I Kissed a Dog

chapter 15

After seeing Zane’s tortured expression, I waited just inside our suite, hoping to eavesdrop on his and Logan’s now private debriefing. I honed in on Zane first. The brick wall was up in full force, his mind off limits. Logan’s thoughts were barricaded too. The werewolf leadership-duo wanted to keep their conversation private.

Something was troubling Zane, which in turn, worried me.

He was keeping secrets.

From what I could tell, the pack wanted to use my ability. I knew they were anxious about the mutants plotting with the Indian elders, but I wasn’t sure how I could help with the situation.

What I didn’t like (maybe even hated) was the lying.

Zane had come to Plum Beach for more than the murder investigation. He’d known about me before arriving. That fact was obvious now. Why would he keep the knowledge hidden?

I had to make a choice. I could embrace the feeling of impatience threatening to overtake me, while plotting our inevitable showdown, or, I could explore the suite and take my mind off all the craziness.

I decided on the latter and moved from the entryway into the main living area.

Like Logan’s office, the oval-shaped room featured a floor-to-ceiling window that provided a postcard view of the Vegas skyline. I determined we were at least twenty floors up, although I wasn’t certain. I’d kept my eyes squeezed shut on the elevator.

The spacious room, in harmony with the hotel’s theme, had décor that reflected a jungle scene. The lavish furniture was leopard and zebra printed. A faux-fur rug covered a good portion of the shiny marble flooring. Exotic plants and artwork, worth more than my annual salary, added yet another eye-pleasing element.

I marveled at the creativity, vision, and unbridled imagination that had influenced the hotel’s designer. He or she was unbelievably talented. I still dreamed of finding my own niche, a platform to use my abilities in such a distinguished way.

Adjacent to the main suite, I discovered the hallway leading to the master bedroom. Finding my future noble cause was discarded at the sight of the room’s richness.

My suitcase and carry-on had been placed just inside the door. The area reminded me of a unique blending of African Safari and South American jungle. It was easy to see how the design work and decorative features would delight both children and adults, and I had no problem imagining myself remaining in the tropical fantasy world indefinitely.

The king-sized bed, featuring richly patterned red and cocoa fabrics shaped into a stunning crown bed canopy was pure temptation. Just looking at it convinced me I was tired and needed rest before Zane returned.

Slipping off my shoes, I crawled up the looming structure and sank into its softness. I’d relax for a few minutes before freshening up.

I was too aggravated to sleep; so I’d thought.

“Princess.” Hearing Zane’s voice startled me awake.

“What are you doing?” I asked, for a brief moment unsure of my whereabouts.

Vegas, the big comfy bed — how could I forget such memorable surroundings?

“Hoping to wake you gently.” His finger trailed down my cheek, igniting a welcome blaze along the way.

Pushing myself up and away from him, I went for the juggler. “You knew all about me and my animal mindreading abilities before we met, right?” I didn’t know why I even bothered asking. I already knew the answer, but I wanted to hear it from him.

“I did,” he said, meeting my gaze.

I narrowed my eyes. His candid response was not what I’d expected. Not that I thought he’d outright lie, but I’d anticipated some long drawn-out explanation.

“Why? I told you my entire life story. You acted so interested in it, in me.” I realized as I said the words that I sounded as wounded as I felt.

“Princess …”

“I’m not your princess.” How dare he continue to treat this situation like no big deal? Fuming, I vaulted from the bed to pace by the window, no longer able to make eye contact.

Betrayal was something I’d grown used to in my brief experiences with the opposite sex, Jordon in particular. Why I’d expected Zane to be any different was beyond me. It appeared werewolves were true dogs at heart. Bow-wow.

“You’re making more out of this than you need to.” His gruffness was evidence of his rising defensiveness.

“I am? Just tell me, was everything you said a lie?” I faced the window keeping my back to him. I could feel his eyes boring into me from behind, daring me to face him. I knew better than to look into those dark eyes streaked with sunshine.

“In spite of what you believe, everything I said was true. I merely failed to mention all my reasons for coming to Plum Beach.”

“How comforting. When were you planning to share this with me? From what I heard in Logan’s office, he seemed to think you’d already filled me in.” Part of me wanted to bolt from the room, but I needed to know the real reason he’d wanted to locate me.

“I’m sharing it now. I should have told you from the start. That was my intention. However, if you remember, you weren’t real thrilled about my arrival. I was trying to gain your trust, get to know you.”

I refused to admit what he said made sense. I had been pretty difficult in the beginning. Still, that didn’t give him a reason to lie. Did it?

“Logan had heard from another purebred living in Plum Beach …”

“What purebred in Plum Beach?” I wondered how many of my co-workers and acquaintances were of the supernatural affiliation. Maybe it was better if I didn’t know.

“If you’d let me finish.”

“Go on.” I forced myself to focus, pushing away my desire to pummel him with questions (or my fists) if he didn’t fess up fast.

“One of the park’s delivery drivers is part of our pack. He’s more of a loner and not involved in the casino or resort business. He mentioned a woman that could communicate with animals. I, of course, thought he was full of it. Logan, on the other hand, believed you might be able to help us by listening in on some of the board members’ dogs.”

“You wanted me to spy on someone’s pets?” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Maybe he was joking. His serious expression led me to believe otherwise.

He continued without a hint of humor. “We wanted you to spy on the owners through their pets. We were hoping to bring you to an upcoming board meeting.

There are several members that bring their dogs everywhere, even to our meetings. Logan figured we’d just say you were our new secretary. He fired the last one. The board is already used to her taking notes and typing up minutes.”

Their plan sounded feasible enough, and he was right, had he blurted this all out at our first meeting I would have run the other direction thinking he was a lunatic. No questions asked.

“I don’t know, Zane. You had plenty of opportunities to tell me. I’m not sure how I feel right now.” Wasn’t that the truth? I had no idea what to feel about anything, in particular, my werewolf companion. “I need some time.”

I felt him move to stand behind me. Ignoring his distinctive scent was difficult with him so close.

“I’m safe in the hotel?” I didn’t wait for him to answer. “I’m going downstairs to the bar for a drink. Alone.”

“I don’t think …”

“Either I have some much-needed time alone to think, or I call my stepdad and tell him I’m being held hostage by some maniac that thinks he’s a Wolfman.” The idea sounded plausible considering my current dilemma.

“Have it your way,” Zane agreed, his reluctance marked by his softening tone. “Will you look at me, please?”

I turned and looked up, into his eyes, not sure what to expect.

I was shocked to see his eyes were tinged a subtle red hue. Not crimson like Jazmine’s, thank goodness, but it was obvious that he was pretty unhappy with me too. Knowing what I did about Zane’s protective nature, I could deduce how anxious the idea of my little excursion downstairs — alone — made him feel.

Pushing my concerns about his feelings aside, I marched to my suitcase and tossed it on the bed. I planned to dress up and make the most of my evening out. Maybe I’d try my luck at the slot machines.

One thing I knew for certain — I was going to do whatever it took to vanquish Zane Marshall from my mind, if only for a few hours.

“Woman preparing to dress. Would you mind showing yourself out? I’m sure there’s some secret camera or something you can use to follow my every move,” I quipped, hating to admit I’d feel safer knowing he was still keeping tabs on me from a distance.

“We have plenty of security here. Most are purebreds. Should anyone give you trouble, they’ll take care of it. I’m going out myself. I have a few old friends to visit.”

“Have a nice evening.” I was surprised by how clipped my words came out. I sounded like a jealous girlfriend.

“Enjoy yourself and try not to trip over anything,” he said, making a swift exit from my room.

Clenching my fists, I struggled to remain silent. A door clicked shut somewhere in the suite, closing off any opportunity to voice my disapproval.

The idea of his visiting old friends stirred my guts into a frenzy of nerves. I could imagine what type of friends he was referring to — probably some exotic dancer, or sexy cocktail waitress. Why did it matter?

He wasn’t my man, nor would he be — ever.

I didn’t date liars with hidden motives. I didn’t date werewolves that maimed and killed their enemies. In fact, last time I checked — I didn’t date.

The past few days had been beyond bewildering, but that was all behind me now. Zane was a temporary bodyguard — nothing more. In a few weeks, he’d be mated to a psycho she-wolf, just his type, and I’d be back at work enjoying my predictable life hanging out with regular old animals.

Maybe I’d take Luke up on his offer for an evening out. I’d been waiting for something or someone exciting, when that person had been right in front of me all along. In this case, my mother really did know best. Luke was just the caliber of man I needed.

If only I could believe that.

Following a quick shower, I applied my cosmetics with great care, jelled my hair into loose curls, and wiggled into every woman’s must-have nightwear staple — a clingy, glittery, little-black-dress. My shapely legs were on full display.

Slipping on a pair of three-inch, black sling-back sandals, I stood in front of the full-length mirror. Pleased with my reflection, I decided to explore the hotel, grab dinner, and head to the bar featuring live entertainment. It was still afternoon, but I knew that here in Vegas my attire was appropriate no matter what the hour.

I wished for an escort, an arm to link mine through. Too bad I wasn’t on Zane’s arm. Eck! Why did my thoughts always return to him?

Committing to have fun (without my wolfy counterpart) I straightened my shoulders and strutted into the living area, making sure to practice the runway technique of crossing one foot in front of the other to create a seductive sway.

Not expecting to see Zane sprawled shirtless on the zebra-printed couch, I nearly tripped over the furry throw rug at the sight of his tanned and toned abdomen. His broad chest and shoulders didn’t make staying upright any easier.

“Didn’t I warn you about tripping?” He raised an eyebrow, his eyes now golden.

Not sure how to respond, I kept staring.

His loose hair framed his face like a mane. The crooked grin made him look sexier, if that were possible.

From the hungry look in his eyes, it was clear that my little black number had garnered his full attention. At least I wasn’t the only one overcome by our chemistry.

I understood that if I didn’t leave in the next minute, more than his shirt would be missing, and my dress would be a glittery heap on the floor.

“You have fun,” I said, pasting on a bright smile.

Rather than bother with words, he growled. His mental message almost changed my mind. You’re all the fun I need, Chloe. When will you figure it out? I. Want. You.

With energy I didn’t recognize as my own, I commanded my legs to move, and managed to walk myself to the door and stumble out. When I heard Zane’s pained but feral roar, I knew I’d made a huge mistake.

If only I could put my pride to rest and return to his arms.

Carol van Atta's books