Seduced by Darkness (The Seduced Saga)

She rose with a slight nod of her head. "Thank you, Gray Watcher."

She turned to her people, wings outstretched, arms raised. "I have failed you once, but I will not fail you again. This is a new day, a new dawn of peace for our people. Forgive me and follow me. I vow here and now, I will protect you and lead you."

The people cheered for her, and the golden glow around her spread to the whole of the city.

"You need not hide from my rule any longer," she said. "Our people will be great once again. We will be free."

She looked around the crowd and her eyes settled on Drake and Sam, who had found each other and were holding hands.

"Come forward, Drake Davis, son of Beleth, and Sam Davis."

I could tell my friends were nervous, but I knew they needn't be.

When Sam and Drake stood before her with Beleth at their side, the Queen smiled at them. "Forgive me for the way I've treated you. Any misdeeds you have committed are forgiven for now and always. You are both welcome into the Court of Sunrise and Nightfall as full members of the Council."

She turned to me and nodded her head. "Rose, The Gray Watcher, I extend to you the same offer."

A few Nephilim gasped.

The Queen smiled. "We have never allowed someone not of our kind into our Court, but you are The Gray Watcher, and in your blood you carry the spark of Nephilim. Stay and be my right hand."

I bowed to her. "I'm honored by the offer, but I belong at Elysium, where I will help keep peace in my small corner of the world."

The crowd erupted in cheers as they once again took up the chant of The Gray Watcher.


Her Own Goodness


So will I turn her virtue into pitch,

And out of her own goodness make the net

That shall enmesh them all.

— William Shakespeare, Othello

FROM PRISONER TO honored guest. We traded the hard stone prison for silk sheets and a luxurious suite overlooking a view of the mountains. The Twilight Palace was designed for Nephilim, with large spacious rooms boasting high ceilings and palatial views.

We were treated to the best as we waited for Father Patrick to bring Ana to us for her birthright ritual.

Sam and I discussed it all night after the Queen's offer, and in the end, with guidance from Beleth, decided that Ana deserved to grow up with all her powers, whatever they may be. Especially now that Sam and I could fly. Now, Ana would get her wings too.

Sam paced our room in impatience. It had only been a few days, but she could only handle so many hours of eating, flying and idling before she needed to hold her daughter. I felt the same way. Instead, I pulled her into my arms. "She'll be here soon."

Sam snuggled into me and I inhaled the scent of her raspberry shampoo. My love for this woman overwhelmed me at times. We'd been through so much. Survived so much. I couldn't imagine my life without her. I kissed the top of her head, then tilted her face up to reach her lips with mine. "I love you," I told her.

"I love you too," she said, smiling.

I looked over at the King bed, but Sam pulled me toward the large fireplace with furs layered in front of it. "We don't need a bed," she said.

I kissed her again and slipped the silk nightgown she wore off her shoulders. Her pale skin glowed with the dance of flames. I kissed the freckle on her left shoulder and worked my way down to her breasts, sucking in one nipple as my hand fell between her legs.

Her response was immediate. Her body curved into mine, her thighs squeezing my hand as I teased her center.

She pulled down my cotton pants and then spread herself on the furs, pulling me down on top of her.

We didn't need a bed.

She was right.

We just needed each other.

Everything righted itself as I thrust inside her. Our bodies shifted in rhythm as we held on to each other.

Our breath mingled.

Bodies joined.

We came in unison and held each other in satisfied silence in front of the dying embers.

The next morning, we woke to a cold room and a knock on the door. We quickly dressed and when we opened it, Ana ran in on stubby legs with Father Patrick behind her, grinning.

"Mommy! Daddy! Missed you!"

Sam swept her up in her arms, kissing her head while I wrapped my arms around them both.

I glanced back at Father Patrick. "Thank you. How was she?"

"She had her moments. She was connected to much of what happened here, which was confusing for one so young. But she knew you were okay."

I kissed her head, taking in her baby smell. What would become of a child gifted with so much at such a young age?

We dressed formally in clothes sent to us by the Queen. Sam was resplendent in a deep blue floor length gown beaded with sapphires and diamonds. The colors of Nightfall. I wore robes of gold and white, and Ana wore her own gown of gold.