Wicked Cravings (The Phoenix Pack Series

Chapter TWELVE

Dante dedicated the following few weeks to ensuring that Jaime didn’t ever again think that she came second to his job. He did just as he’d promised her that he would: he delegated more to the enforcers (who were happy about it and sincerely loved Jaime for making him “see the light”), he scheduled uninterrupted quality time for them to spend together alone, and he always headed back to her at the same time each night.

That nagging feeling to keep busy taunted him from time to time, but all he had to do was remind himself how it had felt when Jaime tried to end things between them. Just like that, the nagging became background noise. He refused to go through it again, refused to lose her for real.

It probably would have been much harder to adapt if Jaime hadn’t kept her promise to help in the afternoons. At first it had been hard to let her help, because he wasn’t comfortable having another cook in the kitchen—particularly a messy one—but the difference her help had made was actually shocking. She had taken over having the private meetings with members of the pack who had grievances, and they had actually come to prefer speaking with her. He guessed it was most likely because of how she gave a person her full attention; it probably reassured them that their issue would be addressed.

In addition, she often answered and made important calls. Her husky sex-hotline voice made her a popular medium of communication, and he knew she was often asked if she was mated. That pissed him off, but she only laughed at his jealous grumblings.

One thing he didn’t allow her to help him with was the paperwork. He had a nicely organized system going, and he did not want her fiddling with it. Fortunately, she wasn’t a fan of paperwork, so she merely shrugged at his refusals to accept her assistance—just as she had done only five minutes ago. She knew she was messy, and she was unapologetic about it. It was surprisingly endearing even while it made him crazy.

Because of her new duties in the pack, her increasingly improving control of her wolf, and her perseverance with the training he was giving her, the pack had settled around her. There were some who still had some reserves—namely Greta, Cam, and Trey. But it was only ever Greta who voiced them, and that was no longer out of any real concern. Greta did that purely to torment Jaime for fun.

He could sense that Greta actually admired Jaime for the strength she had shown. But obviously the old woman would never admit it aloud.

Dante wasn’t really in much of a position to criticize people who wouldn’t admit things aloud.

Not considering the thoughts he’d been having and keeping to himself lately. Six nights ago, he had lain there looking at Jaime’s sleeping face, thinking about just how different his life had become since she came along. Being his support boat, his assistant, and his confidant, she was much like a Beta female, he’d mused. A second later he’d dismissed that thought, because no, it was more than that.

She was like an enforcer, a Beta female, and a mate all rolled into one. And that was when he had first started contemplating the idea of imprinting.

His aversion to mating up until now had been that he didn’t want to have to give up his position within the pack. But he knew that Jaime would never ask him to do that. Even when he was neglecting and hurting her, she hadn’t given him an ultimatum. In fact, she was supportive of his job and even helped him juggle his responsibilities so he could have a work/life balance. Not only that, but he cared about her. Cared more deeply than he was comfortable admitting. In short, she was everything he needed and wanted. The only thing he wanted now was more of her. He wanted, needed, every single part of her.

Getting her to agree to imprint, however…that could prove to be difficult. Although she was battling hard to maintain control of her wolf, and fully intended to win that battle long-term, he knew that she had her doubts. She would never mate with him, as she would see that as risking his life. If she had been anyone else, he’d have been confident that he could wear her down over time, but he could begrudgingly admit that the woman was, in fact, more stubborn than he was. He’d learned quickly that she was resistant to bribery and emotional blackmail. She was also way too smart to fall for his attempts at reverse psychology, so little tricks would get him nowhere.

He told himself to just be satisfied with what he had, but now that he’d explored the prospect of imprinting, he couldn’t let it go. He wouldn’t be satisfied until he owned her, body, heart, mind, and soul. That presented him with an even bigger problem. If he wanted to be bonded to her that badly, there was a good chance that the process of imprinting would automatically begin. What he had to decide now was whether he should tell her what he wanted, or whether to let her find out when she suddenly started wearing his scent and sensing his feelings. Yeah, he didn’t think Jaime would appreciate the latter. But to tell her what he wanted would be to risk her leaving him. He couldn’t do that. Wouldn’t.

“You’re staring,” Jaime accused in a singsong voice from the small sofa to the left of his desk.

She hadn’t had to look up from her laptop computer—she was supposed to be checking the Pack Web but had ended up playing solitaire—to know that. She’d felt his eyes on her; she always did. He had a way of looking at her that made her feel that she was the only thing he could see, the only thing of any relevance to his life. His need for her—both sexual and emotional—was right there in his eyes for her to see whenever she wanted to. He didn’t hide it, didn’t hold back from her anymore. And she loved it.

Jaime hadn’t found it at all surprising that his office was immaculately tidy and orderly. So orderly that it often made her want to mess it up just for fun. Honestly, neat places were the equivalent of big, red, tempting “Don’t Press” buttons to her. But Dante would probably hyperventilate, and while that would also be fun to watch, it would make him take longer with his work.

Opting out of telling her that he’d also been lost in thoughts of imprinting on her, Dante instead said, “Give me a number between one and twenty.”

Unable to see where this was going, she shrugged. “Eleven.”

“You lose. Now strip off your clothes.”

She laughed, adoring how roguish he could be sometimes. Despite being a naturally good-humored person, he was only ever this playful with her. She loved that he was comfortable enough to drop his guard for her. “Aren’t you supposed to be going on a pack run?” He was, but he didn’t want to go without her. He felt bad leaving her behind, hated the idea of her alone and yearning to run with them but not able to. “Too much paperwork to do.”

“Bullshit. Get out there. You’ve avoided going the last few times, and don’t think I don’t know why. Your wolf needs this.”

“He needs you more.” It was true.

“There’s that mouth again,” she chuckled. “Get out of here. I’ll be waiting naked in bed for you. How does that sound?”

Rising from his seat, he went to squat in front of her. Taking the laptop from her and placing it on the sofa, he took her hands in his and massaged her palms with his thumbs. “Come with us.” He breathed her in, letting her delicious, captivating scent galvanize and arouse him.

“I can’t. You know that.”

“You don’t have to shift. You can still come with us. Taryn used to do it all the time before overcoming her latency.”

“I know, but the others hadn’t felt threatened by her. The pack might have accepted that my wolf is messed up, but that doesn’t mean their wolves will be so accepting.” He brushed his lips against hers, still as obsessed as ever with that carnal mouth. “Their wolves will sense your wolf’s temperament, yes, but they’ll also sense your control over your wolf.

If I thought they’d be tempted to challenge you, I’d never suggest it.”

“Trey won’t like it. He’s too overprotective with Taryn right now.”

“He and Taryn won’t be there. He took her to bed just after dinner. The pregnancy wipes her out.” Drawn by the marks on her neck, he leaned forward and licked at them. He grazed his teeth over a certain spot, thinking his claiming mark would look perfect right there. And he would claim her, would ensure that she irrevocably belonged to him. “Come. I want you with me. My wolf wants you with us.”

Touched by the sentiment, she swallowed hard. It had been a long time since she had been on a pack run, and it called to her on a primal level—a call she had ignored for a very long time. “Okay.” As they walked through the tunnels toward the main door, Dante smiled at how silent and fluid her movements were. After only two months of training, she was effortlessly stealthy, and he was so proud of her. The determination, persistence, and tenacity she had exhibited had shocked all the enforcers. It had earned their respect in a way that nothing else could have. In fact, Tao had actually admitted that he had been wrong about her—and he wasn’t a guy who would easily admit when he was wrong.

Midway through one of the tunnels, they came across Gabe. Jaime gave him a huge smile.

“Hey there. Aren’t you going on the pack run?”

He returned her smile. “No. Hope and I have plans. Look, um, I’d like to talk to you alone for a sec.” He flicked a brief glance at Dante, who Jaime suspected wasn’t pleased.

“Sure.” At the sound of the objecting growl behind her, she sighed. “He’s my brother, Dante.

I’m pretty sure he’s not about to make any sexual advances if you leave us alone.”

“It’s not anything bad,” Gabe assured Dante. “I just want to talk to Jaime about something before I mention it to anyone else.”

Dante didn’t like that there might be secrets between him and Jaime, but he knew that Gabe often went to her for reassurance or advice. They had a close sibling relationship, and that wasn’t something Dante would ever impose on. He kissed her temple and nodded. “I’ll wait for you outside.”

“Nothing’s wrong, is it?” she asked Gabe as soon as she knew that Dante was out of hearing distance. Although he’d assured Dante it was nothing bad, she wouldn’t have been surprised if her brother had simply told Dante what he thought he’d want to hear to make him leave.

“No, not at all. It’s good news.”

“Don’t keep me in suspense.”

He inhaled deeply. “Hope and I have begun imprinting on each other.” That had not been what she’d expected, though maybe it should have been, considering how much time they spent together. “Oh, wow. Gabe, that’s great.” His perceptive eyes narrowed slightly. “You don’t seem as though you really mean that.” Knowing he would sense if she was lying, she held her hands up in a placatory gesture. “Hey, look, I’m not going to ask you if you’re sure this is what you want. I know you well enough to know that you’d never forsake your true mate unless you loved Hope. I just…let’s just say that I know someone who was partially imprinted with someone who then met their true mate. What happened afterward wasn’t pretty. But if you care enough about Hope to risk that, then I’m happy for you.” His expression softened at her support and approval. This was what she had wanted for him when they came here. She had wanted him to be happy and settled here in case she had to leave. Gabe being mated was more than she could have hoped for, and it meant that he would never follow Jaime if she left.

“You’re thinking this means I’m trapped here now, aren’t you,” he guessed with a smile.

He was a pain in her ass. “Stop reading my mind.”

“I just know how that brain of yours works. Thanks for being so supportive. I appreciate it.

And I hope the same thing happens for you and Dante someday.” There was no denying that she wanted that, but it wasn’t something that could ever happen.

Hearing Gabe bring it up only served to put salt in the wound. “Gabe, you know that—”

“What I know is that the guy absolutely adores you. Look at all the things he’s done for you, all the changes he’s made. You don’t do that for someone unless they mean a lot to you.”

“It doesn’t mean he wants to be bonded.”

Gabe snorted. “You’re not dumb, Jaime. It’s only a matter of time before imprinting starts.

You must already know that.”

She shook her head. “Dante would never want that. Especially when there’s no guarantee that Trey won’t make me leave the pack at some point. I’ll keep fighting my wolf every step of the way, Gabe, but I won’t ever allow myself the luxury of thinking that I’ll always be able to. Trey would be right to throw me out if my wolf got too strong. Dante would have to choose between going with me or breaking an imprinting bond”—again—“and I know he’d never choose the latter. I wouldn’t let him.”

“You know he’d never let you leave, no matter what anybody said. If you try to go, he’ll track you down and drag you back here. We both know that you’d never be able to hold out against him if he fought to keep you or wanted to imprint on you.”

Damn her brother for knowing her so well. Her words were quiet and sad. “I’d be risking his life if I imprinted on him.”

He put his arm around her and pulled her to his side. “Jaime, you must realize how much better your wolf has been. She responds to Dante—he makes her feel secure. It stands to reason that she’d feel even more secure if you bonded.”

“I can’t ever take that risk, even if he wanted me to.” She knew for sure that he wouldn’t chance going through that pain again.

“At least you’re admitting that you want to. That’s more than I expected. If you’re scared that you’ll lose him to his true mate, don’t. If he wanted her, he wouldn’t be in so deep with you. And if you’re feeling bad that you’re not waiting for your true mate, don’t do that either.”

“Don’t you feel bad that you’re not waiting?”

He sighed. “A part of me does. But there’s no guarantee that I’d find her. Lots of shifters don’t.

I’ve found somebody I love enough to bond with them. I’d be an idiot to ignore that. And so would you.” With a kiss to her forehead, the pain in her ass released her and continued down the tunnel.

He’d always had a way of jumbling her thoughts.

Outside the main door, she found Dante waiting impatiently. “You could have gone without me. I’d have followed.”

He took her hand in his and dragged her to him so that he could plant a kiss on her mouth. “No.

We go together.”

He often did that—ate up every single bit of personal space she had. She shouldn’t have liked it, should have instead felt threatened by it or found it imposing. Instead, it made her feel safe, cared for, protected, and cosseted. The way his body heat swathed and encased her only added to that feeling of safety, only made the close contact more comforting. It scared her how much she liked it, because she wasn’t sure how she’d cope if she no longer had it. A little of that anxiety must have shown on her face, because he cupped her cheek and breezed his thumb over her mouth.

“You okay, baby?” Her bright smile settled and invigorated him.

“Fine. Let’s go.”

In a small clearing far into pack territory, they found the rest of the pack. Having watched them out of her bedroom window many times whenever they gathered near the lake, Jaime knew which wolf was which. She smiled as she watched a wolf with the salt-and-pepper fur—Dominic—

playfully bound into a wolf whose fur was black other than that on his face, neck, and the insides of his ears, which were a creamy blond. Ryan, she knew. He somehow withstood the impact and gave the salt-and-pepper wolf a look that could only be described as superior. Then he swiped his paw at him, knocking him to the ground.

Suddenly two gray-brown-yellow wolves—Trick and Marcus—were on top of the salt-and-pepper wolf. The three of them tussled and wrestled, releasing high-pitched barks.

“Maybe one day Dominic will realize that he doesn’t have a chance of coaxing Ryan to play.

How’s your wolf?” Dante studied her expression intently as he ran a hand through her hair and brushed his lips against hers.

“She’s a little wary. She knows these are her packmates, but she’s never encountered their wolves before. I’m pretty sure she’ll be happy to see yours.”

“Good. Hopefully it’ll help her settle.” He smiled at the hunger in Jaime’s eyes as he stripped naked right in front of her. “Soon, baby,” he promised. In a matter of seconds, he had shifted.

Jaime crouched down to the large gray-black wolf in front of her. He rubbed his cheek against hers and sniffed behind her ear, taking in her scent. Smiling, she shoved him by his muzzle. “Go on.

Go play.” He licked her hand and yapped playfully. Then he loped off to join the mock fighting along with a jet-black wolf—Tao.

She could only laugh as she watched the five wolves chasing, pouncing, ambushing, and shouldering one another. There was also a lot of jaw wrestling and grabbing each other by the scruff of the neck to wrestle each other to the ground. The other wolves lounged around, watching the scene with only a slight interest.

Unsurprisingly, she found herself lamenting that she couldn’t free her wolf and play with the others. She wanted to be able to shift with Dante and let their wolves run together, wanted to be at one with her wolf rather than at war with her. Although her wolf, too, wanted to run with her male, she was too distracted and wary to actually yearn for it.

Pulling Jaime from her thoughts, a graceful red female wolf appeared beside her. Shaya. Jaime ran her fingers through her fur, frowning in distaste as the red wolf repeatedly licked her face. “Bad girl.”

Seemingly jealous, her gorgeous gray-black wolf trotted over and bumped the female wolf’s body aside. The red wolf snapped at him in complaint, but she didn’t challenge the dominant male wolf. Instead, she went to lie beside the salt-and-pepper wolf who was sprawled on the ground, panting crazily.

It had been so long since Jaime had felt this sense of belonging. Her wolf had settled a little now that her male was here, and she lazed within Jaime, content though still alert—always alert.

When the gray-black wolf stretched out in front of her and then rolled onto his back, showing her his white undercoat, Jaime knew what he wanted. Chuckling, she alternated between lightly scratching his stomach and simply petting him. For almost an hour they stayed like that until he shifted back into his human form. Some of the others followed suit.

Leaning up to rest on his elbow, Dante bit her lower lip and sucked it into his mouth. “My wolf likes you petting him. But now it’s my turn. Let’s go.” He saw her eyes flare with the same hunger that he knew was in his. Standing and tugging on his T-shirt, he gestured to the jeans on the ground next to where she was still sitting. “Pass those to me, baby.” She sighed at the garments, feeling totally torn. On the one hand, it seemed pointless for him to dress since she intended to have him naked again when they returned to their room, but she didn’t want him strolling around in his birthday suit in front of the other females. It was one thing for him to do it while shifting, but it was another for him to give others a chance to ogle him. How could they not? So she threw the jeans to him, laughing when the zip caught on one of his chest hairs. And that was when she felt it…that sense that something wasn’t “right.” That something was there that shouldn’t be. No, some one.

Instinct made her look at a certain small opening in the trees that surrounded the perimeter gate. As her eyes zoomed in, she understood. “Everybody move!” She had barely jumped to her feet when it felt as if someone had smacked her leg with a sledgehammer. She let out a pained, pissed-off cry as her leg gave way and she ended up on her back. “Go! Go! Go!” The submissive wolves within the pack didn’t hesitate to move, but Dante and the enforcers remained. Trick, Dante, and Tao knelt beside her.

“You’ve been shot,” said Tao disbelievingly.

“Thanks for pointing out the obvious. Now will someone go find the shooter!” A burning sensation—that was what she’d heard being shot felt like. Burning sensation, my pale, fat ass. It was like a bomb had gone off inside her calf and hot sulfur had been poured into the wound.

“Ryan and Dominic are already on it,” Trick told her.

“I’ll kill him.” Dante’s voice was like a whip. “I will. Whoever he is, he’s dead.” The only thing stopping Dante from acting on the urge to join Ryan and Dominic in hunting down the shooter was that Jaime was hurt. He tore open the leg of her jeans to get a better look at the injury on her calf.

His instinct was to scoop her up, hold her to him, and get her inside, but he wanted to be sure that the bullet was out first. If it was lodged somewhere sensitive, moving her might jostle it around painfully.

“I’ll go make sure Grace has the examination room ready,” announced Marcus.

Dante merely nodded, focused on Jaime, concerned and angry in equal measures. He would bet he was more ashen than she was right now. His attempt to examine her leg failed when her body jerked and she cried out. Seeing her wrapping her arms around her stomach as she tried to curl up, he knew what was happening. He collared her throat. “Stop.”

Jaime tried to pull his hand away when she sensed that his display of dominance was only increasing her wolf’s anger. The combination of Jaime’s shock, pain, anxiety, and anger was enough to massively agitate and panic her wolf. The fact that the threat could still be nearby only fueled her wolf’s state. She wasn’t in a receptive mood right now and only viewed Dante’s action as interference. The dumb-ass, however, didn’t release her.

“Stop,” he ordered again, flexing his grip on her throat. When it still didn’t work, he brought his mouth down hard on hers, forcing his tongue into her mouth and seeking her own. It was a devouring, forceful, urgent kiss that demanded attention, demanded a response. When he got that response, he softened the kiss, hoping to calm and reassure her wolf. “Better?” he asked hoarsely when he pulled away.

Jaime nodded, though she was very aware that it wouldn’t take much to have her wolf fighting to surface again.

“Good. Now I need to get a better look at your leg. I’ll be careful.” He cursed when he saw that there was no exit wound. “It’s already starting to heal, and if we don’t get the bullet out soon, it’ll be permanently embedded there.” Quickly Dante whipped off his T-shirt, tore off a strip, and tied it around her calf to add pressure to the wound. “Sorry, baby, but I need to move you.” As he scooped her up, Jaime gritted her teeth against the pain. She knew he was being as careful as possible as he carried her through the trees to the caves, but every single movement made her wince. She did her best to keep quiet, but she couldn’t help hissing as they ascended the stairs of the cliff face. They found a concerned Grace waiting near the door.

“I’ve prepared the examination room, and I’ve got Lydia there already waiting,” Grace told them as she walked at Dante’s side through the maze of tunnels.

Inside the examination room, he gently placed Jaime on the bed, even though what he really wanted was to hold her against him. Needing to touch her, he placed a hand on her shoulder. “She’s been shot in her calf. The bullet’s still in there.”

“I’m going to need you to stand back, Dante,” said Grace.

Dante couldn’t help the growl that escaped him. No one kept him from Jaime, no one, especially while she was hurting.

Grace eyed him warily, but she remained firm. “I know you’re worried about her, but I’m going to need the space. Let’s face it, you take up a lot of it.”

“Dante, it’s okay,” said Jaime.

Her soft words smoothed over the jagged frays in his control. Grinding his teeth and clenching his fists, he grudgingly moved aside, not once releasing Jaime’s gaze. Being apart from her while she was hurting went against every instinct he had. He wanted to lie with her, feel her skin, bathe in her scent, and give her whatever comfort he could. Not that she’d accept any comfort, the stubborn woman, but he needed the contact just as much as she did. The thought of anyone even wanting to hurt her made his blood boil. His wolf was growling and pacing, anxious, enraged, and wanting vengeance.

Every time Jaime cried out in pain, he moved toward her only to receive a “stay back” look from Grace. Though she was one of the kindest souls he had ever known, Grace was also a hard-ass when she needed to be. That didn’t stop him from growling at her for keeping him apart from his female, even if it was slightly irrational, considering that she was tending to Jaime’s wound.


Hearing his Alpha call him, Dante froze. The Beta in him urged him to answer the summons, but he couldn’t do it. He couldn’t walk away from Jaime. A part of him knew that he was overreacting by not wanting to move from her side. That same part of him acknowledged that she would heal and be absolutely fine—no other outcome was allowed. But another part of him was raging; this was Jaime, his Jaime, and she had a hole in her f*cking leg. She was bleeding and in pain, and that was absolutely unacceptable.

“Dante,” Trey called again. As if he sensed Dante’s struggle, he added, “You don’t have to leave the room, just get your ass over here.”

“Go on,” Jaime told him gently. When he didn’t move, she assured him, “I’ll call you if I need you.”

Nodding, he—ignoring Grace’s sharp look—squeezed past Lydia and kissed Jaime’s hair, inhaling her scent. Very, very reluctantly, he walked to where Trey stood in the doorway with Trick and Tao. Dante stood at an angle so that he could still monitor Jaime.

Tao winced at the sight of all the blood. “I still can’t believe she was shot.” Neither could Dante. Sure, he’d known that Glory’s brothers would try something sooner or later, but he hadn’t considered that there would be guns involved. Shifters fought with tooth and claw.

Guns were considered cowardly, and not many shifters used them.

Trey folded his arms across his chest as he spoke to Trick. “When you said Glory’s brothers were crazy, I didn’t think you meant crazy enough to skulk around my territory with a rifle and then shoot one of my wolves.”

“And all because their little sister doesn’t like being denied what she wants,” growled Dante, striving to remain calm while anger bubbled through his veins.

Trey studied him closely and narrowed his eyes. “You will not head out there the second Jaime’s leg has been taken care of to go hunt those a*sholes, understand?” Dante growled again, further incensed by the way that Trey had seen right through him. “They shot her, Trey. Shot her. I can’t let that slide.” His wolf was in full agreement. No one got to harm Jaime and live.

“And we won’t let that slide, I can promise you that. So there’s no need for you to turn vigilante on us. If I have to, I’ll order you not to do it, and then I’ll have the enforcers take care of this.”

“No f*cking way. Jaime’s mine. Her shit is my shit, and those bastards are mine. It’s difficult enough not to go to Nick’s territory and rip out Glory’s throat—her being female doesn’t mean shit to me or my wolf right now.”

“Yeah, I can see that,” said Trey. “But you’ve got to get a hold of yourself, Dante.”

“Get a hold of myself? You’re kidding me, right?”

“Do you remember that time when I almost attacked Tao because he’d told Taryn he wanted to mate with her?”

Suddenly Tao was looking anywhere but at them.

“Do you remember what you said to me?” persisted Trey. “You said that I had to choose what was more important—kicking the living shit out of Tao, or making sure that Taryn stayed. I knew you were right when you said she’d have left if she thought she was causing fights within the pack. You told me to go to her and make sure she was okay. So I calmed my ass down and I went to her. You need to do the same now. Pick which is more important—going off on your own personal crusade, or being here for Jaime while she needs you. From what I heard, you let her down when she needed you once before. Do you really want to do that again?”

For a long moment, Dante didn’t speak. “I hate that you’re right.”

“I know. I hate it when you’re right. In the morning, we’ll discuss how we deal with this. For now, just concentrate on Jaime.”

“Why didn’t anyone tell me that Jaime was hurt?” Taryn practically screeched as she stomped toward them, cutting off what Dante was about to say. Marcus wasn’t far behind her, giving Trey an apologetic look.

“You were supposed to be guarding her,” Trey growled at Marcus.

“You mean he was supposed to stop me from leaving the room.” Trey blocked her path, but the tiny female was peering under his arm, trying to get a look at Jaime. “She’s been shot!”

“Yes, she’s been shot but—”

“She needs healing.”

“Grace and Lydia are taking care of it,” Trey assured her in a voice someone might use to soothe a mental person having a tantrum.

“Yeah, with tweezers, bandages, and all that medical crap. I can have her fully healed in under a minute.”

“Yes, baby, you can, but we agreed that you wouldn’t use your healing gift while you were pregnant, remember. Your gift makes you tired and weak—”

She snorted. “You agreed on it, Flintstone. I did no such thing.” Sighing, Trey picked her up and headed for their room. “Come on, let’s get you back to bed.

We’ll play Hiding Pedro. That should calm you down.”

“Why do you always try to use sex to calm me?”

“Because it works, my crazy little nympho.”


Once his Alphas had disappeared down the tunnel, Dante turned back to Jaime. The sight of her there, pallid and tired, made him want to kick himself. How hadn’t he sensed that someone was there watching them? He, with all his training, should have known immediately and gotten to the bastard before he could hurt her or anyone else. She was his, he should have protected her, that was how it worked.

“If you’re standing there blaming yourself, I’ll bitch slap you, Dante. Seriously, don’t make me do it.”

Jaime’s voice snapped him out of his thoughts and made him smile. He noticed that Grace and Lydia were also smiling. Approaching the bed, he ran a hand over her hair and sighed. “I should have sensed he was there.” Grace appeared to have given up trying to keep him from Jaime, because she didn’t scowl at him this time, though she did make a Greta-like humph sound.

“The enforcers didn’t sense him either. Whoever he is, he knows what he’s doing. I wouldn’t be surprised if he hadn’t been in position for more than ten seconds before firing. It would be his best shot—no pun intended—at avoiding detection.” A few months ago, she would never have made any such prediction, but Dante’s training had changed her in many ways.

His thoughts exactly. “You’re a good student.”

“You prefer it when I’m bad.” She flinched when Lydia jabbed her arm with a needle.

“Goddamn it, Lydia.”

“It’s just another painkiller,” she explained, looking sheepish. “The first one wore off fast.” Grace gave Jaime an apologetic smile. “Sorry, but we have to keep the good stuff for when Taryn goes into labor. Dante, would you get Jaime something clean to wear? Her clothes are covered in blood. So are yours, actually. You could do with a quick shower.” Yeah, he thought, but that would involve leaving Jaime’s side.

“Go on,” Grace encouraged softly. “It’ll only take you a minute. Your wolf isn’t going to calm down while you have her blood all over your skin and clothes.” No, he probably wouldn’t, but all the same…

Jaime growled. “Oh for the love of God, Dante, go take a shower, I’ll be fine.”

“Okay, I’m going.” If she was well enough to growl and snap at him, she was well enough to be alone for a few minutes. “I’ll close the door while you strip.” After what had to have been the quickest shower in the history of the world, he returned to Jaime’s side with one of his T-shirts that she liked to sleep in. He helped her slip it on and was about to insist on being left alone with her when suddenly he heard his name being quietly called. He frowned when he saw Trey in the doorway again. “What is it?” he asked as he approached him, wondering why his Alpha was speaking quietly.

“Dominic just called me. Ryan got the bastard.”

Dante snorted. “Of course he did. He’s like a ghost when he’s tracking.”

“The shooter…He’s not one of Glory’s brothers.”

Taken aback, Dante shook his head as if to clear it. “What? Who is he?”

“They don’t know. He won’t talk.”

“Did they put him in the hut?” The hut was the place where they took intruders for a “chat.”

“Yes. I know ordinarily the interrogating would be up to you, but…” Trey eyed him speculatively, and Dante knew why.

“I’ll be fine with this.”

“The whole matter’s too close to home for you.”

“Which is why it has to be me. You’d say the same thing if this was Taryn.” After a few moments, Trey nodded.

“I’m going, too.”

Both Dante and Trey frowned at the pasty yet fearless-looking female on the bed for eavesdropping. “No, you’re not,” snapped Dante. “You’re staying here.”

“You don’t get to order me around, Popeye.”

“No,” agreed Trey. “But I do.”

“If someone shot me, I have the right to find out why,” she said through gritted teeth.

“Dante will find that out for you.” He turned back to Dante. “Go. I called the enforcers.

They’re all making their way to the hut as we speak.”

Dante gave him a nod of thanks. The last thing he wanted to do was leave Jaime’s side right now, but this was something he needed to do. With one last look at her, he left.

“I don’t believe this,” griped Jaime.

Trey looked at her like she was dumb. “You’re as bad as Taryn. You’ve been shot—you need to rest so you can heal.”

“I need to see that a*shole so I can gouge out his eyes. That’s what I need.”

“You’ve never seen Dante interrogate someone, have you?” Most likely in response to her gulp, he correctly surmised, “But you’ve heard about it. He’s the best for a reason. He’ll do whatever he has to in order to get answers. Whatever he has to. He doesn’t want you seeing him like that.”

“I’d never judge him.” Never.

“Maybe you wouldn’t, but he won’t risk that. When he goes into that ‘zone,’ as Dominic calls it, he’s not the same person. Not because he’s cruel or likes to inflict pain, but because he will never put people under his protection in danger, and if that means inflicting pain, then that’s what he’ll do.

That wolf in the hut—he isn’t just some guy who was roaming too close to our territory, he’s someone who hurt you. Dante won’t have one ounce of mercy in his system, just as I wouldn’t if it was Taryn.

If you care for him, Jaime, respect his wish to do this without you and don’t give him a hard time about it later.”

“Whatfreakingever,” she grumbled.

Sensing that she had backed down, he nodded approvingly. “I hope you meant what you said about not judging him, because there’s no way he’ll let that guy live.” The second Dante stepped into the hut, the lanky wolf’s eyes widened and he began struggling against his bonds. Obviously, then, he knew all about Dante’s reputation as an interrogator. Not many didn’t, which was why the wolf’s struggling wasn’t an uncommon reaction. Although Dante had never gotten any pleasure or satisfaction out of the process, he wondered if this time might be a little different.

He was literally hungering to see the person who dared to hurt Jaime in the same kind of pain that she was going through at his hands. Maybe that was wrong, sick, and even callous, but right then he simply didn’t care. His usual morals were buried beneath the rage that was coursing through him, demanding some form of retribution. He understood now just how hard it had been for Trey to hold back and play the waiting game after those wolves attacked Taryn. Jaime was his and would always come before everything else—even his conscience.

With slow, casual steps, Dante came to stand before the male. Like his enforcers, Dante didn’t recognize him or his scent. He had racked his brain, trying to think of people who might want to hurt him and would think to use Jaime to do it. He had as many enemies as the next person. But an enemy who hated him enough to hurt someone close to him? The only ones who came to mind were Glory and her brothers—which made him think that this male in front of him was linked to them in some way. But this seemed out of character for the brothers. Crazy people tended to do their own dirty work, because they enjoyed it.

Dante’s wolf growled and bucked, wanting freedom so that he could tear apart this male who had hurt Jaime; his struggle to be free was so fierce that Dante’s eyes flashed wolf. The male in front of him struggled harder, pulling against the rope that bound both of his wrists to the arms of the chair.

Dante’s wolf liked that the male’s fear was practically pulsing in the air, relished the scent of it.

“Name?” The male didn’t answer, and Dante hadn’t expected him to. Dominant wolf or not, he would be intimidated by the sight of Dante and the enforcers, but that didn’t mean it wouldn’t take a fair bit of pressure before the wolf would break. “Name.” It was a demand this time, not a question.

Sweat was beading the captive’s forehead and greasing his hair. “F*ck you.”

“Good name, I like it. Easy to remember. Mind if I call you F*ck for short?” He ignored the scowl directed at him. “Why don’t you start by explaining what inspired you to hang around our territory with a rifle?” The male said nothing. As Dante bent forward, the scent of the male’s fear in the air rocketed. “I asked you a question. You don’t have to answer it. In fact, I’m hoping you don’t.”

“F*ck you.”

Dante smiled crookedly. “You’re not going to be cooperative? I love it when that happens. An interrogation’s no fun without a bit of torture mixed in, don’t you agree?”

“If you’re going to kill me, just get it over with.”

“I would if I could, F*ck, but as it turns out you’ve got some info I need. Please tell me you’re not ready to share it, because I haven’t got to the fun part yet.”

“I’m not telling you anything,” he growled.

“Good.” Dante grabbed the little finger of F*ck’s left hand and snapped the bone. After the scream of pain faded, Dante asked, “Who are you, and why did you target my female?”

“F*ck you.”

Dante grabbed the next finger up on his left hand and snapped it backward. F*ck’s howl of pain was just as ear piercing as the last. Dante repeated the question with the same amount of patience as before. “Who are you, and why did you target my female?”

“F*ck you.”

He wrenched hard at F*ck’s third finger. Maybe the screams should have made him wince and penetrated his enraged state, but all Dante could think was that these fingers belonged to a hand that had aimed a gun at Jaime and shot her. “I don’t think I have to point out that if you drag this out, this is going to continue for a while.”

“F*ck you.”

“I’m beginning to think you have a very limited knowledge of the English language.” Dante snapped his index finger. “Has that answer come to you yet?”

“What’s the point in telling you anything?” he wheezed out, pain etched into his face. “You’ll kill me anyway.”

Dante sighed. “Let’s look at it this way, F*ck. Once you’ve told me what I want to know, I’ll have no more use for you, and you’ll be quickly disposed of. But if you drag this out, you’re going to go through a lot of seriously bad pain first. You shot my female, you put a hole in her leg, you made her bleed, you put her through a serious amount of pain, and I have a huge f*cking problem with all that. None of it is acceptable to me, and none of it is forgivable for me. Naturally, there’s no chance of you getting out of this hut alive. Whether you die quickly or painfully is up to you. What will it be?”

“Go f*ck yourself!”

Dante shrugged and then quickly snapped his thumb. “Before you again advise me to f*ck myself, I should point out that I intend to work through each one of your other fingers. Then I’ll move on to your wrists. Oh and then I’ll look forward to dislocating your shoulders. And after that—”

“All right, fine! I’m a lone wolf. I do…jobs,” he admitted begrudgingly.

Dante whistled. “A gun for hire, huh.” It wasn’t unusual for lone wolves. It was a good way for them to earn money, favors, or protection.

“Your female was just a name on a long list,” he said with no remorse whatsoever.

“Who gave you her name?”

“She didn’t introduce herself.”

Glory. “Go on.” When he didn’t respond, Dante repeated, “Go on. ”

“I’ve told you enough al—” He stopped abruptly and yelled as Dante snapped his other index finger. “She just said to make sure the bitch was dead!”

“Dead?” echoed Dante in a low, menacing voice. So the shooter had been aiming to kill, not to injure, and probably would have succeeded if Jaime hadn’t sensed his presence and quickly moved.

As the reality of just what could have happened to her hit him, a sinister growl rumbled out of him.

She could be dead right now. He could have lost her, could have been forced to grieve her—

something he would have done every single day for the rest of his life. Nothing would have helped him move forward. No one could have replaced her. Not even his true mate. He gritted out, “And you had every intention of making sure she was dead, didn’t you?” F*ck looked up at him miserably. “You’re going to kill me now, aren’t you?”

“Without blinking.”

It was an hour later before Dante returned to the caves. Any other time he would have spent some time alone, but he needed to see Jaime. Needed to be sure she was safe and well. He also needed the sense of calm that only she could give him. To his surprise, she was asleep with Hunk curled up beside her protectively.

Grace looked up and smiled from the chair beside the bed. “She’s fine,” she assured him quietly. “I’d say she’ll be fully healed by morning.”

“Thanks, Grace.” He made a mental note to thank Lydia tomorrow.

“Are you staying in here with her? Lydia or I can do it if you—”

“No, I’ll do it.”

“Okay. Come get me if she wakes up through the night in pain, all right?”

“I will. Thanks again, Grace.” Sinking into the chair that Grace had vacated, he stared at Jaime’s sleeping face, marveling at how she never, ever looked at peace when she slept. She was always frowning or pouting or wearing that odd little expression that made her cute little nose crinkle up. Leaning forward, he placed a soft, lingering kiss on her forehead, ignoring the hiss that came from the huge, ugly cat that was snuggled into her. When Jaime’s eyes fluttered open, he cursed. “Sorry, baby, I didn’t mean to wake you. Look, I know you’re pissed at me for telling you to stay behind, but


“I’m not. Well, I am. But I get why you didn’t want me there. You okay?” The way he rested his head on her shoulder said that he wasn’t. “Did you get answers from him?”

“In the morning, baby, we’ll talk about in the morning, I swear. I just can’t think about it all right now.”

Because he needed to calm down, she realized. On the outside he was the picture of calm, of course. “You don’t have to feel bad about killing that guy.” She wouldn’t have if the situation had been reversed.

“I don’t. He hurt you.” Dante knew he should feel some remorse, knew it probably made him a bad person that he didn’t. But that kill had about as much significance to him as a tiny splinter, because of what the bastard had planned for Jaime.

“You’re not a bad person,” she told him, knowing where his thoughts had taken him. “I’m not saying you’re perfect. You’re cocky and a know-it-all and you’re addicted to working. But you’ve got a nice big dick and great bedroom skills, so I’m willing to overlook all that.” He laughed and lifted his head. Only Jaime could have put a smile on his face when he was in this mood. “Then I’ll be sure to put my big dick and my skills to good use tomorrow. Now you need to sleep though.”

She wanted to sleep beside him, but there was barely room for her on the single bed, let alone both of them. Besides, Hunk would probably slice open his cheek if Dante tried. She gripped his hand. “Stay with me.”

He kissed her softly, amazed that such simple contact could soothe him. “You couldn’t get rid of me even if you wanted to.”

They both knew that he was talking about more than tonight.