Vampires Dead Ahead


“Rodán is missing?”

Nadia’s words echoed in the Trackers’ conference room, where all twenty-four of us and Desmond had gathered for an emergency meeting. I’d called the group together and not an hour later everyone was there.

I had to tell myself to maintain a professional calm as I responded to Nadia. “He was last seen almost seventeen hours ago,” I said. “He missed three appointments that I know of, and as you all are aware, Rodán never misses appointments without notice.”

Several in the room nodded.

Without Rodán we didn’t have a leader, and no one knew that he had offered me a leadership position. I’d put on the mantle anyway. If there was a problem with any of the Trackers I’d deal with it then.

Angel stood at my side, her staunch support giving me a measure of comfort. The two of us weren’t enough to replace Rodán, but we’d do everything we could to find him and to keep things running in New York City.

After I explained to the Trackers all that we knew, I said, “Given all the disappearances on the West Coast, I believe we need to at least consider the possibility that he was taken.”

Just saying that made my stomach queasy.

“Do you think he was?” Lawan had surprise and concern on her face, expressions mirrored across the room.

“I don’t know.” I braced my hands on the back of the chair at the head of the table, the chair that had been Rodán’s. “But we need to be proactive, so I’ve contacted Krishna.” She was the Proctor over Long Island, Staten Island, and Ellis Island.

“Krishna put me in touch with the chairman of the Proctor Directorate.” I met the gazes of the other Trackers. “He told me he would notify all of the other Proctors of Rodán’s disappearance.”

I continued, “Chairman James will handpick a Proctor to temporarily replace Rodán.” I emphasized temporary, because we would find him.

A low murmur rolled through the Trackers that strengthened when I added, “That new Proctor will be bringing a team of twelve handpicked Trackers to assist in finding Rodán.”

Bringing in a new team and a new Proctor was bound to stir things up, so I wasn’t surprised when I saw uneasy looks.

“Tonight the Nymphs I spoke of will be meeting with a pair of males who may have been involved in the situation,” I said. “The Nymphs believe that the males are actors pretending to be Vamps. I’m not so sure they’re just actors.”

Lawan’s dark eyes were intent as she spoke. “You seriously think that these males may be true Vampires?”

“Yes.” My emphatic response caused another stir. “Which means that Vampires might be involved in Rodán’s disappearance.”

Tracey, who was Romanian Fae, a Sânzian, frowned. “But we defeated Volod and his people over six months ago.”

“As you know, we’ve suspected that Volod escaped.” I put my hands on the back of the chair at the head of the table. Rodán’s chair. “We can’t discount the possibility that he could be involved.”

Robert leaned back in his chair, his expression one of deep contemplation. He was a cougar Doppler, intense, focused, and silent until he was backed into a corner, or went on the offensive. When he spoke his words always meant something. “Do you think this has anything to do with the missing San Francisco Proctor and all of the Trackers?”

“It seems likely.” I gripped the back of the chair tightly. “We just don’t have the kind of information we’d need to make that determination.”

“What next, Captain?” Ice said.

Heat flushed through me. Normally Ice would have said something like that in a sarcastic tone, but tonight he sounded almost serious.

“I’m putting together a team to go back to the Nymphs’ apartment tonight for their meeting with the so-called make-believe Vamps.” I straightened and settled my hand on my sheathed Dragon-clawed dagger. “They’re supposed to arrive at their place around eleven tonight.”

No one interrupted, which I took as a good sign.

“Of course we need to make sure all of the territories are covered, so I’m going to take members of the existing special teams only.” My dagger’s grip felt comfortable in my hand as I squeezed it.

“Because the apartment is small,” I continued, “I’ll have a limited team with those who can shield themselves in glamour or shift into smaller forms. The team will include Joshua, Colin, and Ice.” I gestured to Desmond. “We can always use a Sorcerer’s services as well.”

Desmond gave a slight inclination of his head.

“Angel will handle organization of territories to make sure everything is covered on that end.” I released the hilt of my dagger. I was clenching it far too tightly. “See her if you have any questions in that regard.”

I expected some kind of comment on my taking over, but everyone seemed more intent on finding Rodán.

Maybe it had something to do with Rodán choosing me to lead most of our special teams over the past nine months or so. They were used to me taking a leadership position.

Whatever the case, I was grateful.

When it was time to track, everyone left but the team I’d picked out to crash the Nymph-Vamp party tonight.

I gave the address of the apartment building the Nymphs lived in. We arranged to meet just outside the apartment half an hour before the Vamps—or Vamp wannabes—were supposed to arrive. That way we could get in beforehand.

“We’ll observe as long as we can to understand their approach,” I said. “When I give the signal we’ll take the Vamps into custody—if I determine that they are in fact Vampires.”

After we separated with plans intact, Colin and I walked in comfortable silence the short distance to my place. We had almost three hours left before we were to meet the rest of the team.

When we entered the apartment, my normally aloof brat of a cat ran out of the kitchen and into the entryway, straight for Colin as usual. I rolled my eyes as the Dragon picked up Kali and she started purring and rubbing against his chest.

“I’m the one who feeds you,” I said to her. “Why don’t you purr for me?”

“I can tell Kali is yours, Nyx,” Colin said as he stroked the blue Persian. “She likes to snuggle close and rub against my chest.”

“There’s a difference. I’m loyal to those who take care of me.” Kali gave me a look of disdain before she went back to purring and reveling in Colin’s gentle strokes. Well, I had to admit he was a pretty fantastic guy. “And unlike Miss Kali, I don’t shred my pretty lingerie.”

I shook my head and got out some Fancy Feast, putting it in Kali’s Waterford crystal dish. Colin set her down and she walked like a regal queen to her meal.

Colin led me into my living room. When he brought me to a stop, he wrapped his arms around me. I put my head against his chest and let myself sink against him. Some of the tension of the day lessened for the moment.

My fear for Rodán wanted to come out in a rush, and I had a difficult time holding it back. I couldn’t allow myself to think of anything bad happening to him.

“Rodán is too powerful for anyone to hurt him.” Colin kissed the top of my head and his lips tickled my scalp as he spoke. “He’s countless centuries old, Nyx. At least as old as your father.”

I met Colin’s gaze, surprise widening my eyes. “He’s as old as Father? How do you know that?”

Colin gave me a gentle smile and caressed my cheek. “You forget I have resources.”

I tilted my head to the side. “What else do you know about Rodán?”

Colin secured me tighter in his embrace as he placed his hand on the back of my head and held me close. “Things you already know, Nyx. It wouldn’t be easy to take him down. He’s powerful. One of the most powerful beings I have ever met. I can’t imagine that anyone could truly hurt him.”

I breathed in Colin’s masculine scent and let out a shuddering sigh. I found comfort in the clean smell of his T-shirt and his faint Dragon scent that’s a little smoky but more like a campfire in the woods. An evergreen breeze with a tinge of smoke.

“Unless they took him by surprise.” I closed my eyes and tried not to think about the mess in the apartment—and the blood. Whose blood?

Colin just held me as we stood there and I felt his warmth through the leather of my fighting suit. He felt comfortable, reassuring, almost convincing me that everything was all right. That we’d find Rodán and he’d be fine.

After I’d taken off my weapons belt and my boots, Colin and I sat on my couch. He put his arm around my shoulders and I snuggled against him as he used the TV remote to find a movie for us to watch.

Something so real and warm rose up inside me that I could barely hold back from saying anything about it to him.

My heart had healed over Adam. Not fully, because in some way I would always love Adam.

But Colin … the intensity of what I felt for him filled my chest and seemed to travel through every limb. I knew it then. Colin meant more to me than I had even realized. Could it be love, so soon after Adam? Was that possible?

My heart said yes. But my head told me to wait a little longer before I voiced it. Because when I did, I wanted it to be special. Not now when Rodán was missing and I was so worried. Later, when the time was right.

Right now while I was with Colin he helped me put aside my fears for Rodán, if only for that short window of time.

When it was time to leave I secured my weapons belt and pulled my boots on. Colin gave me a deep, sensual kiss before we left my apartment and entered the night.

Cheyenne McCray's books