Night Pleasures (Dark Hunter Series – Book 3)

Stunned, Amanda couldn't think, couldn't move, as his warm lips parted hers. The scent of leather and taste of vampire invaded her senses. Never in her life had she felt anything like his mouth on hers. His kiss was fierce and hot as he pulled her into his arms and ravished her mouth like a marauder.


Every hormone in her body fired. She moaned low in her throat. Oh heaven, the man could kiss. And the feel of his hard body against hers was so incredible that she clutched at his shoulders wanting desperately to taste more of him.


His tongue danced with hers as his honed muscles rippled under her hands, and when her tongue accidentally brushed against his fangs, an unexpected shudder of pleasure ran through her.


For the first time since she had learned what he was, the thought of him biting her neck actually appealed to her. But not nearly as much as the thought of laying him down on the cold, hard floor and having her way with all that lean, mean strength until they were both hot, sweaty, and spent.


Kyrian tensed as he tasted the first bit of paradise he'd been allowed in over two thousand years. He was instantly aware of her soft, feminine curves pressing against his hardness. Aware of the way she smelled like flowers and sunshine—things that had been taken from him centuries before.


There was magic in her kiss. A raw, untapped passion. She might have been kissed before, but he could tell no man had ever made her feel like this. His body on fire, he ran his hand down her back, pressing her closer to him. He wanted her in a way he'd not wanted a woman since his days as a mortal man. He ached to touch her all over, to gently scrape his fangs over her neck, her breasts. To feel her writhing in his arms…


Closing his eyes, he breathed her sweet, feminine scent as his body throbbed and ached for her with a primitive need.


Amanda gasped as he slid his hand down the side of her breast to her waist, then down to cup her buttocks. She'd never been the kind of woman to let a man handle her this way, and yet there was something about the Dark-Hunter she couldn't resist.


When he pulled her heatedly toward the wall and pinned her to it, she thought she would literally melt. His chest pressed against hers, making her even more aware of his lean, hard muscles. He separated her legs with his powerful thigh, and raised it to collide with the center of her body in a way that made her throb even more. Amanda hissed in pleasure as he deepened his fiery kiss.


She wrapped her free arm around his neck, pulling him closer as her head swam. What would it be like to make love to such an untamed predator? To run her hands over all those sleek, taut muscles that rippled with every move he made?


He left her lips and seared a trail with his tongue from her mouth to her ear. She felt the barest scrape of his fangs on her neck. Amanda shook all over in response to him as her breasts swelled, longing for his caress. And all the while his thigh stroked her between her legs, making her burn even more. Her knees weakened and she sank deeper onto him.


Suddenly, a knock sounded on the door. "Hey, you two," Tate said, cracking it open. "Someone's coming."


The Dark-Hunter pulled back with a growl. It was then she realized what she'd done. "Oh God," she breathed. "I just kissed a vampire!"


"Oh gods, I just kissed a human!"


Amanda narrowed her eyes at him. "Are you mocking me?"


"Guys!"Tate called again.


Hunter took her arm and led her out the door. The janitor gave them a strange look, but said nothing as he entered the bathroom behind them. Tate led them to his small office outside the morgue.


An old wooden desk was set against the far wall, with two chairs in front of it. A sofa with a neatly folded blanket and pillow on top of it was to her right and a set of metal filing cabinets to her left. Tate showed her to the phone on the desk, then left them to attend his business.


Trying her best to forget what had just happened in the bathroom and how good Hunter had felt in her arms, Amanda called Tabitha while Hunter stood over her. Of course, Tabitha immediately started in on her for not letting the dog out.


"Okay," Amanda said irritably. "I'm sorry Terminator scored on your new comforter."


"Sure you are," Tabitha said. "So, what happened to you last night?"


"What? Are your psychic abilities failing you? I got waylaid in your house by one of your vampire buds."


"What!" Tabitha shrieked. "Are you okay?"


Amanda looked up at Hunter and wasn't sure how to answer. Physically, she was fine, but he did something strange to her that she couldn't even begin to define. "I survived it. But they're looking for you, so you need to hide out someplace safe for a few days."


"I don't think so."


Hunter grabbed the phone from her hands. "Listen to me, little girl. I have your sister with me, and if you don't leave your house and vanish for the next three days, I will make your sister wish you had listened to me."


"You touch her and I'll stake you."


He laughed bitterly. "Been there, done that. Now get out of your house and let me handle this."


"And Amanda?"


"She is safe as long as you listen to me." He handed the phone back to Amanda.


"Hey, tabby," Amanda said sheepishly.