Not even the island, or they would also know that she can bear no mainland-fathered children. That she cannot bear the next triplet queens of Fennbirn.

Whenever she thinks of that, she nearly freezes in fear.

“What are we doing, Pietyr?” Her hand hangs over her half-finished signature. “What is the point, if at the end of it all, I cannot provide my people with new queens?”

Pietyr sighs. “Look at this with me, Kat.” He takes her hand, and they return to the portrait. There is not much to it yet. Shapes and impressions. The blackness of her gown. But the painter is gifted, and even at so early a stage, she can imagine what the finished painting will look like. “‘Katharine, the fourth poisoner queen,’ it will be called. Katharine, of the poisoner dynasty. Who follows in the footsteps of the three previous poisoners: Queen Nicola, Queen Sandrine, and Queen Camille. It is who you are, and we have plenty of time to put things in place to ensure the future of the island.”

“My whole long reign.”

“Yes. Thirty, perhaps forty years.”

“Pietyr.” She laughs. “Queens do not rule that long anymore.” She sighs and cocks her head at her unfinished image. Barely begun and unknown, much like she herself is. Who knows what she might do during her years as queen? Who knows the changes she might make? And Pietyr is right. The people will know what they need to know. Already they do not know that she was thrown down into the Breccia Domain, saved from death by the spirits of the dead sisters who were thrown down similarly when their Ascensions failed. The people do not know that she has no true gift of her own, and what strength she has is borrowed from those same dead queens, who even now race through her blood in a rotten current.

“Sometimes I wonder whose crown this is, Pietyr. Mine,” she whispers, “or theirs. I could not have done it without them.”

“Perhaps. But you do not need them anymore. I thought . . . ,” he says, and clears his throat. “I thought they might be gone. That they might leave you alone now that they have what they wanted.”

Katharine’s stomach flutters. Her hunger for poison and her lust for blood have slackened since her sisters sailed into the mist to drown. So perhaps Pietyr is right. Perhaps the dead queens are finished. Perhaps now they will grow quiet and content.

She finishes signing the orders Pietyr brought and takes up her empty bottle and rope as the painter returns.

He wraps the rope again around her wrist, over and over until he has it just as it was. “We must work quickly now, before I lose the light.” He lifts her chin with a finger and gently positions her head, daring one moment to look into her eyes.

“How many sets of eyes do you see?” she asks, and he blinks at her uncertainly.

“Only yours, my queen.”

The next morning, Genevieve arrives at the door of Katharine’s chamber to escort her to the Black Council.

“Ah, Genevieve,” says Pietyr. “Come in! Have you had your breakfast? We are just finishing.”

His voice is bright and smug; Genevieve’s smile forced and closer to a grimace. But Katharine pretends not to notice. Natalia’s murder has left a void that must be filled, and all Arrons will bicker among themselves to fill it. Besides, despite the hatred she still feels for Genevieve, Katharine has determined to judge her anew. She is Natalia’s younger sister, after all, and now the Arron matriarch.

“I have already eaten.” Genevieve studies the queen’s empty plate: a mess of cheese scraps and bits of boiled egg. Smears of a jam of poison fruit. “I thought we had decided to limit her poison intake after what happened to the king-consort.”

“It is only a little jam.”

“Two days ago, I saw her shove belladonna berries and scorpions into her mouth faster than she could chew.”

Pietyr glances at Katharine, and she blushes. The dead warriors made her hands itch for blades, and the dead naturalist queens drew her to stroll in the garden. Sometimes the dead poisoners had their cravings.

“Well,” he says, “limiting her intake may not reverse the condition anyway.”

“But it is worth trying, since we have time. And that is the only thing we do have, is it not?”

Katharine slips away to feed Sweetheart as they argue. The coral snake has molted and grown and has a lovely new enclosure filled with leaves to hide behind and rocks to sun herself on. Katharine reaches into another small cage and scoops out a baby rodent. She loves to watch Sweetheart race across the warm sand of her enclosure after it.

“Is there a particular reason you have come to escort me this morning, Genevieve?”

“There is. High Priestess Luca has returned.”

“So soon?” Pietyr wipes his lips with his napkin and stands. It has been only two weeks since the High Priestess departed for Rolanth to move her household from her quarters in Rolanth Temple to her old ones in Indrid Down. “Kat, we should go.”

One on each side, Pietyr and Genevieve escort her down the many stairs of the West Tower, down and down until they reach the main floor of the Volroy and the council chamber. The other members have already assembled, chatting quietly over their tea. High Priestess Luca stands apart, drinking nothing and speaking to no one.

“High Priestess Luca,” Katharine greets her. She takes the old woman’s hands. “You have returned.”

“And so quickly,” says Genevieve with a frown.

“My household is traveling slowly behind me by wagon,” Luca replies. “I have beaten them by a day or two.”

“You should install some of your belongings here in the West Tower.” Katharine smiles. “It would be good to have another floor in residency. From a distance, it looks very grand; imagine my surprise to discover how many floors are taken up by kitchens and storage.”

She and the High Priestess both refuse to acknowledge the sour looks on the faces of the council, as well as their own discomfort. Katharine cannot say that she likes the old woman, and from the way Luca’s eyes follow her, she knows the High Priestess neither likes nor trusts her either. But Natalia struck this bargain. Her last bargain. So Katharine will honor it.

She gestures to the long dark table, and the Black Council takes their seats as servants leave two fresh pots of tea, one poisoned with Natalia’s beloved mangrove, and refresh the sugar and lemon bowls. They clear old cups and saucers littered with biscuit crumbs and brighten the lamps before closing the heavy doors. An extra seat has been added for Luca. Pietyr sits in Natalia’s old seat, though he has not replaced her as Head.

As Cousin Lucian goes over the day’s accounts—tax collections from the merchants for the Queens’ Duel were higher than expected, and there is a fear over a lack of crop production in Wolf Spring—Katharine does her best to pay attention. But day-to-day matters on the island are not what is on everyone’s mind.

“Oh, how long will you make us wait?” Renata Hargrove exclaims.

“Renata, be calm,” says Genevieve.