Werewolves Be Damned

Chapter Twelve

The medley of rich flowery scents delighted Nexi, as she walked along the cobblestone pathway in the Otherworld’s garden and let her hands graze along the tops of the bushes. The flowers were in full bloom and everything looked wonderfully alive.

Once the pathway curved to the left, she arrived at the pond, and she sat down on the bench, watching the fish swimming. Before tonight, she’d have thought the worst things about Kyden and what a jerk he’d been by leaving her like that.

Now things had changed.

Maybe the acceptance of her supernatural self had shifted something inside, which made Kyden’s reactions clearer. Whatever it was, she didn’t only see herself differently, she saw Kyden in a new light, too.

He cared for her.

Tracing the willow tree on the hip of her kilt, and knowing every step he made—even if some of it involved chest-beating—had been done with thoughts of her in his mind, made her stomach tighten with guilt. Even his lesson last night had the desired effect. No longer could she deny how much he restrained his forceful side for her.

She highly doubted it was the guardian’s way to allow a woman to make the first move, yet Kyden had swallowed his pride and done so anyway…for her. Perhaps he had some caveman tendencies within all those muscles, but he wasn’t a douche bag. Besides, when had she thought of him of like that—over herself?

Not once.

She’d been so wrapped up in her own fight, her need to prove herself in this new supernatural world and in her desire to hunt the werewolf, she hadn’t thought of anyone but herself. Which was, in fact, totally douchebaggery.

A sudden rock skipped along the pathway in front of her, dragging her out of her thoughts. She glimpsed sideways, discovering Kyden striding down the path toward her with that same fierce look on his face. A flare of happiness engulfed her a second before he grasped her by the hand and yanked her to her feet.

In an attempt to match his gait, she had to run next to him. Her short legs couldn’t keep up with his long stride. “Where are you taking me?” she gasped.

He didn’t answer.

He simply continued with his big strides until he reached the castle. Once they entered through the large doors into the Guardians’ House, they passed by way too many guardians who laughed at Nexi’s current predicament, sending her cheeks to warm.

Kyden didn’t seem to notice, or didn’t care.

He never slowed his steps until he reached her residence. There, he threw the front door open, tossed her in, and slammed the door behind him. He turned to her, eyebrow arched. “Let’s get a few things clear, shall we?” He had accentuated each word, ensuring she took him seriously.

She did.

Stalking her, he exuded power. “First, I’m insanely proud of how you fought tonight.” His head tilted, expression was beyond intense. “Second, I apologize I left like I did, but it was either that, or having this conversation with everyone watching.” His mouth twitched. “I suspected that might piss you off.”

He finally reached her and she stared into his piercing eyes as he added, “Third, so there’s no misunderstanding any longer, this is how I feel about you—” His features firmed, so confident and aware. “I love your strength. I respect it. Admire it.”

She liked hearing all those things coming from him, but she stayed silent and allowed him to continue. “I don’t get bossy for no reason.” His eyes searched hers with raw emotion in their depths. “I’ve never wanted to protect anything so much in my life, so yes, my responses when you’re in danger might come out brash.”

Pushing his warm, hard body into hers, he forced her to walk backward. “We’ll probably butt heads over your safety…often.” A slow, sexy smile filled his face. “I’m okay with that. I like when you get frisky.”

Her breath hitched at the sheer intensity he had unleashed in his expression—deep passion she’d never seen before. When they strode backward past her couch, she realized why it looked foreign to her. He herded her toward the bedroom and a sudden case of nerves stormed into her, as well as a slew of hot tingles. “Kyden, I…”

One sleek eyebrow arched, and she shut her mouth as he added, “I tried to do this right. How they say you should in the Earthworld, not rush things and take our time. I wanted to give you that because that’s what you’re used to and what I thought you needed.”

The back of her legs hit something, causing her to gasp, and when she glanced down she noticed it was the side of her white, iron-framed, king-size bed. Lifting her head, she stared into his gorgeous face.

“We’re not doing this your way any longer.” His eyes positively glowed. “Now we’re doing this my way.” He leaned in, crowded her space, and he looked dead serious. “You are mine, Nexi Jones. Get used to that idea. We’re together now, and yes, that means your safety is of the upmost importance to me.”

It somewhat surprised her she didn’t smack him upside the head for telling her they were a couple. Deep down, though, she knew why—she wanted him equally as much. Truth was, she had accepted Kyden last night, and tonight, that choice had only been strengthened.

She had already picked him, even if he didn’t know it.

His spicy scent overwhelmed her, and she wondered how to put all this into words. Then she realized, like most things in the Otherworld, some things were better shown than said.

Grasping his face, she brought his mouth down to hers, then pressed her lips against his. She didn’t give him a sweet simple kiss of affection. She gave him the kind of kiss to bring Kyden to his knees.

He groaned, as if her intensity surprised him. That only lasted a second before he quickly caught up and stormed into her mouth. There was nothing gentle about his kiss. His tongue was forceful as it tangled with hers, his lips violent as they crushed against her mouth.

Craving more, she moaned in response to his sweltering fire. He grunted, switching their standing positions, and as he dropped onto the bed, he pulled her down on top of him. He held her tight against him and she squirmed as heat built between them.

Breaking the kiss, she peered down at him, and his dark, hungry eyes stared back at her. He grasped her face, angled her head for his attack, and kissed her neck with greed. Each lick, bite and swirl of his tongue made her shiver.

With the intensity he exuded, and the feeling of his thick erection beneath her, a thought emerged. One she thought too important not to mention. No matter how much she didn’t want to interrupt this moment, she had no other choice. If she said nothing, judging by how big he felt against her, she’d regret it. “Kyden, I’ve…never…”

He nibbled her ear, his voice a throaty growl. “You’ve never what?”

She opened her mouth, twice, but every time she tried to speak, nothing came out. Who’d ever heard of a twenty-five year old virgin? It’s not that she didn’t want to, or had been saving herself. It was all her adoptive mother, Gloria’s fault. Her mother didn’t raise a fool and Nexi’s exes never measured up.

Any time she got close enough to go there was the time she ended the relationship. Besides, she hated telling Kyden of her virginal status, because it made her look so inexperienced compared to him. And it wasn’t like she was angel. She’d done things—lots of things—just not that thing.

Running his hands down her back, he settled them over her bottom where he squeezed, then shifted her hips. She tensed, feeling a certain hard part of him, which was all too close to the part of her she needed to discuss.

She gulped. “Um…”

He backed away from her neck, lowering his head to the mattress, but he didn’t remove his hands, nor did he stop shifting her hips.

Flickers of pleasure made speaking difficult, and she muttered, “You’re going to have to stop that if you want me to talk.”

He chuckled, and released his grip. “What’s the problem?”

She watched him cross his arms behind his head to rest on the white duvet, and the position didn’t make this discussion any easier. He looked simply irresistible lying there beneath her, as she did a full sweep of all those sexy muscles. “Well…you see…”

His brow drew together with his frown. “I’ve never once seen you unable to say what’s on your mind, so out with it.”

Horrified to her bones, she inhaled a deep breath, catching that delectable scent of him, which didn’t help her resolve. Another long awkward moment passed as she watched Kyden, and he studied her right back. She finally dropped her head against his chest, nearly dying on the spot. “I can’t say this aloud.”

He tensed beneath her, before he cupped her cheeks and raised her head. He held her stare, his expression twisted in confusion. That’s how they remained for a good few seconds, before slowly, his eyes widened. “Are you a virgin?”

She scrunched her nose, and all she could do was nod.

His mouth curved. “Did you think this would bother me?”

“I have no idea,” she admitted. “Right now, I’m too mortified to think it over.”

He chuckled. “Don’t be embarrassed.”

Before she could say it was too late for that, he kissed her with enough passion to send quivers in the places they discussed.

He flipped positions, settling himself between her thighs. “Trust me, this news makes me happy.” He swirled his hips, connecting with her in a way that made her breath hitch. “Of course, it changes things some, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun tonight.”

He didn’t give her the chance to argue she wasn’t that innocent and that she did, in fact, want him. He dove back in to steal her mouth, giving her a hard, possessive kiss that spoke volumes as to how he felt on the matter.

Caveman Kyden enjoyed that she’d never been with another man.

He broke the kiss, travelling along her jaw, and the swirl of his hips had her back arching. “If you’re ever uncomfortable and think I’m going too fast,” He lifted his head and gave her a hard look. “You’re to tell me to stop.” Then he was off her and latched onto her hands, forcing her to stand.

“But Kyden…”

He arched an eyebrow, silencing her, and unclipped her kilt, letting it fall to the floor. Her knees weakened as he ran his hands over her back, sending trickles of desire racing through her. With a quick flick, he unhooked her bra and pulled the straps gingerly down her arms, and she couldn’t take her eyes off him.

Running his hands along the curve of her hips, he slid his fingers beneath the rim of her shorts. She froze, as she watched him kneel. He slowly eased off her shorts and boots, lifting each foot delicately until she was completely naked. Then she noticed Kyden inhale deeply and she quivered, as the heat in his eyes burned wicked.

He finally stood, giving her a long look from head-to-toe. She might’ve felt exposed, even shy, that was, if his features didn’t simmer as he memorized every inch of her skin. By the time he looked at her in the eye again, her breath came out in short gasps full of expectation.


“Nexi—” He pressed his fingers gently on her shoulder, tossing her back on the bed. “Stop talking.” His kiss came firm and demanding, igniting her passion, as he settled between her thighs.

Leaving her breathless, he tore his lips away to devour a taut nipple. His skill was beyond comprehension. Within seconds, he had her body arching toward him, imploring for more. While his mouth played, his fingers teased the other nipple until both breasts were sensitive to the touch.

He awakened her body in a foreign way, making her throb in need. When he kissed her, he set her aflame. When he touched her, she burned for more. Desperate desires urged her on, and she squirmed toward his thigh. Lifting her hips, she rubbed herself along his bare leg and ground herself against him to a higher pleasure.

A low growl sounded from his throat before he rose above her. He placed his hands on either side of her head, watching her reeling in pleasure. Each circle of her hips made his eyes smolder, and every moan she made had his jaw clenching. The pressure built and intensively, she ground harder, struggled for breath as her climax approached.

She leaned her head back as the sensation peaked, and in the exact moment she climbed higher, he withdrew his leg. On a gasp, she snapped her head up. Dark, seductive eyes were trained on her. “I’d happily let you finish,” he murmured, sliding down her body, and placing kisses on her stomach, showing his intention. “But I’d rather do it myself.”

Closing her eyes, she again leaned her head back, as he lavished her lower lips with the skill of his mouth. At first, his touch was light. He teased, dancing around the area craving his attention, leaving her shivering in anticipation.

When she didn’t only tremble, but outright quaked with desire, he lightly blew across her sensitive skin, sending a breath of cool air streaming against her fiery flesh. A deep moan spilled from her, and it was clearly the invitation he needed.

Pushing firmly against her thighs to widen her legs, he bit, sucked, licked and swirled with the intention to satisfy her. And he satisfied her—right down to her bones. Flames of pleasure whipped like wildfire through her body, and when he lowered his hand to join in the fun, she unraveled completely.

“Oh, God,” she shouted. “I’m going to…”

Her mind no longer held coherent thoughts. Clamping down on his wrist, she urged him on in a desperate attempt to push her over the edge. He used gentle strokes, but she didn’t want gentle loving.

Latching onto her wrist, he pinned her hand to the bed and he worked harder. His fingers became a force bringing forth the highest forms of pleasure. She couldn’t focus and her head whipped from side to side.

Pleasure stole over her mind, and moans poured from her mouth which she suspected all of the Otherworld probably heard, especially the werewolves. She didn’t care. He deserved to hear how wild he made her. Never, with any of her ex-boyfriends, had she’d ever been pleasured like this.

Kyden didn’t only excel in his guardian role.

Clamping her thighs against his head, she screamed against the powerful sensation, while he continued to ravage her body. Her legs trembled against him, and at her harsh intake of breath, he increased his force.

With the speed he now delivered with his fingers, matched with the sensation of his mouth continuing to caress her hot flesh, she exploded into one of the most intense feelings she’d ever experienced in her life. Wave after wave of euphoric pleasure took her to a place she’d never gone before, a high she never wanted to abandon.

Sadly, she did.

When she plummeted back to reality, she could hardly catch her breath. “That”—her voice was slow and sedated, and she wasn’t entirely confident she still had arms and legs—“was incredible.”

“No.” He hovered over her. “That was beautiful.”

Regardless that he had turned her into the equivalent of a jellyfish, she forced her arms to move. She ran her hands along his biceps, marveling over each curve of his glorious muscles. With the palpable heat still burning between them, she slid her fingers over his squared chest, and kept on going.

Lower…and lower…

When she reached his belly button, he grasped her hands, and a deep growl rose from his chest. His pupils dilated, nearly shedding the green, as he dove forward, taking her lips fiercely. She returned the kiss with a force of her own. He wasn’t the only one who could play rough.

Now that her virginity was out in the open, Kyden would likely proceed at a slow rate. She wanted this—wanted him. Perhaps her exes didn’t measure up, but Kyden measured up, and then some. She wanted him…right now.

Squirming against him, she connected with the part of him she craved, and he tensed. With a grunt sounding mildly painful, he lifted off her to kneel on the bed. “You might think you’re ready, but it doesn’t change the fact that you’re a virgin.” His voice sounded strangled, and his expression was equally taut. “Tonight, I don’t intend to change that.”

She wasn’t at all surprised he took this stance, even if it did, yet again, make him a complete gentleman. “Okay, fine, we don’t have to do that. But there are other things I can do to you.” She reached for him, but he wrapped his fingers around her wrists, and pinned her arms at her side. She sighed. “You’re being silly. Let me touch you.”

“If you do, I’ll lose the little control I’m trying hard to keep.” He hopped off the bed, and gazed at her with a look that nearly set her aflame. “I’ll return later.” With another once-over taking in the length of her naked body, he slowly looked to her face again and groaned. “Rest.”

She rose up on her elbow. “Kyden…”

He never allowed her to finish. Instead he booked it out of her bedroom, and she heard the front door slam behind him.

Dropping down on the pillow, she basked in the afterglow. “Idiot.”

Stacey Kennedy's books