Dance With the Devil


Uninterested, he lifted his gaze to hers.


She trailed a hot, lustful glance over his body, which was bare except for a pair of tight black leather pants. Satisfaction gleamed in her bright green eyes as she toyed with a strand of his long blond hair, which covered the bite wound on his neck. She was well fed and content to be with him.


He was neither.


"You're still weak, Acheron," she said quietly, "and in no position to make demands on me. Besides, your two weeks with me have only begun. Where is the subjugation you promised?"


Ash rose up slowly to tower over her. He braced his arms on each side of her and lowered himself until their noses were almost touching. Her eyes widened a degree, just enough to let him know that in spite of her words, she knew which of them was the more powerful, even while weakened. "Call off your pet, Artie. I mean it. I told you long ago that there was no need for a Thanatos to stalk my Hunters and I'm tired of this game you play. I want him caged.




"No," she said in a tone that was almost petulant. "Zarek is to die. End of symphony. The moment his picture became the nightly news event while he was killing Daimons, he exposed all the Dark-Hunters to danger. We can't afford to let the human authorities ever learn about them. If they ever find Zarek—




"Who's going to find him? He's locked in the middle of nowhere per your cruelty.




"I didn't put him there,you did. I wanted him killed and you refused. It's allyour fault he's banished inAlaska so don't blame me.




Ash curled his lip. "I'm not about to put a man to death because you and your siblings were playing with his life.




He wanted another fate for Zarek. But so far, none of the gods nor Zarek had cooperated.


Damn free will, anyway. It got all of them into more trouble than any of them needed.


She narrowed her eyes at him. "Why do you care so much, Acheron? I'm beginning to feel jealous of this Dark-Hunter and thelove you have for him.




Ash pushed himself away from her. She made his concern for one of his men sound obscene.




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What he felt for Zarek was kindred brotherhood. Better than anyone, he understood the man's motivation. Knew why Zarek struck out in anger and frustration.


There were only so many kicks a dog could take before it turned vicious.


He, himself, was so close to turning that he couldn't fault Zarek for the fact he had gone rabid centuries before.


Even so, he couldn't let Zarek die. Not like this. Not over something that hadn't been Zarek's fault. The incident in theNew Orleans alley where Zarek had attacked the human cops had been set up by Dionysus for no other reason than to expose Zarek to the humans and to cause Artemis to call out a blood hunt for the man's life.


If Thanatos or the Squires killed Zarek, then Zarek would become a bodiless Shade who was doomed to walk the earth for eternity. Forever hungry and suffering.


Forever in pain.


Ash winced at the memory.


Unable to stand the thought of it, he headed for the door.


"Where are you going?" Artemis asked.


"To find Themis and undo what you've started."






Artemis suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking his way to the door. "You're not going anywhere.




"Then call off your dog.








"Fine." Ash looked down his right arm at the she-dragon tattoo that ran from his shoulder to his wrist.





"Simi," he commanded. "Take human form.







The dragon lifted itself from his skin, shifted its shape into that of a young demonic woman, no taller than


three feet. She hovered effortlessly to his right.


In this incarnation, her wings were dark blue and black, even though she usually preferred burgundy for them. The darker color of the wings combined with the color of her eyes told him just how unhappy Simi was to find herself here onOlympus .


Her eyes were white, rimmed in red, and her long yellow-blond hair floated around her. She had black horns that were more beautiful than sinister and long pointed ears. Her flowing red dress wrapped around her lithe, muscular body, which she could mold into any size from one inch to eight feet tall in human form


or as large as eighty feet as a dragon.




"No!" Artemis said, trying to use her powers to contain the Charonte demon. It didn't faze Simi, who




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"Whatcha want,akri ? Simi asked Ash.





"Kill Thanatos.




Simi flashed her fangs as she rubbed her hands together gleefully and cast an evil smirk at Artemis. "Oh, goodie! I get to make the redheaded goddess mad!







Artemis looked desperately at Ash. "Put it back on your arm.


Sherrilyn Kenyon's books