She tried to smile at the blunt way he put it but her lips trembled and she gave up with a sigh.

“I’ll need at least one hand free so I can hold a gun and protect us both. Terrence will secure you to my back. We once carried a teammate’s wife out of the jungle just like I’m going to carry you, so it’ll work. I don’t want you to worry. If you don’t trust in anything else, you trust in the fact that we’re going to get you out of these mountains.”

The unwavering conviction in his voice gave her the first hope she’d experienced in many weeks.

“I won’t let you give up,” Rio continued. “I know you hurt. I can only imagine what those bastards did to you. But you aren’t giving up, Grace. You’re a fighter. Your sister’s a fighter.”

Tears shimmered in her vision again, making Rio grow hazy. “I can’t talk to her. I’m not sure I can talk to anyone … like before I mean.”

Rio leaned over, his face close to hers. “You’ll get it back. I heard you last night. It’s there. You just have to heal both in body and spirit.”

“Who are you?” she whispered around the knot in her throat.

He smiled then, white teeth flashing against dark skin. “I’m the man who’s going to get you the hell out of here and then I’m going to hunt down those sons of bitches who hurt you and gut every last one of them.”

She shivered at the menace in his voice but was oddly comforted by the savage vow.

“We need to roll, Rio,” Terrence said, startling her. She’d forgotten his presence. Had forgotten all of the men standing in close proximity.

Rio nodded and then stood, towering over her. She suddenly felt very small and insignificant and extremely vulnerable as she lay huddled on the ground, surrounded by the warriors with death in their eyes.

This time Terrence knelt by her side, his voice quiet and she suspected purposely gentle so as not to scare the bejebus out of her. It was a little late for that …

“All right, Miss Grace. This is what’s going to happen. The men are going to fashion a sling of sorts that will secure you to Rio’s back. I’m going to lift you very carefully. I’ll try not to hurt you.”

She nodded her understanding.

He smiled at her, and she decided he was an extremely handsome man despite his fierce appearance. Moreover, she believed him when he said he’d try not to hurt her.

He slid his arms underneath her body. “Deep breath.”

She sucked in, closed her eyes and he lifted upward. She was amazed at the ease in which he picked her up. She opened her eyes and watched him. There was no evident strain. Just calm focus.

Diego appeared on her other side.

“Diego’s going to hook his arm underneath your leg,” Terrence explained. “I’m going to take the other.”

She appreciated the patience he demonstrated and how he explained every step so she wouldn’t be frightened. At this point, she was ready to be done with it all. The sooner they left this place where she was hunted, the better she’d feel. Maybe then she could begin healing.

She nodded her acceptance and as soon as she did, Diego stepped forward and slid his arm underneath her legs. He hooked his other arm behind her and he and Terrence held her up to Rio’s back.

The other two men quickly wound the long strips of cloth they’d secured together underneath her bottom and underneath her legs. They did a series of figure eights, coiling rope and material up and over Rio’s shoulders then under and around her legs and behind until she was solidly supported and attached to his back.

Diego positioned her splinted arm at Rio’s side just underneath his armpit and then secured it to Rio’s body as well.

She had no idea how on earth Rio was going to be able to move with her plastered to his body the way she was, much less carry a gun, but he didn’t seem at all bothered by the prospect.

“How are the ribs?” Rio asked.

Maya Banks's books