Tales from a Not-So-Glam TV Star

Everywhere I hid, the camera eventually found me. Including the janitor’s closet. . . .




Finally I gave up and just let the camera follow me around school. Which also meant I NOW had to stay clear of Brandon.


My situation was kind of depressing because, thanks to MacKenzie, I finally had some extra free time in my schedule.


But thanks to her little on-camera confessional, I couldn’t EAT LUNCH with Brandon, TALK to Brandon between classes, WORK on Brandon’s project in the library, or even HANG OUT with Brandon after school.


MacKenzie had managed to manipulate me AGAIN! And drive a wedge between Brandon and me.


Of course, I didn’t help our situation any when I just disappeared into thin air and left him standing there in the hallway, flustered and confused.


After that little stunt, Brandon had every reason to avoid me like the plague. Hey! I was SO disgusted, I wanted to avoid ME too!


OMG! I was so upset, I wanted to cry. But I couldn’t do THAT, either, with that stupid camera all up in my face!


I could hardly wait for the school day to FINALLY be over!


As soon as I got home, I ran up to my room, threw myself across my bed, and had a good cry. Then I just stared at the wall and sulked. Which for some reason always makes me feel a lot better.


Soon I fell asleep and had the most HORRIBLE nightmare! The scariest thing about it was that it felt SO real!


When I finally woke up, it was almost midnight. And since I was feeling better, I started writing in my diary. But then I had the weirdest feeling that something else was in the room with me.


Something VERY evil! And when I looked up, I actually saw it! OMG! I was so TERRIFIED that I wanted to scream, but I COULDN’T. . . .






Finally, I woke up for real and realized it was still all just a very bad dream. Thank goodness!


I was a little paranoid, though, so I checked under my bed and inside my closet for hidden cameras, crazy TV crews, and nasty cue cards. I’m thinking I’ll probably just sleep with the lights on tonight. . . .



















After I had that valentine confiscated in bio last month, you’d think I would have learned my lesson!


RIGHT? WRONG!!! I can’t believe I came SO close to getting my CELL PHONE confiscated!


I was in math class, DYING to update Chloe and Zoey on the situation between Brandon and me.


And when my teacher instructed the class to take out our textbooks and our calculators, I knew it was the perfect opportunity to grab my cell phone and send them a text.


Hey, it DOES have a calculator! So why NOT? I figured as long as I raised my hand and gave her a few correct answers, my little secret would go unnoticed.


I was also being as careful as possible to follow the SGTCWGC, also known as the STANDARD GUIDELINES FOR TEXTING IN CLASS WITHOUT GETTING CAUGHT!








1. Text and read texts openly in class.


2. Look at your phone and laugh.


3. Wear clothing without pockets.


4. Forget to silence your phone.




1. Text without looking at your phone.


2. Sneak a peek at your phone and respond later.


3. Wear a sweatshirt with a front pocket or carry a purse to conceal your phone.


4. Know where your teacher is at all times.






It is VITAL that every kid who owns a cell phone AND texts during class knows these rules. Otherwise, you’ll be at serious risk for a CPCBT, also known as CELL PHONE CONFISCATION BY TEACHER! Anyway, I decided to text Zoey and update her on Brandon and me. It went something like this:


* * * * *


Nikki: Hey! I need advice on what to do about Brandon.


Zoey: Spill!


Nikki: I think he’s avoiding me! Probably because of the TV camera fiasco.


Zoey: R u kidding me?! But that was all MacKenzie’s fault.


Nikki: Yeah, I know. I think I need to talk to him again.


Zoey: I agree! But what are you going to say?


Nikki: If x = -4, then 24 + 3 - 2x = ?


Zoey: ?????


Nikki: Sorry! I’m in math class and using my phone as a calculator :-p!


* * * * *


“MISS MAXWELL! WHAT are you doing?!!”


My teacher was staring at me.


As I scanned the room I also noticed that the entire class was gawking at me too. It was HORRIBLE!


I knew I had to say something quick, so I just said the first thing that came to my mind.


“Um . . . using my calculator?”


“Then why is it vibrating?”


I racked my brain for a logical reason why a calculator would be vibrating.


“Um . . . how about it’s really nervous because it doesn’t know the answer to the problem?!”


My teacher frowned and started walking quickly toward me with her hand held out to do a surprise CPCBT (Cell Phone Confiscation By Teacher).


I panicked and froze like a deer in headlights.


That’s when I remembered the most important SGTCWGC guideline of them all: What to Do in the Event of a Surprise CPCBT.






If a teacher ever approaches you and extends his/her hand for a CPCBT (Cell Phone Confiscation by Teacher), DO NOT GIVE UP YOUR PHONE! Instead, simply open your mouth, take out the gum you are chewing, and place it in the palm of his/her hand. S/he’ll be SO utterly DISGUSTED s/he’ll quickly FORGET the reason s/he approached you.





Russell, Rachel Renée's books