The Original Sin

Chapter Ten

When we pulled up, we were met outside by the whole house. Hagan, Killian and Emrick immediately flanked the Escalade and watched the driveway to see if we were followed.

“The route here was secure, as far as I could tell,” Pádraig said to Hagan as he came around the car.

Archer opened my door and took my hand. “Are you okay?” he asked as he pulled me into his arms.

I nodded my head and looked up at him. “How did he get into my house, Archer? He didn’t have my permission.”

“I don’t know, baby,” he said worriedly as he placed a soft, lingering kiss on my forehead and took a deep breath. His cell phone started vibrating in his pocket and he stepped back from me to answer it.

I walked toward the gathering of vampires and accepted the rare pats of comfort on my back from the guys. I watched as Trey went over to talk to Pádraig and turned back just in time to greet Aoife as she was walking toward me.

“We can’t let you out of our sight for a second, can we?” she asked, her tone light and playful but her face conveying the fear she felt.

“I guess not,” I sighed.

She stepped up next to me and comfortingly rubbed my back for a second before she went to talk to Pádraig as well.

Jameson stood awkwardly a few feet away and I immediately went up to him and threw my arms around him. His body stiffened in surprise, but soon melted into me as he gripped me tightly to his chest.

“I’m so glad you’re safe,” he whispered into my hair as he kissed the top of my head. “I was so worried.”

“I don’t understand how he got into my house,” I shook my head against him. “That’s supposed to be impossible, right?”

“Right, love,” he sighed. “I wish I had been there for you. I can only imagine how scared you were.”

I hugged him tighter and allowed him to walk us into the house.

Jameson sat me down on the sofa in the living room and went to make me a cup of tea.

“Is Earl Grey okay?” Jameson asked.

“Yes, thank you,” I answered as I slipped off my flip-flops and pulled my knees to my chest. I hugged them tightly to me and laid my head down on them. The adrenaline from finding out that Amun had been in my house was wearing off; I was suddenly exhausted.

I heard the front door open and saw Quinn and Lochlan enter the family room, soon followed by everyone else. I watched as Archer sighed and ran his fingers through his hair as he walked over to me and took a seat beside me on the couch.

“Are you okay?” he asked quietly.

I nodded my head as I put my cheek back down on my knees. “Just tired,” I whispered as I closed my eyes. “I didn’t sleep well last night.”

“You’ve had a pretty eventful day, too,” Archer said gently.

“Here you go, love,” Jameson said and I lifted my head to see him holding a mug out to me.

I sat up and lowered my legs as I appreciatively accepted the steaming cup. “Thank you, honey.”

Jameson had made my tea just how I liked it and I smiled gratefully as I blew onto the top of the cloudy liquid to cool it.

“So what happens now?” I asked Archer as Jameson took a seat in the overstuffed chair next to a napping Styvi Nix.

“An Dílis will be here as soon as they can. The closest faction they have is in Houston at the moment. They thought Amun was there, not in Austin.”

“Tell me the truth,” I pleaded gently. “Pádraig said that Amun had been in my house in the past few days, but he never gave me an exact time frame. I have a feeling he knows more than he is telling me. What else do I not know?”

Archer sighed as he looked over at me. I could see the indecision on his face as he gazed at mine. “Just tell me, please…whatever it is, I can handle it.”

“He was in your house today,” Archer explained. “Earlier this morning, based on the scent.” He reached into his jean pocket, pulled out a piece of paper, and watched me closely as he handed it to me.

“What’s this?” I asked, confused as I unfolded it. I quickly read it and looked over at Archer with wide eyes. “So, this is actual confirmation that he really has been controlling my dreams. I didn’t want to believe it…”

Jameson stood up and came to sit on the other side of me. He gently took the paper from me and glanced at it. “Meet me in your dreams,” he read aloud and handed the paper back to Archer. “Are we still worried about a Trojan Horse scenario?”

“Nay, Youngblood,” Archer answered quickly. “Hunter and I both saw nothing to cause alarm during our readings. I don’t know how he’s manipulating her dreams, but I badly want to.”

Archer looked at me and took a deep breath. “I spoke with An Dílis and they want you to try something. They want you to fall asleep and actively seek Amun in your dreams, if you can manage it. When you see him, get him to talk to you. Ask questions about your surroundings or see if you can get him to slip up and say where he is physically. Also, see if he will tell you how he is able to access your dreams. Pretend to be interested in it, if you can. From what you’ve told me, Amun seems very boastful and self-righteous and he may tell you because of it.”

I shook my head, my eyes wide with sudden fear. “I’m scared, Archer. You know what he can do. Please don’t ask me to do this. I don’t want to see him again.”

Jameson pulled me into his arms to comfort me and I watched Archer’s body stiffen. It was obvious he did not like Jameson touching me now. “Would you feel better if one of us watched you while you slept? That way someone will be there with you when you awaken?” Jameson asked sweetly.

“I’m scared,” I repeated as I looked over at Archer pleadingly.

“Youngblood, would you mind giving us a minute?” Archer asked as he got up and extended his hand to me. “I want to talk to Skye in private.”

I slowly took his hand as I stood and followed him to the hall. I glanced back apologetically at Jameson and then followed Archer to his office.

He closed the door and I took a seat in one of the two chairs in front of his desk. I watched as he perched on the edge of the desk in front of me and sighed. “What are you afraid of exactly, Skye?” he asked patiently.

I looked down at my hands and blushed furiously. “I-I can’t handle having another dream like the last one I had,” I said, completely embarrassed, referring to the sexual encounter Archer and I had. “It was too real…too vivid. I was unable to differentiate a dream from actual reality. I’m terrified to go through that for a second time.” I bit my bottom lip and sighed. “I’m scared that he’ll use you against me, and I can’t deal with that right now. I just can’t.”

“I know you are afraid,” Archer said gently, “but if you can help us catch Amun, I need you to try, love. I’ll stay with you the entire time you’re asleep. I won’t leave your side, I promise.”

I looked up at Archer and realized that I had no choice. Amun was going to come to me in my dreams anyway, so why not be prepared and have someone beside me while it happens. I swallowed thickly and finally nodded my head in agreement.

He smiled as he stood up and pulled me into his arms. “You are so brave,” he whispered as he looked down into my eyes. “I won’t let anything happen to you and I’ll wake you up if you start crying out in your sleep, okay?”

“Okay,” I agreed as I wrapped my arms around him and held him tightly. I was terrified of what I was about to do, but I knew it needed to be done. “Where should I take my nap?”

“Wherever you are most comfortable, love,” he said and kissed the top of my head.

“My room,” I whispered into his chest.

I followed Archer out of the office and down the hall to the family room. I waited by the entryway as Archer went over to Jameson and gave him his cell phone. They spoke briefly in hushed tones then Archer walked back over to me. The look on Jameson’s face tugged at my heart, but I’d rather Archer experience the horrors of my dreams instead of Jameson. I had already brought Jameson enough worry with my previous dreams, he didn’t need to see anymore; especially if they were of the sexual nature and costarred by my boss and Jameson’s maker/brother/father. Can you say ‘awkward’?

Archer and I walked to my room and I sat down on the edge of my bed as he shut the door.

“Do you need to change?” he asked and I shook my head.

I quickly undid my braids and ran my fingers through my wavy hair before pulling back the covers and crawling under them.

Archer walked over to the French doors and pulled the curtains closed. “Would you like me to lay down with you?” he asked as he turned back to me.

“No,” I shook my head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Then I’ll be right here when you wake up,” he smiled as he relaxed onto the chaise lounge.

I turned on my left side, facing away from him, and snuggled down into my pillow. “Thank you,” I whispered and quickly fell asleep.


I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the iPod dock by the bed. It read 5pm and I realized that I had slept three whole hours without dreaming of Amun. I rolled over, took a deep breath and stretched my sore muscles. Archer stirred on the chaise lounge on my right and sat up.

“Damnú air,” he swore as he tiredly pinched the bridge of his nose. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep.” He looked up at me with raised, expectant eyebrows. “Did you dream of him?”

I shook my head as I pushed back the covers and got out of bed. “I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but I’m glad he didn’t come to me. He scares the crap out of me, Archer.”

“I know, baby,” he said as he walked over to me. “Go ahead and get dressed. I need to call Ruarc and get an update. An Dílis will want to go through your house, I’m sure. They’ll need you to give them access before we go to the club.”

I nodded my head and turned to go to the bathroom when suddenly he was standing behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me to his chest. He nuzzled my neck softly and it gave me goose bumps all over my body. “I’m proud of you,” he whispered in my ear as he lightly trailed kisses down my neck. His touch felt unbelievable good and my heart quickened with need. I had a sudden flash from my dream; I was on top of him, my pink nipple in his hungry, delicious mouth as he looked up at me with hot desire in his eyes. I quickly pushed the memory away and turned around in his arms to face him.

“You have to stop,” I whispered, putting my hand to his chest to get some distance between us. “I don’t know what to do with these feeling I have for you. Part of me wants to desperately make love to you like I did in my dream, but the other part of me feels betrayed and broken by what you and Hunter did to me. I can’t be with you if part of me doesn’t trust you. Lack of trust is a major deal breaker for me.” I sighed as I looked down at the hand that was resting on his white t-shirt. “I just broke up with Jameson because of the actions of you, Hunter and Trey. I still don’t fully trust vampires. It’s going to take a while to earn my trust back, Archer. It may be too late, I don’t know.”

“I wish I could take back what I did to you,” he said sadly. “I’d do anything to take your pain away, Skye. I’m so sorry I hurt you.”

“Me too,” I said before standing on my tiptoes and chastely kissing him on his plush lips. “Tell Ruarc to cancel the extra guards he was going to send you as a replacement for the ones I was going to take. I’m not leaving here until Amun is dead; not now that he’s been in my house without an invitation. I’ll never be truly safe there while he is still alive.”

He nodded his head as I stepped back and walked into the bathroom. I heard my bedroom door softly close and I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I quickly put on my makeup and threw my hair up into two tight buns on top of my head. After making sure that my false eyelashes were adhered properly, I went to my closet and put on a blood red push-up bra, an excessively ripped black crop top that barely went below my bra, and a red, pleated tartan patterned ultra mini skirt. I pulled on some ripped tights and completed the look with clunky platform knee-high boots. After grabbing my bag, I shut my bedroom door and walked into the family room.

Styvi Nix came bounding up to me as soon as she saw me. “Hey little girl!” I greeted her as I scooped her up in my arms. “I’ve missed you, sleepy head.”

She barked and wiggled in my arms and I sat her down and watched her grab her tug rope and bring it to me. “Does someone want to go outside and play?” I asked, laughing at how adorable she was. She ran to the door and sat patiently; her little stubby tail wagging furiously with excitement.

I looked around the room and most of the vampires were watching her with an amused smile on their faces. I could immediately tell that Styvi had made a few friends in her short time here.

I went to the back door and looked over my shoulder at Jameson. “Care for a game of Fetch with us?” I smiled.

He returned mine with a tentative one of his own, grabbed his glass of blood and joined us. He stood by me quietly as he watched me throw and Styvi fetch.

“I didn’t dream of Amun,” I said softly.

“I heard,” he replied, matching my tone.

I looked over at him and sighed. “Is it horrible that I’m glad?”

Jameson bent down to take the proffered tug rope from an excited Styvi. “No one can fault you for it. We all know how alarming his presence is for you. I’m just sorry they asked that of you. It was pretty insensitive if you ask me.”

I bit my bottom lip in deep thought. “Shouldn’t I try to help find him if I can? I mean, I don’t want to, but if it’ll help catch Amun sooner…”

“You do what you want,” Jameson growled suddenly as he frustratedly ran his fingers through his hair. “You’ve been doing it for the last few days with no thought to anyone else’s feelings…why stop now?”

My jaw dropped in shock. Jameson’s sudden outburst was so unexpected and unlike him. I closed my mouth as I took a deep breath. “You’re pissed at me,” I said softly. “I get it. I broke your heart and I’m a major bitch for doing it. I’m sorry, Jameson. I can’t take back what happened. I was hoping that we could just move on and be civil to one another…hell maybe be friends even, but it looks like you aren’t ready for that.”

“You’re damn right I’m not,” he seethed, fully turning his body to mine. “I was in love with you, Skye. We had an amazing, beautiful relationship and you throw it all away because of something I had no control over, something I didn’t even participate in! You passed judgment on me when you did the others. I SAVED you. I HEALED you. I didn’t hurt you like they did and still, you break up with me? And the best part of this whole f*cking situation is that you’ve got something going on with Archer, my f*cking brother, my father! You wasted no time jumping into his arms after he hurt you. What the hell is that? I save you, you dump me. He facilitates your heart attack and almost kills you and you lust after him? Don’t think I can’t see what’s going on between you two. I smell your attraction to him and it’s tenfold now that you’ve dumped me. I don’t get you, Skye. I thought I knew you, but it’s obvious I know nothing. The girl I was in love with would never have hurt me like you did.” I watched helplessly as he turned and flashed around to the front of the house.

“Shit,” I sighed as I put my hand to my forehead. Styvi sat down at my feet and whimpered in the direction that Jameson had fled.

“I know, girl,” I whispered sympathetically. “I’m sorry.”

I was devastated that I had hurt Jameson and I was hurt by his words, but every one he spoke was the truth. I didn’t know what the hell I was thinking or even doing right now. Half of me hated Archer and all vampires for that matter, but the other half of me loved them. Conflicting emotions warred inside me and tugged at my soul. I felt horrible that everything had gotten so messed up between Jameson, Archer and me.

I looked down at a still whimpering Styvi Nix and reached down to gently stroke her head. “I’ll fix this, superstar. I know you love him. I do too.”

I picked up her tug rope and she reluctantly followed me back into the house. As I tossed her rope onto the hardwood floor, I looked around the room. Everyone was looking at anything but me and I could immediately tell that they had heard Jameson’s rant. Oh hell. I sighed as I squared my shoulders and walked into the kitchen for a glass of carrot juice.

“Give him time,” Aoife whispered behind me and I jumped at her unexpected nearness. I turned to face her, bottle in hand, as she continued. “He’s angry but he’ll get over it. He always does.”

“Not this time,” Trey said from the kitchen table as he stared into his glass of blood. “I’ve never seen him this hurt before. Not even when Amani dumped him for that Dark One back in ’43. He’s not getting over this one.”

“Ouch,” Quinn said from the doorway of the kitchen. “I remember that. He wasn’t right for a few years afterward.”

I swallowed thickly and moved to put the bottle of carrot juice back in the refrigerator. I suddenly felt sick to my stomach. “So you guys heard all that, huh?” I asked as I closed my eyes tightly, horrified and embarrassed.

“Aye,” Seamus said from the couch. “You’ve made a’ bloody mess o’ that situation. Lad’s all bolloxed up.”

I cringed and sighed as I closed the refrigerator door and rubbed my right temple; I felt a wicked stress headache coming on. “Dammit,” I swore under my breath.

“Back off,” Hunter growled protectively from his spot on the couch by Seamus. “This is between Jameson and Skye. Just because you heard the argument doesn’t mean you have to put in your two cents. Theirs is a private matter and it needs to stay one.”

“Jameson is my friend,” Trey huffed angrily as he stood up from the kitchen table. “I think it’s only fair that the person who hurt him knows just how devastated he really is.”

“Trey,” I pleaded sadly, but he raised a delicate hand to silence me.

“I love you, Skye,” he said with sad, hurt eyes. “You are like family to me, but what you did to him was unfair and I have a right to be angry with you.”

“I have my own rights, too, you know,” I frowned as I straightened my back indignantly. “I’m still angry at what you participated in yesterday. You held me against my will and helped them hurt me.”

Trey huffed and dramatically threw his hands up. “Ifreann na fola! We all apologized to you, Skye! I was just following Archer’s orders and he had damn good reasons for them. If you had actually been what he feared, you could have killed us all!”

“But I wasn’t!” I shouted back at him. “You could have just talked to me and told me what was happening!”

“No, he couldn’t,” Aoife said gently from beside me.

“Stay out of this, Aoife!” Trey and I both yelled in unison.

We were silent for a few moments as we stared daggers at each other. Both of us were hurting and nothing we said right now in the heat of the moment was going to help the situation.

“I love you Skye,” Trey said as he turned and walked out of the kitchen, “but I don’t like you very much right now.”

“Ditto Trey!” I yelled after him. I walked over to the seat he had just vacated and sat down, putting my head in my hands.

“Come on, guys,” Quinn said quietly, “let’s give her some peace.”

I heard the room clear out and I sighed in relief. I crossed my arms on the table and roughly put my head down on them. This day can’t possibly get any worse.

“Careful,” Archer said gently. “The day isn’t over yet.”

I groaned and lifted my head to see him standing in the kitchen doorway, his arms crossed over his chest, a sympathetic look on his face. I groaned again and put my head back down. “I can’t deal with this shit anymore,” I mumbled into the table. “Everyone is mad at me and I’m mad at everyone. I shouldn’t be here. I don’t belong. I wish The Faithful would hurry the hell up and catch Amun so I can go back to my normal, quiet life and you all can go back to yours.”

I heard Archer sigh as his footsteps fell on the hardwood, coming closer to me. I felt his hand gently caress my neck as he spoke. “You do belong with us, Skye. I know living and working with vampires is an adjustment, but I hope it’s one you’re ultimately able to make. Everyone is on edge right now, but things will blow over; just give it time.”

“I don’t know if I can,” I said, looking up into Archer’s eyes. “Honestly, Archer…I’m tired of being scared; tired of loving you on one hand and hating you on the other.”

“It’s only been a day and a half, love.”

“It feels like an eternity when your heart is torn in two,” I whispered sadly as I stood up and faced him fully. “Irreparable damage has been done to all of us. Take me out of the equation and your family happily goes on as it once was. Leave me in it and we’re all miserable.”

“That’s not true,” Archer growled lowly.

I shook my head and sighed. “I don’t want to fight with you. I don’t have another round in me, Archer. Let’s just go to work and get it over with.”

Archer ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. “Okay Skye. I don’t want to fight with you either. We have to swing by your house first to let An Dílis in and then we can go to the club. They arrived an hour ago and have been waiting for us.”

I nodded my head, gathered my bag and followed him to the front door. When I looked around the driveway, I noticed that all of the cars were gone except the Escalade. Hagan politely opened the door for me and I climbed into the back seat. Thankfully Archer took the front and I was alone with my thoughts up until we pulled into my driveway.

“Greetings, dheartháir,” Hagan called to the group of men mingling around my front yard as he got out of the car.

Archer got out next and opened the door for me. I quickly exited and made my way over to Hagan and the group of six. I listened and politely waited as everyone greeted each other in Gaelic. Handshakes were given and pats on the back were passed around. It looked like Hagan knew these men well, but I had never seen them before. They were a different group than had visited The Mausoleum a few weeks ago.

Someone elbowed me and smiled as they chittered to me in their language. His brown eyes took in my outfit, head to toe, and he smiled widely at me.

“Eist, Shannon!” Hagan admonished before looking over at me apologetically.

“What?” I asked confused. “What did I miss?”

“Nothing,” Archer growled as he slung his arm around my neck, very obviously staking his claim to me, and pulled my hip up against his thigh.

“Shannon said he’d love for you to take him out and show him a good time while he’s in town,” Hagan said, trying to stifle a smile.

I pursed my lips at the handsome man and tsked when he suggestively wagged his eyebrows at me. “Not going to happen, big boy,” I shook my head as I disengaged myself from Archer’s hold. “You’re a day late and a dollar short with me. I’ve sworn off dating vampires.”

“He doesn’t ‘ave to date ya’ lass,” one of the other men chuckled in his thick Scottish accent. “He jus’ wants a lil’ dig at your diddies.”

Both Archer and Hagan yelled at the man in Gaelic and the rest of them cringed as they quickly wiped the smiles off their faces.

I laughed and rolled my eyes. “Immortal or not, boys will be boys,” I shrugged as I walked over to my front door. Archer immediately flashed to stand beside me and took the keys out of my hand.

“Let me open the door.”

“Have at it,” I shrugged again as I took a step back and watched him insert the key and carefully unlock it. He swung the door open wide, took a deep breath in and stepped inside.

“Invite them in,” he said without turning to me.

“Gentleman, won’t you please come in?” I asked with a flourish of my hand as I stepped further out of the way.

The group flashed inside and I watched them disappear into different areas of my house. I heard someone clear their throat behind me and I turned to see the man that had hit on me.

“Sorry,” he whispered as he shifted his feet uncomfortably. “That was rude of me.”

“Don’t sweat it,” I smiled and shook my head. “I thought it was kind of funny actually.”

He smiled at me, winked, and flashed inside to join the others. A minute later, Archer came out with a sigh. “Come on. Let’s get you back in the car. Hagan will be out in a minute. An Dílis will need to stay for a bit, but they’ll lock up and get your keys back to you tonight.”

I bit my lip as I listened to him, suddenly worried. “They aren’t going to like…go through my things are they? I mean, I’d positively die of embarrassment if they found my collection of vibrators.”

Archer seemed to choke for a second and I looked up at him anxiously. “Are you okay?”

“Dhuine!” Archer chuckled as he patted his chest. He composed himself and looked down at me in amusement. “I did not expect that, Skye. You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you? You lively, wicked girl,” he winked playfully.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. “I’m serious here!”

Archer slung his arm around my neck with a wide smile and led me to the car. “They are professionals, Skye. They’ve been doing their jobs for hundreds of years. I’m sure the boys have seen a naughty knob or two in their day. You needn’t worry.”

I put my head in my hands as I sat down in the back seat of the Escalade. “This is so embarrassing,” I whined.

“It’s kind of hot, actually,” Archer said as he climbed into the front. “I like a woman who knows what she likes in bed.”

I blushed furiously and groaned with renewed embarrassment.

Hagan joined us a few minutes later and spoke quietly to Archer in Irish Gaelic as he backed us out of the driveway and headed downtown to the club. I had no idea what they were saying, but it looked very involved as I watched the two of them converse. Archer was asking questions and Hagan was rapidly answering them. Suddenly, Archer swore loudly then nervously looked back at me, almost like he had forgotten I was sitting in the back seat.

“What? What’s wrong now?” I asked worriedly.

“Nothing,” Archer said as he resumed his conversation with Hagan.

“Don’t lie to me,” I huffed. “Something is wrong, I can tell.”

Archer ignored me as he retrieved his cell phone from his pants pocket. He dialed a number and spoke to whoever answered in hushed Gaelic tones.

“Hagan?” What am I missing here?”

Hagan shook his head as he pulled into The Mausoleum’s employee parking lot. “Nothing you should concern yourself with, Morrison. Let it go.”

I frowned as I looked between the two of them. I was willing to bet that they had found something else in my house and were not planning to tell me what it was.

“This is bullshit,” I growled unhappily as I got out of the car and started to walk inside.

Archer flashed next to me and grabbed my hand as he walked with me. “Don’t be angry with me, Skye. I need to work some things out, but I’ll tell you everything as soon as I can. Stop worrying so much. I promise you, everything is okay.”

“Said the man who thought I was a Trojan Horse,” I sighed as I leaned into him, resting my head against his arm. “You swear I’m okay?”

“Yes, baby,” he said as he opened the door for me and quickly kissed the back of my head as I walked inside.

A few of the dancers were mingling in the hallway and saw Archer’s brief kiss. Their eyes followed us as we swiftly went our separate ways and I turned into the employee lounge to put my bag in my locker.

“So, are you dating the big boss now?” Peyton teased as he walked in behind me.

I turned around and smirked playfully at him. “Archer and I are just good friends, Pey. There’s nothing naughty going on, so cool your jets. We don’t want to start the rumor mill, now do we?”

“Hey,” he laughed, putting his hands up defensively, “what you do on your own time is your business, boss lady. Though, I don’t think it’s a half bad idea, if I do say so myself. I think you’d make a sexy little couple.”

“Peyton,” I groaned when I noticed a few of the other dancer’s listening into our conversation.

“Back to work, alley cats,” Peyton cooed lightheartedly to the crowd, “nothing to see here.”

I playfully smacked him on the arm as I turned to greet the other dancers. After a few hugs and a quick dance battle with Eden and Alex to Lady Gaga’s ‘Hair’, I saw Brian and Rachel arrive arm-in-arm. I smiled brightly when I saw how happy she seemed to be. She winked at me as the crowd of dancers descended on them and chattered excitedly about their new relationship development. I gave myself a proverbial pat on the back for a job well done and silently made my exit.

As I walked out onto the main floor, I glanced over at the bar to see Courtney leaning over the counter, flirtatiously talking to Jameson. He looked up to see me strolling over and smirked as he leaned across the counter to seductively tuck a stray strand of her long blond hair behind one ear. My heart instantly thundered in my chest as jealousy ripped through me. I knew what he was doing; I had hurt him so he was trying his hardest to hurt me by flirting with another girl. I didn’t want to see him in pain but I definitely didn’t appreciate the needless, flirty floor show. It really hurt me and if that was what Jameson was aiming for, well mission accomplished.

When I got up to them, I stood off to the side and put on my best and brightest fake smile. “Hey, guys! How’s it going?”

Courtney turned around and immediately blanched when she saw me standing there. “Uh, hi Skye. I was just asking Jameson if he would mind making me a drink before I went on. I wasn’t flirting with him, I swear,” she stuttered nervously as she sat back fully in the barstool.

I chuckled and put a hand on her back to calm her down. Courtney wasn’t the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree and I was afraid she would jump up and bolt back to the break room any second. “Honey, it’s fine,” I smiled on the outside while dying a little on the inside. “Jameson and I are no longer dating. We’re just friends now, so there is no need to worry about upsetting me. You two are consenting adults, so have at it.”

Jameson frowned at me and I swallowed thickly. This ‘pretending I was fine’ game totally sucked and I didn’t know how much longer I could keep it up. Inside I was screaming at Courtney to keep her gigantic tits out of my man’s face and for Jameson to keep his scheming hands off my dancers.

“Jameson, would you mind calling up to Archer’s office and asking him to bring down tonight’s VIP wristbands for the dancers?” I asked as I tried not to fidget nervously.

“You know how to use the phone,” he said, plainly dismissing me, and turning his attention back to Courtney.

Courtney timidly glanced back and forth between us and I winked at her, letting her know that everything was okay, as I went around the bar and picked up the phone. I took a silent deep breath as I dialed Archer’s extension and tried to calm my rampant emotions.

This was a nightmare scenario for me. Courtney was my co-worker and one of our star dancers. I couldn’t fling myself across the bar and rip her hair out like I had wanted to. I needed to stay professional and act completely unaffected. Then there was Jameson. Half of me was angry at Jameson, half of me loved him. I knew it was a bad idea to date my co-workers from the get-go and I was uber pissed that I hadn’t listen to my smarter inner self. You knew it was going to get messy! I warned you! I bit my bottom lip, deep in thought, as I realized that Jameson definitely knew what he was doing; I was certainly jealous and boy was I hurt. As I listened to the phone ring, I felt the full weight of my agony settle heavily into my soul.

“Yes?” Archer said quickly, picking up the phone.

I shook myself out of my inner turmoil and cleared my throat. “Uh, I need to get the dancer’s wristbands from you. Would you mind terribly if I asked you to bring them down?”

“You got it, babe,” he answered before ending the call.

I swallowed hard as I gently set the phone back down and steadied myself. Get ahold of your emotions. Smile. You’re fine. It’s just another normal day at work. BREATHE! I reached over and grabbed an empty glass from the shelf, quickly filling it with the closest bottle of hard liquor I touched. I took a big gulp and cringed when I felt vodka, my most hated liquor, slide harshly down my throat. Yuck! I shook my head and immediately poured it down the bar drain, rinsing the glass before fixing myself a 5 Star General.

“Crap,” Courtney said with a sigh. “Here comes the boss…I better run. Catch you after work, James?”

I sneered at her new nickname for him and took another slug from my glass as I peeked up to see Archer slowly descending the wide metal stairs.

“You betcha’, fine thing,” Jameson purred sexily and I turned around to face him, feeling like he had just stuck a knife in my heart.

His words to her brought me back to the very first time I had ever talked to Jameson. I was waitressing at Drop Kick Dan’s and he was playing a show there that night with his band. Dan asked me to take Jameson an Irish Car Bomb on the house and when he approached me, he spoke to me in the same tone using almost those exact words. Our first meeting had been immensely special to me and now he just crapped all over the memory with his words to her. He had frequently referred to me his ‘fine thing’ over the course of our relationship and now he was calling her that?

I angrily watched Courtney saunter off to the employee lounge and as soon as she was out of sight, I put my hand on Jameson’s shoulder and made him turn to face me. “How could you call her that?” I asked, outraged and feeling as if our whole relationship had meant nothing to him. I know we had only been dating a month or so, but that whole period I spent with him was akin to heaven; that is, up until his vampire family almost killed me.

“Call her what?” he asked snarkily as he folded his arms across his chest.

“Is this a game to you?” I seethed, roughly setting my drink down on the bar beside him and sloshing half its contents out in the process. “You think this is a game, ‘James’?” I spat Courtney’s nickname for him back in his face. I was suddenly furious and could feel the anger and hurt rapidly building within me. I wanted to lash out and rip his gorgeous brown hair from its roots. Do it. You’ll feel better, a little voice inside my head said and I lifted my hands with a frustrated growl to do just that.

J.L. McCoy's books