Half Bad

Then Gabriel nudges me. I turn to see the front door opening and two Hunters leaving the house. I get that confused feeling, wondering what’s happening, and I can’t work it out but I tell myself to look away and find I’m looking at Gabriel’s profile and he turns and looks at me, smiles and then murmurs, ‘Rose is with them.’



I nod. Rose has done well to get in and out without being spotted. But I can feel my heart thudding now. Does she have the Fairborn?


‘Let’s go.’


But before we take a step there’s a shout from the house. From inside. I can’t make out what it’s saying but I think it’s Clay. And then I hear, ‘Find whoever’s got it – NOW!’


We hunch down low and run fast through the garden to the back of the house, over the fence and into an alley.


Gabriel runs left to the corner. ‘This is where I said we’d meet.’


I keep watch to the right while Gabriel looks down the side street.


I hear a soft giggle and turn round.


Rose is leaning against Gabriel. They are both smiling. As excited as kids who’ve stolen sweets from a shop. Rose holds up a long knife. Black handle, black sheath.


‘Easy for someone so talented,’ Gabriel says to Rose. ‘But I think Clay has noticed the Fairborn is missing …’


‘Let’s go,’ I say, and head back along the alley.


We’re sprinting when a Hunter steps out of the road ahead of us. She seems as surprised as we are. She stops, hesitates, then shouts, ‘They’re here!’


I’m nearest to her and in that time I’ve closed in on her. She’s taking her gun out of its holster and I’m three strides closer. She’s raising her gun as I launch myself at her, my right arm going for her throat and my left for her gun. I hear a shot and I land on her and we seem to fall in slow motion but my hand is on her throat and she’s looking at me. And she’s so young, not much older than me, and the glints of light in her eyes are twisting frantically and then I hear a crack and it’s the sound of her skull and the glints in her eyes have gone.


I’m sitting astride her.


There’s a metal grille behind her head and there’s blood oozing over it. As I get up I see that her neck is at a strange angle. I want to believe the metal grille killed her but I had my hand on her neck and her neck is broken and I still can’t believe she’s so young and I killed her. I manage to get up but it’s hard. My side hurts.


Then there’s a shot and another and another. I drop down to a crouch and turn to see Rose lying on her stomach on the ground and Gabriel kneeling by her, his arm stretched out, gun pointed at the body of another Hunter lying on the ground further back down the alley. Nobody moves.


Rose is very still. As still as the Hunter by me.


Gabriel bends down and takes the Fairborn out of Rose’s hand. He has to unfurl her fingers and he lays her hand back down on the ground and by then I’m next to him. Rose’s head is turned to the side; her eyes have no glints in them and her back is a mass of blood.


Gabriel pulls me away and we’re running round the corner and there’re more shots. There’s another Hunter up ahead and Gabriel is shooting at her and we’re in some gardens and over a fence and then I have to stop.


I’ve killed a woman. I didn’t mean to but her neck is broken and Rose is dead too and I’m shaking. There’s blood all over my hands, the girl’s blood, and I’m rubbing my hands on my shirt but there’s more blood. There’s lots of blood.


Gabriel says, ‘Oh no, Nathan.’


And I look up at his face and see then that he’s staring at my stomach and he pulls my shirt back and my knees are like jelly.


‘Shit, Nathan.’


I look down. My T-shirt has a spreading dark stain on it. The blood looks black.


‘I’m OK.’ I’m saying it without thinking anything about it. I don’t feel OK.


‘I can heal it,’ I say. I get a buzz and straighten up. Take a breath. Calm down. ‘I’m OK.’


She shot me in my left side, lower ribcage.


‘I’ll be fine.’


My hands are still shaking. For some reason I can’t heal that.


‘You sure?’ Gabriel sounds so worried.


‘Yes. Let’s go.’


And we go and I’m OK for five minutes but then the pain in my ribcage comes back. I’ve healed it and it has come back and the pain is crippling. This isn’t normal. I have to stop again.


Gabriel says, ‘It’s a Hunter bullet, not a fain bullet. Is it still in you?’


‘I think so.’


‘We’ve got to get it out. It will be magical, poisoned.’


‘There’s no time. I can heal it for now. Get it out when we’re at Mercury’s.’


‘It’s bad, Nathan.’


‘I’m fine. At the moment I’m more concerned about getting a bullet in my back.’


And I set off but I can tell I’m slow. I’m struggling to keep up with Gabriel. In fact, I’m not keeping up, he’s slowed right down. We turn the corner and a jeep is coming towards us. A Hunter jumps out, shooting, and Gabriel shoots back and then we’re running and I can’t keep up with him. I know Gabriel must have hit the Hunter, because I’d be caught by now if he hadn’t.


We go through more gardens to reach a back alley. Gabriel waits for me, then scoots me over a high wall.