Neverseen (Keeper of the Lost Cities, #4)

“We can’t wait too long,” Sophie told them. “King Dimitar might already be planning something. We have to let them go before it’s too late. There’s no way to completely guarantee the alicorns’ safety. Just like we couldn’t truly protect the gnomes. So maybe we have to trust that other creatures can take care of themselves. Calla was the one who saved her people, wasn’t she? Not us.”

She could see several Councillors nodding. But not enough, so she added one more thing. “Believe me, I don’t want to let Silveny go—or Greyfell, or the coming baby. I just lost Calla. I can’t lose them.” Her voice cut out and she cleared her throat. “But I want them safe more than I want them close. I want to know they can run away if they need to, not be trapped under a mountain like sitting ducks.”

Councillor Emery sighed. “Give us a moment.”

He closed his eyes to moderate the telepathic debate.

Minutes ticked by and Sophie tugged on her eyelashes. After all she’d been through, she deserved a nervous habit.

“I can’t believe we’re going to do this,” Emery eventually announced. “And we do so only if you agree to our conditions.”

“You must check on Silveny daily,” Bronte jumped in, “and give us a report so we know what’s happening. And if any of us see any signs that this new arrangement is too dangerous, you must do everything in your power to help us bring the alicorns back to the Sanctuary.”

Sophie glanced at Keefe, glad to see him nodding. Grady and Edaline seemed to approve of the plan as well.

“Deal,” she told the Council.

She tried to celebrate the victory—cling to it as proof that she and the Councillors could work together. But a wave of sadness tried to drown her when Councillor Emery hailed Jurek and told him to bring the alicorns.

All too soon the massive gates swung open, and the blast of bright sunlight made Sophie’s eyes burn. Or maybe that was her tears when she spotted the two glittery winged horses galloping toward her.

Her head filled with an endless stream of SOPHIE! SOPHIE! SOPHIE! KEEFE! KEEFE! KEEFE! VISIT! VISIT! VISIT!

Yes—I’m here! she transmitted as a familiar tall figure with long dreadlocked hair approached.

Jurek held the alicorns with thick golden ropes tied loosely around their necks. He didn’t smile as he bowed to the Council. “I’m hoping I misunderstood your instructions.”

“So am I,” Councillor Emery said.

Silveny trotted closer, nuzzling Sophie’s shoulder. The female alicorn had always been stunningly beautiful, between her gleaming silver wings, wavy silver mane, and the swirled silver-and-white horn in the center of her forehead. But she seemed to be benefitting from that famous “pregnant glow.” Her fur looked almost opalescent, and her brown eyes shined.

Greyfell looked far less excited. Sophie could see the tension twitching in every muscle of his body. And his blue-tipped wings kept flapping nervously.

It’s okay, Sophie transmitted. Trust. Friend.

Greyfell whinnied, but he kept right on twitching. Silveny, meanwhile, had switched to nuzzling Keefe, and had finally coaxed a real smile out of him.

“Hey there, Glitterbutt,” he said. “Glad to know you missed me.”


Sophie choked back a sob as she realized this could be the last time she ever saw Silveny. The alicorn could ignore her transmission, or fly so far away she couldn’t reach her, or . . . worse things she was trying very hard not to think about.

SAD? Silveny asked.

Yeah, Sophie admitted. But it’s going to be okay.

She willed the words to be true as she did her best to explain to Silveny and Greyfell what was about to happen. They didn’t seem to understand, until she told Jurek to untie the golden ropes, leaving the alicorns able to fly away if they wanted.

Free, Sophie told them. Fly free.

Silveny glanced back at the Sanctuary. STAY?

Sophie shook her head. You guys will be safer on your own.

STAY, Silveny repeated. SOPHIE. FRIEND.

Safe is more important, Sophie promised. You need to protect your baby.

The final word ended Silveny’s resistance.

Greyfell stretched his wings and stared at the grayish blue sky. It wasn’t as beautiful as the rainbow sky inside the Sanctuary, but it was the first real sky Greyfell had seen in decades. Sophie watched his brown eyes glint and knew she was making the right choice. The alicorns deserved to be free. They could take care of themselves.

She brushed her fingers down Silveny’s nose and patted Greyfell’s side. Better get going before the Council changes their minds.

Silveny nuzzled her again, releasing a whinny that broke Sophie’s heart. Then she flapped her wings and launched into the sky.

Greyfell followed immediately, and they circled above, climbing higher and higher with each rotation.

“Let’s hope this isn’t a mistake,” Councillor Terik murmured.

Sophie was making the same wish.

Keefe’s hand reached for hers, and together they watched the alicorns dive, racing toward the ground so fast they split the sky.

Right before they disappeared, Silveny transmitted, SOPHIE. FRIEND. ALWAYS.

But the best words were her last two: VISIT. SOON.


Shannon Messenger's books