Bengal's Quest

He was still alive though, and still defective despite Graeme’s mocking references to his stubbornness in keeping the Tiger restrained. His genetics weren’t restrained. They were simply too weak to do him much good. Definitely too weak to have done his wife much good.

“You’re pensive again,” Graeme murmured as he stepped from the room, no doubt to give his mate a few moments alone with her parents. “Blaming yourself again, Cullen?”

The somber question had his head lifting. For one, Graeme wasn’t being mocking where his brother’s recessed abilities were concerned.

Cullen simply stared back at him, refusing to answer.

“You won’t believe me.” Graeme sighed then. “But she wasn’t your mate. When you find your mate the stranglehold you have on your abilities won’t be able to hold them in check any longer.”

Cullen stared back at his brother as he let a mocking smile tilt his lips. “Want to know how I know you’re wrong?” he asked Graeme.

“How?” his brother asked softly.

“Because when she died, I would have died with her if I could. If I hadn’t sworn to watch after Cat and Honor, if you had done your fucking part and stepped up instead of spilling blood across a dozen nations, I would have joined her. That, brother,” he sneered, “is how I know you’re wrong. She was my mate, and I couldn’t save her. There’s no stubbornness on the face of this earth that would have kept me from doing that if it were possible.”

Rather than arguing with his far too superior, arrogant brother, he straightened and stalked through the rows of desks and Breeds manning them to the elevator that led to the main floor and the exit he sought. He had work to do, cases to finish. Just because he had no life outside his work didn’t mean others didn’t.

Watching him leave, Graeme let a satisfied smile curl his lips.

“Why do you think I didn’t let you know I was near, brother?” he murmured beneath his breath, regret and knowledge filling the heavy sigh he let free. “Stubborn fucking Breed. Looks like big brother’s going to have to fix it for you.”

That was okay though, he thought in satisfaction. Big brother was going to like interfering in the little brother’s life. He all but rubbed his hands together in glee. This was going to be fun. Then an odd thought crossed his mind, bringing a frown instead as he turned and shot his mate a curious look. He couldn’t hide his machinations from her, she’d really kick his ass if he did. But he wasn’t one hundred percent certain she would go along with it.

He grinned and turned from her quickly. He’d convince her. She was convincible. He just had to explain it the right way, use the right words, so to speak.

Oh yeah, this was going to be fun.


Breeds: Creatures of genetic engineering both before and after conception, with the genetics of the predators of the Earth such as the lion, tiger, wolf, coyote and even the eagle added to the human sperm and ova. They were created to become a super army and the new lab rats for scientific experimentation.

The Genetics Council: A group of twelve shadowy figures who funded the labs and research into bioengineering and genetic mutation to create a living being of both human and animal DNA, though references to the Genetics Council also refer to affiliated political, military and Breed individuals and groups.

Rogue Breeds: Breeds who have declared no known loyalties and exist as mercenaries following the highest bidder.

Council Breeds: Breeds whose loyalties are still with the scientists and soldiers who created and trained them. Unwilling or unable for whatever reason to break the conditioning instilled in them from birth. Mostly Coyote Breeds whose human genetics are far more dominant than in most Breeds.

Council Soldiers: Mostly human, though sometimes Breeds, soldiers who willingly give their loyalty to the Council because of their ideals or belief in the project and their belief that Breeds lack true humanity.

Bureau of Breed Affairs: Created to oversee the growing Breed population and to ensure that the mandates of Breed Law are fully upheld by law enforcement agencies, the courts and the Breed communities. The Bureau oversees all funds that are paid by the United States as well as other countries whose political leaders were involved with the Genetics Council or any labs in their countries. They also investigate species discrimination and hate crimes against Breeds and track down scientists, trainers and lab directors who have escaped Breed justice.

Director of the Bureau of Breed Affairs: The position has been held for the past ten years by Jonas Wyatt, a conniving, calculating and manipulating Lion Breed who ensures that Breed Law is upheld and all Breeds given a chance to be free to find mates who will ensure future generations of the Breed species.

Breed Ruling Cabinet: Composed of an equal number of feline, Wolf and Coyote Breeds as well as human political leaders. It governs and enforces the mandates of Breed Law and oversees Breed Law where the separate Breed communities are concerned.