Vampires Dead Ahead


Volod held the Fabergé egg in his palm and stared at it. The jeweled curio was one of the treasures he had amassed over the many years he had lived.

He squeezed his hand and crushed it.

Like he wanted to do to Nyx. What he would do to her. Crush her skull and watch the excruciating pain she would go through as her body healed like a Vampire’s. He’d crush her again and again until he finally staked her through the heart.

Volod flung the remnants of the egg across his library hard enough that some of the pieces buried themselves into the wall while the others clattered to the floor.

He moved to the window and looked out into the night from the last major hideaway he had for himself and his people. He had built the twenty-bedroom mansion over a great cavern two centuries ago in case there was ever a need to hide those in his care. It was in a remote area of upper New York State. Every window and door in the house locked down during the day, the metal shutters and doors shielding the occupants from any sunlight.

The huge cavern itself was more than enough to house the Vampires he had brought in from across the United States and Canada. There weren’t enough coffins, so most were forced to sleep on the cavern floor during the day. It would not be for long, however.

What he had planned would leave paranorms destroyed or in hiding. Paranorms would then be afraid to come out after dark.

Vampires would soon rule.

Volod turned away from the window. The conclave should be assembled now, the last of them having arrived within the hour.

Pieces of the Fabergé egg crunched beneath his shoe as he strode out of the library toward the drawing room.

Elizabeth waited just outside the library. She looked lovely in her floor-length red gown, her red hair swept up atop her head, her green eyes sparkling.

He came to a stop beside her and took her hands in his. She looked up at him with desire in her gaze, and he brushed his lips over hers.

“I was wrong about Monique. I thought she was loyal,” he said as he looked down at Elizabeth’s beautiful face. “I wish for you to once again serve at my side.”

“Of course, Volod.” She looked extraordinarily pleased to be returned to her station.

Monique’s duplicity and Rodán’s attempt at starting a revolt caused Volod to consider wiping out all Vampire paranorms.

He had expressed to his Vampire paranorms that they would enjoy self-rule as soon as their takeover was complete. His words had been greeted with agreement, He saw no dissension.

He should have seen the signs with Rodán, however. The former Proctor had questioned him and had not liked how Volod had taken Nyx.

Of course he had no intention of allowing so many paranorms to live once he reached his goal. It was far too dangerous. At most he would determine his most loyal individuals. The others he would lay waste to.

Volod schooled his expression as he escorted Elizabeth across the marble floor to the double doors of the drawing room. It would not do for the members of the conclave to harbor any doubt in Volod, his leadership capabilities, or his judgment regarding the Vampire paranorms.

Two Vampires flanked the entrance and two more were stationed inside the drawing room. He acknowledged each with a look that clearly instructed them to maintain their posts.

When he entered the drawing room, the occupants quieted for a moment. And then he was greeted with applause.

Pleasure swept through Volod at the recognition of what he had accomplished thus far. Of course they would applaud him. Truly there should be no question.

The members of the conclave who had made the trip at Volod’s request were seated in a semicircle at one end of the drawing room, as if in session.

Excellent. Nine, a simple majority of the seventeen-member North American Conclave, were in attendance. There could be no dissent from those who had chosen not to show up. It had been their choice.

Prolocutor Nicholas smiled at Volod. “You have done well,” he said with a deep nod. “You are to be commended.”

Volod bowed in return as he played along with the idiotic formalities. “Many thanks to the conclave for the support that has been give since this endeavor began.”

“Now tell us of your progress and your plans,” Nicholas said.

“The city of New York is almost mine,” Volod said. “We will take our forces into the city and overcome all paranorms by eliminating the Trackers and any others who choose to fight us.

“Once New York is captured,” Volod continued, “we will focus on Chicago in the Midwest, New Orleans in the South, San Francisco in the West, and Toronto in Canada. These cities will be taken as well, and their Tracker forces wiped out.”

Volod looked from one member of the conclave to the next. “We will use those areas as our planning centers to control each region. When we control these cities then we move to places like LA, Seattle, Atlanta, and Montreal. We will control this continent and eventually we move on to Europe.”

“Ambitious, are you not?” said Marcus with a scowl.

If Marcus had been prolocutor, Volod would have a more difficult road ahead. Fortunately he wasn’t.

“I do only what will benefit our people,” Volod said while choking back the reply Marcus deserved.

Marcus had a smug expression as he said, “You put much stock in your Vampire paranorms. Tell us about the uprising led by a newly turned Vampire paranorm named Rodán.”

Despite a momentary shock, Volod kept his expression placid and his tone even. “There was no uprising. We had one individual who attempted to stir up trouble. She murdered Rodán and Monique.”

“Who was this?” Nicholas said with a frown.

“A paranorm who is half Drow.” Volod cleared his throat. “Drow are immune to the Vampire bite. I had hoped her human half could be overcome, but it was not to be.”

“That was a significant error in judgment,” Marcus said.

“It was determined within twenty-four hours of her arrival that she was not under my control.” Volod held back the fury he still felt. “She has been dealt with.”

Nicholas did not look like the news bothered him. He seemed to be fully in line with Volod. Marcus on the other hand deserved a stake in the heart.

“What forces have you assembled to date?” Nicholas asked.

“Our forces are sufficient to take out the opposition. They have no idea of our numbers,” Volod said. “No one does but me.”

Nicholas said, “I have heard figures of close to two hundred fifty Vampires, over seventy Vampire paranorms, and thirty Vampire paranorm Trackers.”

“Your sources underestimate what I have accomplished,” Volod said.

“Can you take New York with the numbers you have?” Nicholas asked.

“I have no doubt,” Volod said.

“What is your plan for finishing off the city?”

Volod paced from one end of the seated conclave members to the other. “With all due respect, I have been successful because I don’t boast of my plans. The only one who knows my entire battle plan—or, as I call it, freedom plan—is me.

“I will tell you this,” he continued. “I have my resources. Trackers are coming from all over, and I am laying my trap. I will draw them in and crush them. Crush them all.”

Volod narrowed his eyes as he thought about the paranorms he would be taking on soon. “In the next few days, New York will be mine, and the other cities will see their ranks crushed there. I will decimate the paranorm teams from all over this continent.”

Cheyenne McCray's books