Tales from a Not-So-Glam TV Star

And get this!


A guy was standing there holding cue cards with stuff written on them that Trevor Chase was supposed to say on camera.


I just sat there blinking nervously with this stupid smile plastered across my face.


Then an entire television crew just appeared out of thin air.


A huge camera was pointed at me, a bright light flashed on overhead, and a microphone was stuck right in my face.


If I hadn’t already been sitting down, I would have keeled right over.


My BFFs would have had to literally PEEL me off the floor.


Everyone at the table just stared in shock with their eyes as wide as saucers and their mouths hanging open.


I just sat there blinking nervously with this stupid smile plastered across my face. Then a huge camera zoomed in so close, everyone could probably see my nose hairs. . . .




Trevor then explained to our TV audience (TV AUDIENCE?!!) that a camera crew from our local TV station affiliate would start filming me on Monday, March 10, and through the end of the month—at school, at home, practicing with my band, recording at the studio, and just hanging out with my friends and having fun.


I knew I was lucky to have such a wonderful opportunity. Hey, most kids would KILL to be in my shoes! Having a reality show chronicling my experiences as a POP STAR and ACTRESS was just so . . . I don’t know . . . um . . .




But in spite of all of that, there was one tiny thing that TOTALLY freaked me out.


Namely, the possibility that a TV camera might be following me . . .




This could create a problem because I have a big secret. I attend my school on a bug extermination scholarship !


And the bug exterminator has a raggedy van with a hideous five-foot-long plastic roach named Max on top of it. Unfortunately, all THREE of them live at my house !


I swear! I will DIE of EMBARRASSMENT if the kids at my school see all of this SUPERpersonal stuff about my life on TV.


“So, Nikki!” Trevor read from a cue card. “What’s your answer? Are you willing to let all of our viewers at home join you on this fabulous adventure in your quest for fame, by allowing them a peek into your very private life?”


That’s when I noticed that all of my friends were staring at me, nervously waiting for my answer.


There was a very good chance this show could RUIN my life. I sighed deeply and bit my lip.


“Um . . . OKAY!” I answered as I looked directly into the camera and dazzled viewers with my bright smile and ADORKABLE charm.


But another part of me—a darker, more insecure side—wanted to scream my REAL answer to the WORLD at the top of my lungs. . . .









OMG! I’m going to be CRAZY BUSY for the next three weeks. My schedule is RIDONKULOUS!! Which is, like, ten times worse than ridiculous!


Filming TV show




8 a.m.–3 p.m.




Voice lessons




5 p.m.–6 p.m.




Recording sessions




7 p.m.–8:30 p.m.




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Russell, Rachel Renée's books