Keepers of the Flame (Trilogy Bundle)

chapter Six

I gazed in shock at Keenan Jones and as I looked at him, I kept expecting him to be an apparition. How had he appeared here and what did he have to do with the kidnapping of Katrina? My mind was full of questions, but I could only stare at him. Finally I found my voice.

“Keenan? What are you doing here?”

“What do you think? I'm here to finish off what my father started.” He stated with glittering eyes.

“Your father? What does that have to do with me?” I felt like I was missing something, but for the life of me I had no idea what it was.

“You are the stupid bitch who killed him and once I'm done with you, you will beg for his fate.” He said with venom.

“I don't understand? Who is your father?” I asked, but I already knew. How many people had I killed in my entire life? One person, that's how many. But it couldn't be...could it? I read the answer in his eyes.

“Lord Morrison dedicated a lot of his life to the stone, but you had to go turn on him.”

“You're...” I almost couldn't say it, but I had to. “You mean, you're my uncle?” I choked out the words.

“An accident of birth, I can assure you.”

It was too much to take in so I changed tack. “Where is my grandmother?” I wanted to know.

“She's safe, for now.”

“For now?”

“She's my assurance that you're going to do exactly as I say without causing any trouble. I'm glad to see you were smart enough to leave that protector behind.”

“What kind of sick bastard are you?” I cried in frustration.

His face turned ugly in an instant and he raised his hand and made a motion, which was too quick for me to catch. Before I could take the next breath, a force lifted me off my feet and hurled me against the wall. I slammed into the wall and landed on the floor. For a few seconds, all I saw where stars the different colors of the rainbow, dancing in front of me.

I knew in that instant that I was not going to get out of that house alive. He was going to kill me when he no longer had any use for me. I couldn't believe I'd had the one date with him just a few short days ago. It almost seemed like forever. I'd gone on a double date with Claire and her boyfriend. That same night after the date, Dylan had showed up and after months of phone conversations, we'd finally begun dating. Keenan had gotten nasty the next day at school and it had only been the presence of Dylan and Jason, Claire's boyfriend, that had stopped him. But he'd looked at me with the same hatred glittering out of his eyes and at the time, it had bothered me deeply. Now at least, I knew why he felt the way he did even if it still bothered me a lot.

“Now, if you mess with me I will beat the crap out of you. I have no such compunction about beating girls. You will do exactly as I say and you will not speak unless you're spoken to. Is that clear?”

Talk about someone who had delusions of grandeur. The thought flashed through my mind and I quickly squelched it. This was not the time; I knew my life was hanging in the balance, so I just nodded and began to pray with all my might that Dylan's love was as strong as he said it was. That he would check on me, at least once and come after me. I was not sure if vampires could pray. We're not supposed to have souls and not even evolution had taken care of that. Still, that didn't stop me.

He was speaking so I tried to pay attention to what he was saying.

“You're going to take me to your family vault. Yes, I can see you remember the place. That is where the operation will take place. Just in case you were stupid enough to bring protectors, I want to make sure they can't get to us.”

“What do you mean by operation?” I asked before remembering that I wasn't supposed to speak. I braced myself for the retribution but he'd apparently decided to let that slide.

He rubbed his hands in glee, like he was overcome by his own brilliance. “My father developed a robot, but it's not just any robot. For centuries we've only had a single keeper and the fate of the entire Born race of vampires usually hangs with that keeper. Well, thanks to the genius of Lord Morrison, no more.” His smile made me tense in apprehension.

“You've heard of Genetic Engineering?”

I shook my head. I wasn't surprised biology and math or whatever had eventually gotten married and produced an heir, but no one had bothered to tell me the good news.

“Well, it's probably too much for you to understand, anyway.” He said with a patronizing smile.

“Well, I'm not as intelligent as you are, but if you explain it to me I'll try to keep up.” I gave him a vapid smile and batted my eyelashes at him. To my surprise, he bought the act.

“That's okay.” He waved his hands magnanimously. “I'll be glad to explain your demise to you. Basically we worked with genetic specialists and specialists in robotics to produce robots with the similar abilities as a born vampire. These robots are going to serve as our new keepers.”

“Keepers?” I asked in stressing on the plural. I remembered Lord Morrison saying something like that.

“Yes, Luanne. Keepers. Why should there be only one keeper? Why should our fate be tied to you and you alone? With these robots, I will cut the stone into several pieces and we can have as many keepers as we desire. Have you any idea how much in demand each of those lovely creatures will be?”

“But the stone destroys anything or anyone that touches it unless it is a keeper.” I pointed out.

“This is where my father was a genius. Pure genius. The robots are going to carry the essence of the keeper. You, Luanne.”

His grin was pure evil and for the first time, I felt pure fear flow through me. Without an essence, a vampire was as good as dead. Only, death would have been preferable. It was like a mortal trying to live without a soul. I would practically become a zombie, a vegetable. This was too horrifying to contemplate. Worse though, I had no idea what the repercussions would be for our race if the stone was fragmented. As logical as his plan sounded, I had come to know something about the stone. It was a living creature and it took on the personality of its keeper. By destroying it that way, he would kill it.

I opened my mouth to point that out to him but he raised his hands and silenced me.

“That's it then. It's time to get this gig on the road.” He laughed at his own wit. “Oh by the way, you met some of our vampire robots just now when you turned into the street. It is absolutely fantastic, isn't it?”

I remembered the deadness in the green eyes and began to tremble. He was going to go ahead with this madness. I knew beyond a doubt that unless some miracle happened, he was going to destroy our race. I'm not a victim. I can't just sit here and do nothing. There must be something I can do. I thought in growing desperation.

My entire body was feverish and I'd begun to sweat. The heat from the stone was almost unbearable. I could feel the walls closing in on me and I struggled against the panic rising within me. I knew I needed to keep calm if I had a hope of escaping such madness. I took a deep breath and thought back to the night Dylan and I had started dating. He'd kissed me and told me that I was never getting rid of him. I felt a smile start inside of me at the memory, but kept it from appearing on my face. Instantly the panic within me subsided and I began to formulate a plan.

“Okay, we're heading for the vault.” He stated abruptly.

I raised a hand to halt him. He looked at me incredulously, but I ignored the pounding of my heart.

“First, I need to see Katrina and know that she's fine. No!” I stopped him when it looked like he was going to speak. “You can throw me around all you want, or beat the crap out of me like you've threatened, but it's not going to change my mind. And if you provoke me, this place will go up in flames and you with it.”

“Ha! You think you can bluff your way out of this? You won't kill your dear Aunt Katrina; you're too weak for that.” He said smugly.

But I just smiled a knowing smile at him and watched in satisfaction as his smug smile disappeared.

“Wanna bet?” I asked calmly. “You are going to destroy us all anyway, so I might as well help you do it.”

He stared at me with hatred blazing out of his eyes. “I'm so going to make you pay for this.” He stated then raised his voice, “Katrina!”