Pieces (Riverdale #1)

“Before any of you and all of you ask, I feel fine.” Jake told them. Maybe if he just began every conversation with that, people would stop asking every minute.

“I wasn’t going to ask, I know you’re a beast.” Sam said as she plopped down on the foot of his bed. Jake kicked her ass playfully.

Jake looked around at the four of them and then at Luke in wonderment. If they were all there who was watching Ava, no way in hell did Nick Foti become Ava’s nanny. “Where’s Ava?”

Sam smirked as she too, looked at Luke. “Yeah, where is she, Luke?”

Jake eyed his sister curiously. She knew exactly where she was, then he turned back to Luke. He on the other hand looked like he wanted to throttle Sam. Jake clapped his hands together and rubbed them vigorously, let the fun begin.

“Sam, don’t embarrass your brother!” Deb demanded as she opened the blinds, letting the sunlight filter through the pink room.

“Hell I’d embarrass him if I knew what was going on.” Jake said, wishing someone would let the cat out of the bag.

Joe sat down on a chair, shaking his head. “He’s thirty-one Debra. If he gets embarrassed than we have a problem, don’t you think!”

“Guys, I’m right here, you know?” Luke said miserably.

“Would someone please tell me what the hell is going on?” Jake pleaded.

“Your brother got laid.” Joe said nonchalantly.

“Joe!” Deb said outraged.

“Pop!” Luke said before he covered his face with his hands.

Jake laughed wholeheartedly.

“Wait! How do you know he got laid?” Jake said as he turned to his father.

Joe shrugged his shoulders as he opened his newspaper. “I’m old, not dead.” He lifted the paper to cover his face. Cara laughed beside Jake, and he wrapped his arm around her. With his head on her shoulder, he looked back at his brother.

“I bet I know who the lucky lady is.” Jake grinned and Cara looked over her shoulder at him.

“Who?’ She asked him.

“Black Cherry! Go on, tell me I’m right. I know I’m right.” Jake said and then patted himself on the shoulder, proud of himself.

“Her name is Leah.” Luke muttered. “And we’re seeing each other.” He raised his voice so his father could hear him. Joe poked his head from the top of the newspaper and peered at Luke.

“Whatever you call it, you got some kid! Be proud.” He released the newspaper with one hand and pumped his fist in the air.

“You know Joe, I think you should get a CAT scan while you’re here.” Deb said as she hit him upside the head with the back of her hand.

“Damn you woman! You go and hit me in the head and shake shit up and then expect me to go for a CAT scan? You probably loosened a few screws with that hand.”

“Guys? Can we please focus?” Sam begged and then patted Jake’s leg. “I have something exciting to tell you guys.” She said as she looked at Jake and Cara.

Jake had to admit, this was exactly what the doctor ordered, his crazy family in all their dysfunctional glory. He grinned at his sister. “If you’re about to tell me you and---“

Sam cut him off and held her hand up in protest. “Before you go there, it has nothing to do with him.”

Jake looked at her skeptically, knowing that she was referring to Nick of course. “Then what exciting news is it that you have?”

Sam bounced off the bed and reached into her pocketbook and pulled out a stack of papers. She walked around handing one to everyone.

Jake and Cara shared one and they read it together. It was an invitation to a Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Awareness benefit. Jake’s eyes focused on one line specifically.

Celebrating Survival

In Honor of Cancer Fighter & Survivor

Jake Lanza

It was odd seeing his own name on a piece of paper; that portrayed him as a fighter and survivor of a deadly disease. He needed a moment to process and was thankful that Cara spoke up, breaking the silence.

“You organized this?” Cara asked as she continued to look down at the flyer.

“Yes. I wanted to commemorate Jake’s struggle and raise awareness. I’ve contacted the Light the Night foundation and any money made from the event will go to Lymphoma research in Jake’s honor.” Sam said before she began to chew on her bottom lip.

“This is amazing.” Cara said, as she placed the flyer on her lap and looked at Sam. “I can’t believe you did this. What can I do to help?”

Sam smiled hopefully as she glanced from Cara to Jake. “I’ve done everything. The event is one month from today at Rudy’s. Rather than doing a walk, I asked Pete to spread the word at the track to do a motorcycle run. It would start at Rudy’s and ultimately end there. I have Jake’s favorite cover band playing. Pete even offered to do to tattoos in the bar, to raise more money.” She rambled excitedly but more nervous than anything else. “Jake?”