Darkest Flame

South Padre Island, Texas


Denae walked onto the porch with her tall glass of iced tea and sat on the swing. With one foot tucked beneath her, she idly rocked the swing with her other.


The air was hot and sticky with the humidity, but the breeze coming off the Gulf of Mexico helped to cool her. The AC was on inside, but the porch had always been a favorite of her parents. She recalled so many nights as a child when they would all come out onto the porch after dinner and stare at the stars.


Her parents would sit in the swing holding hands and smiling at each other as if they had been together months instead of years.


Denae and Renee would be on the floor playing with their dolls or cards. Those lazy nights had been her entire world, and she’d taken them for granted.


In one summer, her idyllic life had been torn to shreds.


Denae blinked against the wash of tears that threatened and drank deeply from her sweet tea. It was hard being back in the house. Every room she went into brought forth memories. Some good, some bad.


A buzzing sound drew her attention to her right. The crepe myrtle tree her mother had planted was in full bloom. The delicate limbs drooped with the weight of the bright pink flowers, and the bees, as well as the butterflies, were taking full advantage.


It made her smile. Her mother had loved working in her flower gardens. They had been her pride and joy. The crepe myrtle, she had told them, would offer shade and beauty when it grew.


“She was right,” Denae said.


She sighed and turned her head forward. And nearly dropped her glass when her gaze landed on Kellan standing on the walkway, staring at her.


He wore black jeans slung low on his hips and a steel-gray shirt. His hair looked damp, as if he’d just gotten out of the shower.


Seeing him again made Denae realize how much she loved him. It had been the hardest thing of her life leaving Dreagan. What was he doing there? Didn’t he realize she wouldn’t be able to leave him again?


He took a step toward her, and that propelled Denae to stand. Her bare feet were silent as she walked to the steps.


She drank in the sight of him, the power, the virility, the sheer sexiness. She knew just how well those lips of his kissed, how gentle and coaxing his hands could be, and how mouth-watering his body was.


He put one foot on the bottom step and then slowly smiled.


“What are you doing here?” she asked, finally able to form words.


He looked around. “This is where you grew up?”


“Yeah,” she said absently.


“It’s nice. Needs a coat of paint.”


Denae frowned, taking offense. “I know. I’ve had someone looking after the place while I’ve been gone.”


“Why no’ just sell it?” he asked, his celadon gaze landing on her once more.


“I was going to. I just couldn’t let go. I had to make MI5 think I did, however, so I transferred the title into my aunt’s name.”


“Smart girl.”


She shifted and finally stepped to the side. “Would you like to come in?”


Kellan climbed the steps onto the porch. His caramel-colored hair tempted her to run her fingers through it and drag his head down for a kiss.


Somehow, Denae managed to keep her hands to herself. She lifted her glass. “Would you like some sweet tea?”


“Nay, lass.”


“A tour, then?”




Denae fiddled with her oversized cutoff denim shorts that hung precariously on her hips. Her red tank top suddenly felt too small and clung to her dampening skin.


That’s what Kellan did to her. He sent her reeling, listing whenever he was near. She couldn’t form a coherent thought or say a complete sentence because her mind—and body—were attuned to him.


“What do you want?”


“You.” His voice was soft, low. His eyes were intense and watchful.


She melted on the spot. With one simple word she was ready to throw herself into his arms. Hell, who was she kidding? She’d been ready to do that the moment she spotted him.


“Why did you leave?” he asked.


Denae felt a drop of condensation from her glass drip onto her foot. “It was for the best. I have a plan.”


“A plan you didna share with me.”


He sounded offended, which made her raise her brows. “Why should I?”


“Because we’re meant to be together. And you know it.”


She shook her head slowly. “No. I don’t know it. You’re immortal. I’m not. You’re a Dragon King. I’m … well, I’m a human. You know, the ones you despise.”


“I did despise humans,” he said as he closed the distance between them. “Until I met an American working for MI5 who snuck into my cave and woke me.”


Kellan wasn’t sure if anything he was saying was right. He’d never wooed a woman before, but he was willing to do anything to bring Denae back to Dreagan with him. Even if it meant he had to get on his knees and beg.