Seducing Destiny (The Fae Chronicles, #4)

“I needed a focal point, and people need something to believe in. The Tree is filled with my power, which is why, when I brought you over to this form, I was depleted in power. This world feeds me, and I in return, feed it. The Mages knew this because of my ex-husband. He told them where to strike us, and how best to remove me from the fight. Without his guidance, you should easily be able to strike against them. But I have to ask you to wait; you cannot rise against them yet, Synthia. You need time for the children to become stronger, and when that time comes, I’ll take them to the Hall of the Gods. They will be protected while you wage war among the Mages. Use this time to calm the disturbance with the Humans, and then bring war to the Mages. That is the only way that you can ensure that no other Gods intervene. Elijah knows that the other God is watching us, and he knows that we must wait. When he tells you this, believe him. No war can happen until the Humans are safe, for my children are killing them. If he wages war against us, we will lose.”

“So then we go to the Guild, and what? Help them?” I asked.

“No, you do as you said and create a new one. Create a better one. Protect the Humans, and bring some semblance of normalcy to the outcast Fae; they have none right now. This is what you had planned, you just have to do it sooner rather than later. You can do this; place Alden in the leadership role as you had planned. Allow Humans in, instead of just Witches. The Angels will come, and they will help too. I know this because I’ve seen it. Elijah will become an asset. Give him time to adjust and then offer him a role. I have to go attend to my ex-husband. He’s currently in a place where he can do no damage, nor assist the Mages. I have him handled, and until I decide to remove the God bolts, he’s stuck. Be safe, daughter of mine.”


We were back at the castle, and already Kahleena looked better. Her cheeks had a red hue from the chilled the air, but Ryder had seen to the fire which crackled in the hearth, and as I stood watching over her, he silently crept up and wrapped his arms around my waist.

“You did good, Synthia,” he said.

“I had no idea what I was doing,” I admitted.

He smiled against my neck. “I meant with our children. They’re truly beautiful. Just like their mother.”

“They are, aren’t they?” I whispered with a smirk on my mouth that he couldn’t see. “I think they have a touch of the devil in their eyes, though. That’s all you.”

He laughed, and I enjoyed the rumble of it as his arms tightened around me.

We’d placed them all in the same crib, since they seemed to prefer it anyway. Their birth had been filled with turmoil, but I had no worries that it would affect them in the long run anymore. I wouldn’t allow it to. I wouldn’t allow the war we would soon wage to touch them either.

“If they go to the Hall of the Gods, they’ll age faster. We’ll miss it, the time that they are there. Two days there is almost a month here. I’ve considered what Danu said, and while I hate the idea of sending them away, it would be the safest place for them with Bilé locked down wherever Danu has him. We need to be focused on the fight, and not on questions about our children’s safety.”

“Then we better prepare and have it planned out so where they are only there for a few hours. I agree though; I’d prefer the safety for them and the peace of mind of knowing they are protected so that we can focus on the fight at hand. I have my eyes and ears watching for the Mages. If they so much as come up for air, we will know about it. They can’t hide from us forever,” he said as his breath fanned against the sensitive skin of my ear.

“They’re regrouping,” I said as I considered the silence from them since the attack that ended my life. “They’ll want us to fight on their terms, but I think we should prepare for an all-out attack on them. We should send out more scouts,” I said.

“You think they are here?” he asked as he considered it.

“I do,” I replied honestly. “I think Faolán has them somewhere in Faery, and they’re searching out the relics hidden here. We have the majority of the relics, but some are still unaccounted for. I think they plan on fighting us right here. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t send my children away. I know we can protect them, but I would rather be smart about this. I have a bad feeling that they will be targets in the war. Better that we be prepared for them when they come. And Danu can have them gone from here quickly enough that, should the Mages show up, we wouldn’t have to worry about it.”

I hoped I was doing the right thing. The Mages were licking their wounds, but they wouldn’t be for long. They’d framed us and expected the Humans to keep us busy, and yet we now had their ace in the hole. We’d taken the man who’d been fueling this war. He was Danu’s prisoner, and Bilé could no longer give them information to use against us.

That was a huge gain for us and a huge loss for them. It wouldn’t stop them though and we knew it. They were dead set on the path they had chosen to walk, and when they finally showed up, we’d fight them. I only hoped that now with the babes born, that it would be soon. I wanted this over with and I wanted them safe from the lunacy of it all.

“Did Ristan say anything to you after the blessing?” I asked softly after a few moments had passed. Ryder grimaced briefly.