Mr. Spencer

I should be nervous. Charlotte would be terrified of going on a blind date with someone. But somehow, Sarah makes Lottie feel brave.

If we can handle Veronica and acid-dropping photocopiers together, we’ve got this in the bag.

I glance down at myself. I’m wearing a fitted black dress that has little capped sleeves and a gathered waist. I have my best black heels on, and my blonde hair is up in a bouncy ponytail so everyone can see my sassy red lipstick.

Wyatt looked me up and down when I walked out of the lift at the Four Seasons, and I didn’t know whether he wanted to spank me and send me back into the room to change, or whether he wanted to kiss me.

Either way, he looked at me like I was different in this outfit. I’m not sure if I liked it.

Sarah links arms with me as we stride down the street towards our destination. Being this fake version of me gives me a confidence I didn’t know I had.

“Where are we going?” I ask her cheerfully.

“Burbank. It’s just up here, and it’s the hottie capital of London.”

“Remember, if it’s not going well, we’re out of here and we’re going out just the two of us. You promised,” I remind her. “I don’t want to be stuck with a moron all night.”

She nods. “I know, but trust me, my date isn’t a moron. Just the opposite, actually. I hope his friend is cute for you. I’m sure he will be.”

I roll my eyes, and she pulls me up the six sandstone stairs into the swanky looking restaurant.

Seductive music is being piped through the speakers, and the decor is modern and eclectic. Large leather chairs are placed everywhere, with huge low-hanging lanterns over every table. The crowd seems trendy, and the atmosphere is fun.

I glance back out through the glass windows to see Wyatt and Anthony crossing the street towards the club.

I told them to get dinner and have drinks so that they don’t look suspicious. Sarah grabs my hand and pulls me through the crowd.

“Where are we going?” I shout over the noise.

“To the back… I can see them.”

“I thought you said you didn’t know what they look like?”

“I know what my date looks like. I’ve stalked him for years.” She cranes her neck to look over the crowd. “Oh, your date looks hot, too.”

I smile as relief hits me, and then we come into a clearing next to a table.

“Hi, I’m Sarah,” she says nervously before she turns to me. “And this is Lottie. Lottie, this is my date, Spencer Jones, and your date here is Richard Marlin.” She’s beaming with pride, waiting for me to react.

The blood drains from my face.

Her date.

Spencer? My Spencer is her fucking date.

Big blue eyes come to rest on mine, and Spencer raises an eyebrow in surprise, a mischievous smirk crossing his face. “Hello, Lottie.”

Oh. My. God.



“H-hi,” I croak.

Sarah shakes Richard’s hand, and then Spencer’s. “It’s so lovely to finally meet you.”

They both stand, moving around the table to shake my hand, with Richard reaching for me first.

“Hello, Lottie.” He smiles. He’s handsome with dark brown hair and big brown eyes.

Then Spencer turns to me and takes my hand in his. It’s hot and tingly, and I instantly remember the way it felt against my behind.

“Hello, Charlotte,” Spencer purrs in his oh-so-sexy voice.

I push out a forced smile and tear my hand from his grip. “Hi.” I fall into my seat.

“Her name is Lottie.” Sarah smiles. “Lottie Preston. She just started working with me in the mailroom this week.”

Spencer frowns, his eyes drifting back to mine with silent questions. Dear God, he’s going to blow my cover.

This was the stupidest idea I ever had.

“You work in the mailroom?” Spencer asks Sarah, casting her a quick glance.

“For now… while I look for something else.” Sarah smiles.

Spencer’s attention turns back to me. “And…you… work in the mailroom, too?”

“Uh-huh.” I fake a laugh, feeling my underarms beginning to perspire. “I need to go to the bathroom.”

“Yeah, me, too,” Spencer says fiercely.

I practically run to the front of the restaurant, and around the corner, but of course he follows me.

“What the fuck is going on?” he whispers angrily.

“Oh, Spencer,” I whimper in a fluster. “Don’t blow my cover. I’m pretending to be someone else.”

He scowls hard. “Why?”

“Because I don’t like being Charlotte Prescott.”

“What’s wrong with being Charlotte Prescott? I happen to like her.” He quickly looks around the corner to see if we have been caught talking. “And what the fuck are you wearing?” he hisses when he looks back down at me.

“Sure.” I huff. “You like Charlotte so much that you practically broke a leg when running away from her.”

“Actually, it was your fucking bodyguard who threw me out… at your insistence.”

“Because of the look of disgust on your face,” I whisper angrily. How dare he throw this back on me? I’ve felt like crap for two weeks over this.

His eyes pop, anger radiating from him. “Disgusted?”

“Yeah, in my virginity!” I snap. “I’m so sorry to have disappointed you,” I spit.

I don’t know why, but we are both fuming mad with each other.

He throws his head back in disgust. “You have got to be kidding me?”

Something snaps inside of me, and I don’t want to be sweet Charlotte Prescott for one moment longer.

“Well, you don’t need to worry about me anymore, Mr. Spencer.” I sneer, furious. “That situation has well and truly been taken care of.”

He stares at me for a moment, connecting the dots.

“You slept with someone?” he finally asks, like he’s been winded.

“Yep, and it was great.” I glance back to the table. Screw him having the upper hand all the time. I’m not giving him the satisfaction.

“Do we have a problem here?” Wyatt growls as he approaches us, making us both jump.

Spencer throws up his hand in the air. “You. Fuck. Right off… right now. I am not in the mood for your shit tonight.”

“Not a chance,” Wyatt replies calmly, getting up in Spencer’s face.

Good grief.

I roll my eyes. “Wyatt, can give us some privacy, please?”

Wyatt hesitates.

“Now!” I snap. “Don’t blow my cover.”

He glares at Spencer, and then he reluctantly walks off through the crowd, back to his table.

“Was it him?” Spencer growls.

“Huh? Was what him?”

“Did you sleep with fucking Wyatt? Because if you did, so help me God, Charlotte.”

My mouth falls open… because that is literally the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.

His eyes widen as he waits for me to answer. He comes closer to my face. “Are you fucking kidding me? It was him, wasn’t it?”

I put my hands on my hips and narrow my eyes. “I’m going back over there to my date, and I’m going to continue to be Lottie Preston for the rest of the night. And you…” I poke him hard in the chest, “are going to shut your big mouth and not blow my cover.”

He narrows his eyes and glares at me.

I turn to the back of the restaurant, inhale, and drop my shoulders before I walk back to the table with my heart hammering hard in my chest.

I find Sarah laughing out loud at something Richard has said, and I casually drop into my seat.

“So, Lottie…” Richard smiles. “Sarah was just telling me that you are new to London. What made you move down here?”

“Yes.” Spencer sneers as he slides into his seat. “Please share. I’m fascinated to hear all about it.” He steeples his fingers under his chin and smiles sarcastically.

I swallow the lump in my throat.

Oh God.

I fake a smile. “Well.” I glance over to my two bodyguards who are sitting at the front of the restaurant.

Thump, thump, thump goes my heart.

“Lottie worked at a nursery.” Sarah smiles proudly and pours me a glass of wine. “Didn’t you?”

The blood drains from my face. “Yeah.” I pick up the glass of wine and nearly drain it in one go.

“I do love maternal women.” Richard smiles and he places his hand over mine on the table.

Spencer frowns and looks down at our hands, and then he narrows his eyes at me, his fury palpable.