Karma Box Set (Karma 0.5-4)

“I'm not going anywhere with you.” Especially not you.

“You are going into what we call soul shock. It happens with human recruits.”

He stopped approaching, stood still, and even put his hands in his pants pockets. I wanted to scream at him that I'd studied body language my entire life. His artificially relaxed stance wasn't doing him a bit of good. In fact, it made me positive he was about to pounce.

“Soul shock?” I'd sate my curiosity while I played his game and figure out my next move.

“Yes. It's what happens as your mind adjusts to the transition.” He was a study in calmness. Every line of his body, every muscle he possessed, was relaxed. He was good at this game of pretend. I was better.

He walked away a couple of steps, only to circle back and edge in a step closer.

“Not going to happen.”

“You have to come.”

“Harold dropped me off. Why do I have to come now?” This just can't be happening. I've been drugged and this is an illusion.

“Because this is what the new ones always do. We've given up trying to fight it. It's just easier to get it out of the way. But now you've got to come with us. You're starting to slip. I can't leave you here.”

“I'm fine.”

“You're hands are trembling. Soon, your entire body will be. That's the beginning. You aren't thinking clearly. That too will get worse. There is no alternative.”

I scanned the area, deciding where I'd run when he finally made his move, which I was positive was imminent. He was much larger than me. If he got his hands on me, I'd lose.

I took another step back and he mirrored me with a step forward. I needed to expand the distance. I needed a better lead.

Then I spotted a couple walking down the sidewalk.

He dropped his hands and shook his head. “They won't hear you. You're just making this more difficult.”

“Yes, they will. Charlie did.”

“Charlie saw you. He didn’t hear you. And the only reason that happened was you were getting a little help from us. You haven’t transitioned completely yet. You won’t be fully here until you do.”

“You people are crazy. That’s the most insane thing I’ve ever heard.”

“Then go ahead and scream.”

I didn't need a second invitation. I let out a holler that should have been heard all the way to Florida but, even though there were people walking down the sidewalk across the street and cars passing continuously, it was as if I hadn't opened my mouth.

I gripped my head frantically, wishing I could force the situation into something comprehensible.

I turned my attention back to him to find he'd gotten closer. Harold was still in the car, observing everything from the rear window.

“Don't come near me.”

He still approached.

“I don't know who you people are, or what, but you need to leave me alone.”

“I can't leave you here.”

His words had the opposite effect on me than he intended.

“I told you, don't come near me!”

He sighed and shook his head. “Not the answer I wanted to hear. Always the hard way, no matter what we do, it always goes down like this with transfers. Look at your hands. It's getting worse already.”

I didn't need to look; I could feel the tremors running through my body. Nothing felt right anymore. They must have done something to me.

I eyed up the expanse. I knew this area like the back of my hand. I could lose him if I got a lead on him.

I took off in a sprint but only made it a few feet. An arm around my stomach hauled me off the ground and swung me back around toward the car and the open door. I knew it!

I kicked and clawed at his arm but nothing budged him. I screamed out of principle, even though I feared it was futile.

I jerked my head back to head butt him and heard a grunt.

“Don't do that again. The only thing it's going to do is piss me off.”

Now that I knew I'd found something effective, I tilted my head forward to try it again. He saw it coming though and I was on the ground and being pushed toward the car before I could take my shot.

“Get. In.”

I'm not a quitter. Never have been, never will be. If he wanted me in that car, he was going to pay dearly for it. I clung to the frame of the door as he physically pushed me through. I felt stronger than I'd ever been but I was still no match for the man trying to force me inside and I was losing ground at a rapid rate. I flipped and kicked out with my legs, I came within an inch of my target.

He followed me inside the car and I immediately tried to make it to the other door but he caught me by my legs and yanked me back in.

“Don't break her,” Harold said as I lay on my stomach on the one seat with a knee in my back.

I'd forgotten he was even there until he'd spoken.

“Don't bother getting up, Harold.”

At least he was winded.

“Seriously, Fate. If you injure her, it's going to be a lot of paperwork for me.” My cheek pressed against the seat cushion, I had a clear view of Harold as he waved the papers.

“Unless you want to dodge a kick to the groin, shut up. She's my problem now, remember? I’m trying to help her and she almost took me out,” Fate said from above me, mostly out of sight but uncomfortably present in the pressure on my back.

Harold merely “huffed” in response but said nothing while the bully on top of me continued.

“You knew this was going to happen. This is why we shouldn't have transfers. If I let her up, she'll jump out the door. Is that better?”

“I didn't get any other candidates. She wasn't my choice.”

I was being pinned down by a psychopath. I felt like I couldn't get enough air in my lungs and I renewed my struggle in earnest.

“Stop.” His knee pressed further into my back.

“Look at her,” he said from above me. “She's a mess. You should just pass and send her on her way.”

“It's too late now, anyway. She signed.”

“You know as well as I do they never think logically right after they die. Just rip the contract up and send her back.”

“I can't rip up the contract. She'll just have to adjust and deal until the trial period is over.” Harold was getting more and more flushed as the argument over me continued.

“Give it to me and I'll do it.” Fate's hand reached out toward Harold, palm up and waiting.

“I can't.”


“Because it's gone already.”

“You're lying. It's not possible.” His weight lifted off me as he reached further toward Harold. It was just enough freedom to push the car door open and try and launch myself out of the moving car.

I saw the road speeding by inches from my nose before a hand on my shirt yanked me back in before I face planted it on the asphalt.

“Are you insane?” he said as he pushed me back onto the seat.

I opened my mouth to scream again but shut it. I'd almost tossed myself face first out of a car going fifty miles per hour. I would've broken my neck.

Maybe he was right, because that was a bit insane.

“And it had to be her?” Fate said.

“I showed you the memo. It had to be her and it had to be you.”

“Why? She's just a girl. Murphy or Crow could've handled this.”

“I don't know. She's a transfer. I'm not sure they could.”

“Get off of me,” I said.

He leaned over, his face close to mine.

“Are you going to be stupid? If you try and leap out of the car again, you are going to kill this body and effectively die twice today.”

I didn't respond and he didn't let up.

“I can't breathe.”

“Are. You. Going. To. Be. Stupid? Answer me.”


“I don't know if I believe you.”

“I'm not going to jump out of the car. Now get off!”

“And no more kicking.”

I felt the pressure on my back retreat and I pushed up quickly. He was still sitting next to me, his side against mine, a looming threat. Or begrudging savior, considering I almost broke my neck, but I'd be quite happy to lose him and quick.

Donna Augustine's books