Pieces (Riverdale #1)

Joe took a sip of his wine, thoughtfully, before responding to the situation. “The last six years, Lanza Automotive, grew, a name, a reputation. This expansion is good. It’s the next step for the business.”

Luke nodded. “If we would’ve jumped into all this six years ago, we might not be where we are now. We pull in good business, just with repairs. This expansion is going to be the gravy as far as I am concerned.”

“Cara can talk to Rudy, next time she works the bar. I’m sure when he hosts the car show this summer he’ll give you prime space to showcase the new cars too.” Jake added. Hell, he would be on board, seemed good for everyone involved. Maybe down the road, he could persuade his brother and Nick to restore old bikes too. He knew a couple of riding buddies that would be interested in some custom bikes. He knew there was a big market for all kinds of bikes these days.

“Definitely. I’m working tomorrow night. I’ll throw it out there.” Cara said and she took a sip of her drink before she continued, “I’ve been meaning to ask you Nick, if you found a place to rent or if you’re still at the hotel?”

Deb’s eyes widened and she averted her gaze, directly to Nick. “What do you mean you have been staying at a hotel?”

“Well of all the ridiculous things! Why didn’t you tell us, Deb would’ve set the whole basement up for you until you found an apartment,” Joe was just as outraged as Deb. It had always been in their nature to open their home to any of their kid’s friends.

They had done the same for Cara, when they found out that her father was beating her. Jake was spiraling out of control, trying to keep her safe, and away from her father. When he had gone to his parents, and explained what was going on, they drove her to her house. Her father hadn’t been home, so she packed her things, and they brought her to live with them for six months. He shook the thoughts from his head, trying to get a hold on his emotions. Just thinking about those days, and seeing her beautiful face, swollen and bruised, made him want to go find that piece of shit father of hers, and torture him.

“It’s not a big deal, guys. For the last six years I lived in a hotel. It’s got its perks, twenty four hour room service and all.” Nick joked, trying to ease Deb and Joe a bit.

“Yeah, well that was before you were home,” Deb said, disgusted with the fact.

“The reason I brought it up,” Cara said, turning to look at Nick mouthed “I’m sorry,’ “The apartment upstairs from Rudy’s is for rent. If you’re going to be a permanent fixture around here, might as well give yourself a permanent address.”

Sam leaned into Jake, “Think you can tell her to stop with all her great ideas? I don’t want him living at Rudy’s then I’ll bump into him on Friday nights.”

“Tragic.” Jake said, rolling his eyes at his sister. “Will you guys excuse me a minute?” He pushed his chair out, and left the dining room. Suddenly he wasn’t in the mood for the casual discussion. Thinking about how bad things had been for Cara with her dad, left a sour taste in his mouth and his mind racing.

He made his way up to his childhood bedroom, the image of Cara so badly beaten that one of her eyes was swollen shut, kept flashing in his head. He shook his head viciously, as if he could really shake the thought from his mind. He sat down at the edge of his bed and threw his head in his hands, closing his eyes. He was lost in his thoughts, in the demons that would haunt him from time to time. He could still hear her voice, begging him not do anything to her father. He could remember how she felt, trembling in his arms.

He had been asleep in this very room, when he heard something hit the window. She hadn’t wanted to wake his family, but she had needed him. When he went to the window, he could barely make out that it was her, who was throwing rocks at it. She had a baseball cap on, and she never looked up at him. Then her voice, full of tears, had told him it was her. He could still remember, clear as day, when he opened the back door to let her in. She was soaking wet, from the rain and shaking. She wouldn’t look at him. And when he begged her to lift her head and she only turned away, he had a weakening feeling in the pit of his stomach, kind of like he did now, just thinking about it.

He had grabbed her shoulders and she flinched, completely taking him off guard. That’s when he had figured someone had hurt her. Ever so gently, he turned her around to face him. He slowly removed the baseball cap, and to the best of her ability she looked up at him, only one eye able to look into his. Tears streaked her beautiful face that was full of black and blues and dried blood, his fists clenched then and now.