Keep Me Safe: A Slow Burn Novel (Slow Burn Novels)

How could anyone be that friggin’ happy? Especially when Ramie was so friggin’ miserable.

She glowered darkly at Eliza, but Eliza didn’t look like the happy, chipper Eliza Ramie had been subjected to for the last week. She’d lost count of the days she’d spent recovering in the hospital. Just as she’d lost count of the stitches they’d had to give her. She was a veritable Frankenstein’s Monster these days.

“I need to talk to you, Ramie,” Eliza said firmly. “And since I know you can’t go anywhere, I’m taking advantage of you being a captive audience.”

Ramie raised one eyebrow, wondering what had gotten up Eliza’s behind.

“Can you not bring yourself to forgive Caleb? Or at the very least offer some understanding? I’d think you of all people would know what it felt like to be at the mercy of someone else and their bidding. For God’s sake, Caleb killed him in cold blood?. . .??for you. So you’d never be linked to him or anyone else again.”

Ramie went utterly still, her pulse pounding like a freight train in her head.

“What?” she croaked. “What did you say?”

“He’s dead!” Eliza snapped. Then her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. “Oh shit, no one told you, did they? They were probably all tiptoeing around you and not wanting to take you back to a place so painful.”

“No one told me what?” Ramie asked impatiently.

“Charles Bloomberg is dead,” Eliza said quietly. “Caleb shot him. He knew that unless Charles died, you’d still have a connection to him. And likely so would Caleb.”

It was automatic for Ramie to seek out the mental pathway that she’d lived with for over a year. Something she’d avoided ever since she’d been rescued, but now she opened her mind, seeking the very evil responsible for putting her here. She felt?. . .??nothing. Just a blank void as if he’d never existed. He truly was dead!

Ramie closed her eyes as sweet relief billowed over her body. This time her tears were ones of relief. Staggering, overwhelming relief.

She was free.

Caleb was free.

“I’m free,” Ramie whispered.

“Yes, hon, you’re free,” Eliza said, patting her hand. “Now about Caleb.”

“Where is he?” Ramie demanded. “I need to see him here right now.”

Eliza’s expression became somber, sadness glittering in her eyes. “He’s gone.”

Ramie couldn’t help the stab of pain that speared her heart. He’d just left her?

“Why?” she croaked out.

Eliza’s eyes dimmed with sympathy and she moved to sit on the bed next to Ramie, taking her hand and squeezing.

“He didn’t think you wanted him here or to see him,” she said gently. “After what happened?. . .??He thinks you blame him for what he did. He’s not in good shape, Ramie. He’s gutted by what he was forced to do to you.”

“Do you know where he went?” Ramie asked desperately. “I have to find him. Make him understand. I don’t hate him. I love him.”

“I was hoping you’d say that,” Eliza said with a smile.

“Where is he?” Ramie asked in frustration. “And when can I get out of this place?”

“Whoa, you aren’t going anywhere for a couple more days. You nearly died. Caleb will wait and he likely needs time to sort out his own feelings of guilt.”

Ramie closed her eyes, tears slipping down her cheeks. “I did this to him,” she said painfully. “I was afraid of him when I first woke up. I didn’t understand everything. It was all too muddled and all I could remember was him c-cutting me,” she choked out. “And I was trying to protect him. I didn’t know the killer was dead. And I guess I was trying to protect myself because I didn’t know if he still had a link to Caleb and could compel Caleb to do his bidding. I should have trusted him more.”

Eliza leaned over and gently hugged Ramie, mindful of her injuries.

“Your reaction was perfectly justified. But now that you know everything you can make things right with Caleb. After you’re discharged from the hospital,” she said firmly.


THEY kept Ramie in the hospital another frustratingly long week before they finally released her with strict instructions to take it easy and not to overtax herself. She had no intention of heeding their instructions.

Surprisingly it wasn’t Dane or Eliza who collected her from the hospital. Beau, Quinn and Tori all showed up and drove her to a house they were renting in the Woodlands. As soon as she got inside the house she shrugged off their demands that she go immediately to bed and faced them, having no intention of backing down until she got the information she wanted from them.

“Where is he?” she demanded.

“I don’t know if it’s a good idea for you to know,” Beau hedged. “He’d have our asses if you went after him. He’s not in a good place right now.”

“I don’t blame him for what happened,” Ramie said softly. “I love him and I can’t make things right with him if I don’t know where he is.”

Maya Banks's books