Soul Scorched

Only he was gone.


Rhi looked around, but there wasn’t another sign of him. She shrugged and went back to the bar to order another whisky. “His loss,” she murmured before ordering another drink.




Thorn walked into the cavern and paused. The last time all the Kings had been awake and gathered together inside the mountain was when they had bound Ulrik’s magic.


Surely Con wouldn’t try that again.


Thorn looked at the King of Kings at the front of the cavern standing on a boulder as Thorn walked to the opposite side. There were many faces he hadn’t seen in thousands of years. It felt right to have all the Kings awake once more.


He leaned against a carving of a group of dragons. A few minutes later, Ryder came to stand beside him. Thorn glanced at Ryder, but Ryder’s gaze was on Con.


“This isna good,” Ryder whispered.


Thorn leaned against the stone and crossed his arms over his chest. “Do you know what this is about?”


Ryder gave a nod to the entrance of the cavern. Thorn followed his gaze and saw Henry North, MI5 agent and friend to the Kings, walk in.


“I’ll be damned,” Thorn muttered.


Con raised a hand to quiet the cavern. “A mortal has never been allowed in this cavern. No’ even a mate. But times have changed. We’ve enemies at every corner. Ulrik has his magic returned. It willna be long before he awakens his Silvers. But that’s no’ why I’ve called you here.”


Thorn’s frown deepened.


“The Dark attacked two of our own in Edinburgh,” Con said. “We didna respond for fear of the humans seeing us. Because of that, the Dark have been spotted all over Scotland. I can no’ allow that to continue.”


Thorn smiled. “About damn time.”


Con’s gaze jerked to him. “Groups of two Kings will be sent out all over the UK to bring the Dark to heel. Our rules remain in place. Only shift at night when there’s no’ a chance the mortals will see you, and kill as many Dark as you can. The majority of us will remain on Dreagan to ensure the Silvers remain asleep.” Con paused and motioned for Henry to join him. “Henry has been tracking the Dark all over the world. He has a map of where they’re concentrated the most.”


“The fuckers are everywhere,” Henry said flatly as he held up a large map and began to talk.


Thorn’s attention was pulled from Henry as Con walked to him. Thorn had been expecting some sort of … discussion … after he helped Warrick get Darcy to Ulrik.


He just hadn’t expected it in the middle of a meeting.


Thorn straightened, dropping his hands. He faced Con, assuming the worst.


Con stopped in front of him. “I’m sending you back to Edinburgh.”


“Good.” Thorn had hoped he would get sent out. After what Warrick endured at the hands of the Dark, the two of them were ready to get back out there and kill Dark Fae.


“With Darius.”


The smile forming halted on Thorn’s lips. He wouldn’t argue with who he fought beside. It was enough that he would get to fight. There was movement out of the corner of his eyes as Darius came to stand beside him. “I doona care who I fight beside.”


Thorn started to walk away when Con said his name. He stopped and turned back to Con and glimpsed Ryder watching them.


“I’ve no’ forgotten your betrayal,” Con said.


Thorn closed the distance so he stood just a few inches from Con. “I didna betray you. I helped a friend.”


“You helped Ulrik.”


“I never sided with Ulrik. No’ back then, and no’ now. You’re worried about us fracturing? Take a look in the mirror, Con. You’re the culprit.”


Thorn began to respond when Con shifted his gaze to Darius. “We’re missing a few Kings.”


“I was wondering how long it would take you to notice. Arian will be here soon. He wanted another day to himself. I arrived with Roman and Nikolai just now.”


Thorn was looking over the group as Darius spoke. There was something in his tone that had Thorn jerking his head to Darius.


“What is it?” Con asked, a frown forming.


Darius blew out a breath. “I went to one mountain, but it was empty.”


“Empty?” Thorn repeated in confusion.


Con lowered his voice as he asked, “Who?”


“V,” Darius said.


Ryder visibly jerked.


“He could be anywhere, Con,” Darius said.


A muscle in Con’s jaw twitched. “Aye. Anywhere but Dreagan.”


“We need to find him,” Thorn said.


Ryder pushed away from the wall. “I can start looking. I’ve got a dozen new monitors arriving tomorrow.”


“Nay.” Con’s one word stopped them all. “We’ve got bigger things to worry about. V will find his way back home.”


No one mentioned that V could’ve gone to Ulrik.






Read on for an excerpt from the next book by Donna Grant




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