Hidden Huntress

Anushka sat in the royal nursery, exhausted and afraid, but determination burned in her heart. The trolls were close to freedom – Alexis had told her himself. It was only a matter of time.

For two weeks, she’d nursed the two babies, favoring the Princess as was required, while the hungry cries of her own daughter broke her heart. She plotted her escape; and at every possible chance, she wandered the rooms of the palace, stealing gold where she found it. One more day, he’d said. One more day.

“Freedom is very nearly upon us.”

A woman’s voice: soft, cultured, and troll to the core. Lamia.

Anushka rose, then curtsied low. “Your Majesty.”

The troll queen was dressed in a plain black dress that emphasized an almost painful leanness, her face beautiful, but in a sharp and angular way. She did not look like a woman who often smiled, but I suspected she was not often given cause.

Lamia walked to the Princess’s bassinet and ran fingers softly across the girl’s forehead. “She appears well.”

“She thrives, Your Majesty.”

“And in somewhat less than an hour’s time, she will no longer be your burden.”

There was no threat in the Queen’s voice, but Anushka all but shook with terror. Slowly, she edged her way toward where Lily lay sleeping, but an invisible barrier had materialized in her way.

“I know of your spells, witch. I know that he lets you use his power, and he’s a fool for it, because you are not half as helpless as you look. I’ll not let you near.”

“What do you want from me?”

Lamia laughed, a brittle and ugly sound. “I know he loves you. I live every day with the feel of it in my mind, and it is enough to drive me to madness. I tried to make him break off his affair with you – told him I’d kill you myself if he didn’t. For what punishment could he possibly dole out to me that I haven’t already suffered?”

The Queen leaned a hand against the barrier, the flesh of her face pulled tight as though every muscle beneath it strained. “He told me that he would not live if you were dead. That he’d tear my heart out and fall on his own sword if I harmed you.”

Anushka slammed her fists against the barrier. “Then unless you have a death wish, I suggest you let me go!”

Lamia picked up the Princess, cradling her in one arm. Then her eyes drifted to where Lily lay sleeping. “Some punishments are worse than death, would you not say?”

A soft snap. The crack of bone. Anushka screamed and bloodied her fists against the invisible wall, and I cried along with her.

“Enjoy your freedom, Anushka,” Lamia said, and her face faded into darkness.

* * *

Alexis stood with his back to her, head in his hands. “I am sorry for what Lamia has done. In my worst nightmares, I never dreamed she would stoop to such wickedness.”

“Punish her.” Anushka’s throat was raw from screaming, but she did not feel the pain.

“How?” Alexis asked. He turned around. “I cannot harm her without hurting myself. Is that what you want? Is your need for vengeance so great that you would make me suffer to punish her?”


But Anushka could see he would do nothing. Alexis was too weak, too selfish to do what needed to be done. And Lamia was too clever to let Anushka close enough to harm her. There was only one way for her to have revenge, and a plan began to build in the depths of her mind.

“Shame her.”

He frowned. “What do you mean?”

“If you will do nothing else, then at least shame her for me in front of your people. I want to be the one on your arm when you step out into the sun. Let me be first in this one thing.”

He hesitated long enough that she began to fear he would refuse. “It will be done.”

* * *

She found him hidden in a half-collapsed house, nearly dead from dehydration. “Do you want revenge on the trolls and the fey for what they have done to us all?” she whispered in his ear.

“Yes.” His throat was so dry the word was more motion than sound.

“What would you do to have it?”


She sliced the knife across his throat, and as his life poured out, power like none she had ever known flooded her. “It will be done.”

* * *

The passage they had carved down to the ocean was narrow and so thick with magic it felt like wading through syrup. She held tight to Alexis’ arm, and the knife – still sticky with human blood – hung heavy in her pocket. All the might of Trollus followed behind them, Lamia included. The Queen’s gaze burned between her shoulder blades, a hate so intense it felt tangible.

“Father.” A young troll stood in front of a boulder, the sunlight filtering in around it framing him. “I thought I’d let you do the honor.”

Alexis braced a booted heel, and the rock toppled out and away, splashing into the surf. Sunlight shone in, and the intensity of it burned Anushka’s eyes. He turned to her and cupped her cheek with one hand. “You are the first.”