Geek Girls Don't Date Dukes

Her man would be perfect for her, as perfect as Mr. Darcy for Elizabeth or Antony for Cleopatra or even Romeo for Juliet— well, hopefully without the mutual suicide bit.



Wading through the plants, Leah headed for the nearest window. Here on the ground floor it should be as simple as yank up the glass and hop to the grass, just in time for dinner. Easy peasy.


Shoving a potted palm to the side, Leah stood on tiptoe to reach the latch. It was just out of her reach.


Damn tall windows. Stretching farther, she was just able to flick the edge enough to loosen the catch. Her breath on the glass fogged her vision of the duke’s grounds, so she almost missed him.




Avery Russell was walking slowly toward the house, his face and arms covered with bruises and crimson splotches of blood. He looked like he’d been on the wrong side of a mugging.


“Avery,” she breathed, fear streaming through her brain. “What the hell?”


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Geek Girls Don’t Date Dukes









Knocking the catch the rest of the way free, she shoved



up the window with a bang and was tumbling free before her brain even had a chance to catch up. She had to go to him. Something horrible must have happened.


Her mobcap flapped wildly and strands of hair streamed free as she clapped a hand atop her head to secure her required headgear.


“Avery,” she yelled as she ran. Damn, the yard wasn’t that big. He had to hear her calling. “Avery, what happened? Wait a second, let me…”


Her skidding stop sprayed gravel beneath her boots.


He’d entered the house without hesitating. He’d heard her, hadn’t he? Why wouldn’t he stop? Making up her mind quickly, she ran the last few steps that separated her from the door he’d entered and sprinted up the stairs.


She’d find out what was going on whether he wanted to or not. But what about supper, and Mrs. Harper?


her logical side nagged. You’ll be in trouble if you’re late.


And you have to keep this job or you won’t meet the duke, and Pawpaw…


She shook her head as she rounded the landing and threw open the door of the duke’s bedchamber. It would be okay. It had to be.


“Avery?” She kept her voice soft as she scanned the large bedroom. “Are you in here?” No sign of him.


Ducking into the dressing room, she’d sat next to him in, she scanned the smaller room for the valet. Nope.


Not here either.


“Where did he go?” she said aloud, her hands on her hips. With a shake of her head, she turned to go.


Her breath left her body when she clapped eyes on the bedroom’s new inhabitant.


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Gina Lamm



Geek Girls Don’t Date Dukes


He was tall, with silvery gray hair and pale blue eyes that seemed dedicated to a slight smolder. He appeared to be in his early fifties or so. His features were angular, all hollows and shadows and sharp bones, with shallow wrinkles near his eyes and mouth. Slender, graceful, like a predatory cat, he moved into the room. Dressed in severe, unrelenting black, there was only one person he could be.


Suddenly remembering her role as maid, Leah sank into a deep curtsy. “Your Grace.” She hadn’t intended to sound so self-conscious, but she was face-to- face with a freaking duke. And not just any duke, but the duke that was destined to be hers forever. Wow. She hadn’t imagined snagging such a sugar daddy, though. She’d have to think about how she felt about such a big age difference.


“Please tell Cook I shall dine at home tonight.” His voice was softer than she’d imagined. Still masculine, but refined, almost the polar opposite of Avery’s deep and raspy male growl. He turned away from her with a polite nod. She stood rooted to the spot, confusion refusing to let her legs operate.


“At home, Your Grace?” she repeated, just in the hopes he’d turn around. Notice me, she yelled in her head.


Come on, you’ve got to turn around and look at me!


“Yes, thank you.”


He dismissed her with a wave of his hand, not bothering to look up from the small wooden box he’d picked up on the bedside table. A gold ring glittered on his finger as he pinched, and a sniff sounded loudly in the room.


Another pinch, another sniff. He tilted his head back and sighed, his longish gray hair swaying with the movement.


Leah tried to swallow, but her throat had gone dry.


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“Very well, Your Grace.” Leah bobbed another unseen



curtsy and let herself out of the room, closing the door with a soft click. Well, that wasn’t exactly the meeting she’d pictured. It was tough to measure chemistry when the guy wouldn’t even look at you. And he looks old!


Totally wasn’t expecting that. She dismissed the thought with a heavy breath. It would just take some time.


Gina Lamm's books