Joe Vampire



Hey there… still Hube. I’ve checked everywhere, and still no sign of Joe. I might have a lead – a pretty weak one, but at least it’s something. Not sure why it took me so long to think of it, but I read his last post and found out he left for band rehearsal right after we agreed to meet for lunch the next day. So I checked out the club Damage to see if anyone there could give me anything else to go on, but it’s locked up tight. Too many dead ends, and this thing is dragging on for too long. Bo is kind of a computer whiz, and he thinks he has an app that can pick up the GPS signal from Joe’s phone. If so, we’ll follow it and see where it takes us. It’s a last-ditch effort, but it’s the only thing we can think to do. If this doesn’t work, I’m out of ideas. I don’t want to think about what might have happened to him by now, so I’m holding out hope that we’ll find him soon and he’ll be okay. Please, if anyone out there has made contact with him and he’s told you not to tell me about it or to keep quiet about where he’s gone, I’m begging here: tell me where he is so I can get him help – 621-555-3231. I know he thinks he can take care of everything himself, but this stuff is too serious to mess around with.

Again, thanks for whatever information you can pass along.

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