
THE BUS CAME FOR THEM ON THE EAST SIDE OF HOLT AT seven-thirty in the morning. The driver waited, was turned sideways in the seat staring at the front of the trailer house. She honked the horn. She honked a second time, then the door opened and a young girl in a blue dress stepped out into the untended yard of cheatgrass and redroot, walking toward the bus with her head down, and climbed the metal steps and moved to the middle where there were empty seats. The other students watched her pass in the narrow aisle until she sat down, then started talking again. Now her mother came out of the trailer holding her younger brother by the hand. He was a small boy dressed in blue jeans and a shirt that was too big for him buttoned up to his chin.

After he had climbed aboard the bus the driver said: I shouldn’t have to wait for these kids like this. There’s a schedule I got to follow, if you didn’t know.

The mother looked away, peering through the row of windows until she saw the boy was seated beside his sister.

I’m not going to tell you again about this, the driver said. I’ve had it with you people. There’s eighteen kids I got to pick up. She swung the door closed and released the brake and the bus jerked down Detroit Street.

The woman stared after her until the bus turned the corner onto Seventh and then looked all around as if someone along the street might come to her aid and tell her what to say in reply. But there was no one else outside at this time of morning and she went back to the trailer.

Old and dilapidated, it had once been bright turquoise but the color had faded to a dirty yellow in the hot sun and the blasting wind. Inside, clothes were piled in the corners and a trash bag of empty pop cans was leaning against the refrigerator. Her husband sat at the kitchen table drinking Pepsi from a large glass filled with ice. Before him on a plate were the leftovers of frozen waffles and fried eggs. He was a big heavy black-haired man in outsized sweatpants. His enormous stomach was exposed below his maroon tee-shirt and his huge arms dangled over the back of his chair. He was sitting back resting after breakfast. When his wife came inside he said: What’d she do? You got that look on your face.

Well, she makes me mad. She isn’t suppose to do that.

What’d she say?

She said she got eighteen kids to pick up. She said she don’t have to wait for Richie and Joy Rae like that.

I’ll tell you what I’m going to do, I’m calling the principal. She isn’t allowed to say nothing to us.

She isn’t allowed to say nothing to me never, the woman said. I’m telling Rose Tyler on her.

IN THE WARM MID-MORNING THEY LEFT THE TRAILER AND walked downtown. They crossed Boston Street and followed the sidewalk to the back of the old square redbrick courthouse and entered a door with black lettering spread across the window: HOLT COUNTY SOCIAL SERVICES.

Inside on the right was the reception room. A wide window was set above the front counter, and hollowed into the wood under the glass was a security pocket through which people passed papers and information. Behind it two women sat at desks with files stacked on the floor beneath their chairs, with telephones and more files on the desktops. Pinned to the walls were large calendars and official bulletins issued by the state office.

The man and woman stood at the window, waiting as a teenaged girl ahead of them wrote on cheap yellow tablet paper. They leaned forward to see what she was writing and after a moment she stopped and gave them an annoyed look and turned away so they couldn’t see what she was doing. When she was finished she bent and spoke into the gap beneath the window: You can give this note to Mrs. Stulson now.

One of the women looked up. Are you talking to me?

I’m finished with this.

The woman rose slowly from her desk and came to the counter as the girl slipped the paper under the glass. Here’s your pen back, she said. She dropped it into the hollow.

Kent Haruf's books