Captivated By You

She laughed at that. “I’m not sure. What are you thinking?”



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“I need more condoms.”


“Ugh!” She pushed herself up to look down at him. “Do you ever have anything else on your mind?”’


“Food.But that only lasts about as long as it takes me to get a steak.”


She shook her head at him. “Stop playing on the bad stereotype.”


“I am a bad stereotype so long as you’re lying naked on me. How on earth am I supposed to think about anything else?”


As she started to pull away, he stopped her with a fierce, hungry kiss that set every hormone in her body on fire again. This man had a mouth that was pure magic.


He pulled back, but left his hand buried in her hair. “Thank you, Rhea,” he said sincerely, his gaze burning into hers.


“You’re very welcome.”


Reluctantly, she moved off him and headed back into the bathroom for the shower. “Want to join me?”


He gave her a hot once-over.“Pinocchio. There’s no way I can go in there and not have another round.


Sincethere’s no more condoms…”


He was right. “Okay, I’ll just be a minute.”


Turning around, she shut the door and grabbed a towel out of her cabinet.


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Rhea was still amazed that she wasn’t more self-conscious around him. This wasn’t like her and yet she felt so comfortable with him that it was almost terrifying.


She showered quickly,then opened the curtain to find Ace leaning against her bathroom vanity. He was hard again.


“Did you know you can see a perfect outline of your body when you’re in there?”




He moved forward and nuzzled her neck before he gently licked the sensitive flesh right below her ear.


“I can’t believe what you do to me,” he breathed in her ear, sending chills over her body.


He kissed her cheek, gave a light grope to her breast, then released her and entered her shower as she left it.


Rhea was so aroused that it was all she could do not to rip open the curtain and pin him to her shower wall.


He was more tempting than any man had a right to be.


But neither one of them needed her to get pregnant.


Forcing herself to dress, Rhea went to her bedroom. By the time she was dressed and had remade the bed, Ace joined her.


“Thinking of new ways to torture me?” he asked as she unfastened the restraints.


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She opened her mouth to respond, but the sight of him wet, wearing nothing but a white towel, made all rational thoughts flee.


“You have to stop looking at me like that, Rhea.”


“Like what?”


“Like I’m a piece of chocolate you’re dying to taste. It gives me a hard-on every time.”


She could easily see the proof of that statement. “Sorry, but it would help if you didn’t parade yourself around naked in my presence.”


He indicated his clothes, which were on her dresser, as he crossed the room to stand before her. “It’s not exactly my fault.”


“Oh, in that case, I better leave you alone while you put your clothes on.”


“I’d rather you not.”


She nibbled his chin before she pulled away. “If we don’t stop, we’re going to do something that could get us into serious trouble.”


“I know,” he whispered. “Okay, time for clothes.”


Before she could leave the room, his cell phone rang. Ace picked it up and answered it.


“Hey, Joe.”Ace cast an amused look at her, then winked. “No, obviously I’m not tied up since I answered the phone…. Thanks. So what do you need?”


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Anxious as to why Joe might be calling, she moved forward, hoping to overhear something.


“Yeah, we’ll be right there.” He hung up.


“What’s going on?”


“Joe just got word that Bender’s sent out a call to his clients. Apparently he’s found an abandoned arsenal of old Soviet weapons, including some nuclear. We need to get to the office for a briefing.”


That succeeded in stifling her renegade passion. “I’ll be waiting by the door.”


Ace nodded and reached for his pants while she left him alone. Today had been a major mistake. He knew it.


As agents, they were supposed to stay detached, especially from each other. But after this morning, he wasn’t feeling detached from Rhea.


Then again, he’d never been detached from her.


In fact, he was feeling extremely possessive. The thought of a bastard like Bender seeing her in that dominatrix outfit was almost enough to send him over the edge.


He didn’t want anyone to see her like that.Anyone but him.


And how could he send her in there with a madman now?


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Oh, this wasn’t good. He’d never felt like this for another woman.