
I growled, being unable to speak my insulting retort.


Aiden laughed. “You do look like a fox, babe. It’s a good thing. You’ll be unique among the pack. Easy to spot and distinguish. See for yourself.” He pointed me to the adjoining bathroom and its floor to ceiling mirror.


Turning around a few times, I inspected every inch of my new furry body. Though I had the size of a wolf, my colors were completely different than those of my pack. They all resembled black to gray wolves in some fashion, whereas I was a burnt-red wolf that faded down to a dusty cream color at my paws. The only black on me was a few accents, like the tips of my ears and the end of my tail. I really did look like a fox. And I liked it.


“Ok, enough mirror time, foxy lady. Let’s get you mated!” Brady patted his leg. “C’mon, girl.”


I pinned my ears back and growled.


“Sorry, I had to do it. Let’s go.”


I turned back to Aiden. I wanted to say something, but lacked the voice.


“I know, babe. I love you too. Go. I’ll see you out there.”


Since being introduced to the supernatural world, life had been one stressful event after another. The past few weeks hadn’t been any easier either: worrying about whether or not to become a wolf, then finally doing it. I was ready for things to calm down and get back to some sense of normalcy, whatever that was.


I followed Brady to what he had lovingly called “Mating Hill.” It was a small hill just behind the cabins that surrounded the wolf preserve. Other members of the pack were gathering, some in their wolf form, and others in their human form. They appeared to be setting up for the ceremony.


Though the hour was still very early, the sun still had not shown itself on the horizon, the pack seemed happy to be accomplishing their tasks.


Brady led me to the back of the crowd forming near the top of the hill and told me to “stay.” I was beginning to tire of his dog jokes, and if he didn’t quit them soon, I’d have to take a bite out of his ass.


But stay I did, and waited for Aiden to arrive.


His entrance to the hill was met with immediate attention. He strolled in as a human, wearing only a pair of loose-fitting jeans.


The rest of the pack reverently bowed their heads as he passed them on his wait to the top of the hill.


When he reached the top, he turned and faced the crowd. “Many of you took issue with my choice of mate. You raised concern that she was not nor would ever be one of us. Today she stands among you, a wolf, just like me and just like you. Would you like to meet her?”


The assembled crowd looked around, but it did not take them long to spot me. I stuck out like a sore thumb, the fiery red she-wolf.


Aiden waved me forward and I slowly took my spot next to him on the hill.


“She is one of us. She is part of us. She is pack!” His voice filled with such pride it made me smile.


“If there is any among you who challenge this, let them come forward.”


My heart sped at his words. I turned and looked at the crowd, waiting as the seconds ticked by, hoping no one would oppose me.


After the moment passed and no one made challenge, Aiden spoke again. “Then, as she is pack, and an eligible female, I take her as my mate.”


There was a moment of silence as Aiden looked out among the crowd.


“Again I ask. If there are any among you who challenge this, let them come forward.”


Beautiful silence gave me more relief than I can describe. Not a single wolf gave even the slightest hint of opposition.


Without another word, Aiden dropped his pants and began shifting. A moment later, my tall, dark, and handsome gray wolf stood next to me. Shoulder to shoulder, we looked out over the hill to the pack below us.


The sun crept above the horizon, turning the sky a pale blue. As much as I hated being up this early, I had to admit Brady was right to choose this as our time. It was beautiful and would remain a wonderful memory for years to come.


Brady took over addressing the crowd. “Aiden and Fallon have come here today to be mated. You as their pack bear witness to their commitment as Alphas and mates.”


Aiden turned and sniffed my nose, then my cheek, and nuzzled my ear.


Instinct told me to do the same, to mirror his actions.


We sniffed, we circled, and then brushed up against each other, marking the other with our scents. It was almost like a dance. As we moved, the pack cheered us on; the wolves howled, and the people clapped.


When our dance ended, Brady looked down at me. “If you can turn, now would be the time to do it.”


I remembered what Aiden had told me: “Remember who you are,” and tried to will the jolt of electricity to flow through my limbs. It didn’t work on the first try, but after a few deep breaths, I felt my body begin to expand.


Aiden too transformed back to his human form.


Katie Salidas's books