The Wild Wolf Pup

Zoe gave Shadow one last cuddle, said goodbye to Great-Uncle Horace and Ethan, and then left the enclosure with her mum and Meep. As they walked down the path back to the cottage, they heard a howl coming from behind them.

“That’s Shadow! He’s howling again!” said Zoe. She listened carefully, trying to work out whether the noise sounded sad or frightened. “Do you think he’s OK, Mum?” she asked anxiously.

“I think so, Zoe. He certainly seemed happy, didn’t he?” said Lucy. “Remember, a wolf doesn’t only howl because it’s unhappy. Animals make noises for lots of different reasons. They might be trying to communicate with other animals. They might be hungry, or warning off enemies, or just feeling content! Sometimes I wish I could talk to animals, Zoe – it would be amazing to be able to ask them exactly what they’re thinking.”

Zoe and Meep exchanged a glance. I can talk to animals! thought Zoe. As soon as I can speak to Shadow with no one else around, I’ll ask why he’s howling!

Later that night, Zoe and Meep were in her bedroom and Zoe was getting ready for bed. She’d brushed her teeth, put on her giraffe-patterned pyjamas and went to switch off her bedroom light. As she walked past her desk, she glanced at the calendar pinned up on her noticeboard and sighed.

“What’s wrong, Zoe?” chattered Meep.

“There are only two days left until the Halloween Spooktacular, Meep,” she said. “And I still don’t have a costume idea…” Suddenly Zoe’s eyes lit up. “Hang on.

Maybe I do! Meep, I could dress up as a wolf, like Shadow!”

“That’s a great idea,” Meep replied. “Then maybe next year you can go as a mouse lemur!”

They both giggled. “Maybe!” said Zoe. “But for now I bet Shadow would love it if I dressed up like him! We can ask him when we go back to play again tomorrow.”

“I’m not sure I want to play with Shadow, Zoe,” admitted Meep. “I like him a lot, but he is a bit wild! He popped his new ball, and I nearly got squashed when he was chasing me earlier! I think I’m too little for games like that,” he said, his eyes wide.

“Oh, Meep – Shadow’s used to playing with the other wolves in his pack,” Zoe reminded her little friend. “He might not know how to play gently. And he was extra excited today! I’m sure he’ll settle down soon though.”

“I hope so,” chirped Meep.

Zoe scooped her little friend up for a cuddle. “Don’t worry, Meep! We just need to be patient with Shadow,” she told him. “Remember how strange and different things must be for him. He’s probably feeling a little bit nervous about moving to a new home. Being nervous can make you act strangely sometimes.”

“What do you mean?” asked Meep, puzzled.

Zoe thought. “Well, a new boy, Dan, started in my class last year. He moved here from a different school and he didn’t know anybody, but instead of being friendly, he was really rude to everyone! But once he settled in and got to know everyone, he was really nice. He just acted like that because he was nervous.” As she spoke, Zoe realised something else. “And being nervous about the Halloween concert has been making me feel a bit funny too!” she said. “Whenever I think about singing in front of the crowd, my tummy ties up in knots and my knees feel shaky.” She sighed. “I just don’t know how I’ll be able to do it!”

“I think you’ll be really good, Zoe!” said Meep. “Maybe you just need a bit more practice. Why don’t you have a go now? Pretend that I’m the audience!”

Zoe thought that was a good idea. She’d only be singing in front of Meep, after all – her best friend in the whole world! She took a deep breath and tried to sing the first line of the song. “Spiders and slugs, creeping on the wall…”

But even now, Zoe couldn’t do it. Her throat felt dry and sore, and her voice sounded hoarse and scratchy. She stopped, shaking her head sadly. “I just keep picturing a huge crowd of people, all pointing at me and laughing,” she said. “I know that must sound really silly, but I can’t help it.”

Meep leaped into Zoe’s arms and gave her a cuddle. He nuzzled his head against her. “It will be OK, Zoe! We’ll think of something!” he chirped helpfully.

Zoe smiled and nodded. But deep down, she wasn’t sure.

Chapter Six

Some Exciting News

“Hi, Ethan!” called Zoe, waving as she slipped into the wolf enclosure. “We’ve come to play with Shadow, is that OK?”

Ethan waved back. “Of course, Zoe!”

Amelia Cobb's books