Wicked Appetite

I parked in the small lot to the rear of the bakery and entered through the back door. The kitchen was glowing with all the lights on, and the air was heavy with the scent of yeast dough rising in the oven. Clara was already at work when I walked in. I buttoned myself into my white chef coat, rolled the sleeves to my elbows, and wrapped an apron around my waist. "How was your night?" Clara asked. "Glo was determined to protect you from evildoers. " "Glo arrived with a pizza, a guard cat, and her book of spells. Diesel showed up, we ate the pizza, I kept the cat, and I'd rather not talk about the spells. " "She didn't turn anyone into a mushroom, did she?" "No. " "Then how bad can it be?" Pretty bad, I thought, but with any luck Shirley woke up all fine and dandy this morning, wondering if she'd hallucinated the whole hideous episode. Two hours later, there was no sign of Glo. Clara turned the CLOSED sign to OPEN and unlocked the front door. "I'll work the counter, " Clara said. "You can finish frosting the cupcakes. " "Did you try calling Glo?" "Yes. No answer. " "She left her car at my house last night. I offered to pick her up when I came to work, but she said it was too early, and she'd catch a ride with her landlord. " "It's a real pain when she comes in late, " Clara said, "but at least it's usually entertaining. "

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