The Psychology of Time Travel


An imbalance in foreknowledge has had adverse effects on my primary relationship

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It is difficult to resolve conflicts when my partner and I have different chronologies

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It is easier to resolve conflicts when my partner and I know what the outcome will be

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My primary relationship is a source of continuity for me

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I feel like my partner is the only person for me

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Knowing how my primary relationship will end has a negative effect on the health my relationship

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Knowing how my primary relationship will end has a positive effect on the health of my relationship

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My primary partner and I agree on how I should spend money in other time periods

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My primary partner and I agree on whether I should have secondary sexual partners in other time periods

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My primary partner and I agree on how much foreknowledge I should disclose

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My primary romantic relationship has met my original expectations

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I enjoy the company of my primary partner

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I am happy with my primary relationship

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I am satisfied with my primary relationship

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Changes in sexual behaviour, since entry to the profession


Talking through sexual issues with my older selves has improved my sexual confidence

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Talking through sexual issues with my older selves has made no difference to my sexual confidence

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Talking through sexual issues with my older selves has worsened my sexual confidence

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I don’t talk to my older selves about sex

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Seeing my other selves has made me happier with my physical appearance

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Seeing my other selves has made me more anxious about my physical appearance

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Seeing my other selves has made no difference to how I feel about my physical appearance

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Exposure to sexual mores in other periods has positively affected my attitudes to sex

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Exposure to sexual mores in other periods has negatively affected my attitudes to sex

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Exposure to sexual mores in other periods has made no difference to my attitudes to sex

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I am exclusively attracted to people from a specific time period

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I am exclusively attracted to inanimate objects from a specific time period

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I am exclusively attracted to my alternate selves

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I am exclusively attracted to my descendants

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I am exclusively attracted to acausal people

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I am exclusively attracted to acausal objects

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I am aroused by the smell of atroposium

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I am aroused by being in time machines

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I am only aroused in specific time periods

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I am only attracted to my long-term partner in specific time periods

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I only feel sexually uninhibited in specific time periods

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I feel freer to practise illegal sexual practices in time periods other than my home timeline

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I feel freer to practise stigmatised sexual practices in time periods other than my home timeline

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Experience of unwanted sexual contact, since entry to the profession


I have been the victim of sexual harassment in the course of my work

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I have been the victim of unwanted sexual contact in the course of my work

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In some time periods, I worry more about the risk of unwanted sexual contact

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I avoid some time periods because I worry about the risk of unwanted sexual contact

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Reference: Smolenski, W. (June 2020). ‘Measuring relationship satisfaction in couples with asynchronous partnerships.’ Journal of Chronostudies. 5 (2). 43–47.

Obsessive-Compulsive Scale for Time Travellers (OCScaTT) Indicate your level of distress, over the past month, using the following scale: 1 = none, and 10 = very high


During time travel, I can’t stop myself thinking things that scare me

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After time travelling, I can’t stop myself thinking things that scare me

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I believe that germs from other time periods will contaminate me on a trip

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I believe that germs from the time machine will contaminate me

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After using a time machine I obsessively repeat the Conclave’s hygiene protocol

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I continually ‘go over’ events in the past to check I’ve done nothing wrong

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I continually ‘go over’ events in the future to check I’ve done nothing wrong

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I hoard things from the past

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I hoard things from the future

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I repeatedly check that the time machine is secure, before or after use

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I repeatedly visit particular moments in the past to see I’ve done nothing wrong

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I repeatedly visit particular moments in the future to see I’ve done nothing wrong

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I worry that I’ve left things I need in the past even when I know I haven’t

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I worry that I’ve left things I need in the future even when I know I haven’t

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I get upset if my pre-time travel ritual is disturbed

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I get upset if my post-time travel ritual is disturbed

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I have thoughts that I’ll harm somebody in the past even though I don’t want to

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I have thoughts that I’ll harm somebody in the future even though I don’t want to

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My preparations for time travel must be made in a specific order

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Every trip must be of a specific duration or I fear something bad will happen

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I need to pray before each time travel trip or something bad will happen

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I need to pray during each time travel trip or something bad will happen

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I need to pray after each time travel trip or something bad will happen

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I hate operating time machines because I worry I’ll lose control of them

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I am more concerned than I should be about safety issues relating to time travel

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I avoid touching objects that have come from particular time periods

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I worry about radioactivity in some time periods despite taking normal precautions

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I feel I can only visit years that fit a particular numeric pattern

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I repeat time travel trips until they feel ‘right’ to me

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It takes me longer than most people to prepare for time travel because of my rituals

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Kate Mascarenhas's books