Frigid (Frigid, #1)

Chapter 2


“Hey,” Paul said, sliding into the spot Andrea had occupied. “I didn’t know you were coming out. You didn’t say anything in class today.”

“Last minute decision.” I took a sip of my rum and Coke. It was already watered down. “How was the final?”

“I think it went well. You?”

I shrugged. “I think I passed.”

“You probably aced the damn thing.” He stopped, ordering a Sam Adams when the bartender came around. “Are you all packed for the trip tomorrow?”

We were leaving on our annual ski trip to Snowshoe Mountain tomorrow. This was Paul’s first time, but Kyler and I had been going up to his mom’s ski house since we were kids. This was Andrea’s and Tanner’s second year, and some of Kyler’s other friends would be there, too. We usually had a big group going.

“I was packed last weekend.” I giggled. “I’m anal like that.”

His easy grin spread. “I still need to pack. By the way, thanks for inviting me. I’ve never been up to Snowshoe.”

Surprising since he’d grown up in the neighboring town, and I figured everyone who lived in Maryland had been to Snowshoe at some point. “No problem. You said you liked skiing and stuff, so it made sense. Kyler will be out on the slopes all day and night, so you’ll definitely have someone to ski with.”

Paul’s blue eyes drifted toward the table they sat at. “I don’t know about that.”

I frowned and totally refused to see what was happening at the table of sin and sex. They were probably making babies. “What do you mean?”

“I don’t get the impression that Kyler’s a big fan of mine.” His gaze settled on me once more and he shrugged. “Anyway, you’re heading back home after you leave Snowshoe?”

I nodded. “Yep, doing Christmas with the family and staying there until spring semester starts back up. You?”

“I’ll be in Bethesda part of the time and then Winchester with my mom.” He scratched at the label on his bottle, his brows knit. “Parents divorced a few years back, so I go between houses.”

I hadn’t known that. “Sorry to hear that.”

A small smile appeared. “It’s no big deal. I still get to do the whole two Christmases thing, so I’m not complaining.”

Taking another quick sip, I placed my glass down. “Double the presents.”

“Double the fun.” His gaze fell to his beer. Half the label was gone. “Look. I thought we could do—”

Strong arms wrapped around my waist from behind. I was pulled off the stool, and my surprised shriek was cut off when my back hit an immoveable wall of muscle. I was enveloped in a bear hug that smelled of the outdoors and light cologne.

Only one person in this world gave me hugs like this or felt that hard…that good.

Kyler’s deep voice rumbled through my body. “When did you get here?”

My feet still weren’t touching the floor. “A little bit ago,” I gasped out, gripping his forearms through his sweater.

“What the hell? Have you been hiding from me?”

Paul leaned back against the bar and grinned, but it was strained. Not that I could blame him. Kyler always kind of burst in and took over every situation. “I haven’t been hiding,” I told him, flushing when my eyes met Paul’s. “And can you put me down?”

“What if I don’t?” he teased. “You’re so little I could put you in my pocket.”

“What?” I laughed. “Put me down, you idiot. I was having a conversation.”

“Sorry, Paul, I’m stealing her.” Kyler wasn’t sorry at all. He backed away, giving me no choice, because there was no way I was breaking his hold. He turned, dropping into a chair nowhere near the table he’d been at and pulling me into his lap so I was sitting sideways. He looped his arms around my waist. “I’m not happy with you, Syd.”

I arched a brow as my heart rate picked up. He was the only person who called me Syd—well, the only person I let call me that without kicking them in the shin. “Really? Over what?”

“You’re talking to that douche.”

“What douche?”

He leaned in, resting his forehead against mine, and my breath stalled in my chest. Why must he always get so damn close? And he really, truly, always did. “Paul.”

“What about him?” I put my hands on his shoulders to push back, but his arms tightened, holding me in place. “Are you drunk?”

“Am I drunk? Aw, now you’ve gone and hurt my feelings, Syd.”

I smirked. “You don’t have any feelings.”

“Now, now. That wasn’t very nice.” His impossibly long lashes lowered, shielding his eyes as he lifted his head, rubbing his cheek along mine. My fingers dug into his shoulders as desire twisted tight in my center. “I have all these feelings, Syd.”

It took me a moment to respond. “You’re so full of it.”

He rubbed his cheek against me like a cat seeking a belly rub, and I fought the urge to purr. “I’m full of something.”

“Piss and vinegar?” I suggested as I desperately tried to ignore the way my pulse pounded in all the right places.”

He chuckled deep in his throat as he leaned back against the seat he’d taken hostage. “Back to the serious nature of our conversation.”

“Which is: why are you playing Santa right now?”

Kyler’s lashes lifted and his eyes drilled into mine. “Hmm, now that sounds interesting. Have you been naughty or nice this year, Syd?”

I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. My cheeks burned as his gaze turned knowing.

“I know what you’ve been.” He kissed my forehead. “You’ve been nice.”

My shoulders slumped. I didn’t want to be nice. I wanted to be naughty like Blondie. When she’d been in his lap minutes before, I doubted Kyler had been teasing her. Maybe I should scoop some ice up and see what he did, except that would require me doing so out of a random glass, and that was just gross, especially after all that herpes talk.

I needed to change the subject. “Is it still okay for me to leave my car at your place tomorrow, and you take me home when we leave Snowshoe?”

“Of course. Why wouldn’t it be?”

I gave a lopsided shrug. “Just checking.”

And just like that, Kyler was all serious, proving he wasn’t drunk at all. “You don’t ever have to double-check on something like that, Syd. You need a ride at two in the morning, you call me first.”