One Simple Step (Journey #3)

I tapped my finger to my chin, really not even having to think about it. I could remember the day like it was yesterday. “About a year ago. It was practically a blizzard out when I woke up that morning. The snow was fresh and hadn’t become a slushy mess yet. So, I bundled up and got out there as soon as I could. I think I built the biggest snowman ever and then made snow angels all over the yard. The neighbors probably thought I was a little insane being out there all by myself.”

“Hmm…I think you might be. I’m not sure if that sounds fun, but I’ll take your word for it,” he teased. I felt his arms slowly snake around my waist, pulling me closer against his chest. We sat there in silence looking out at the dark water, the warmth of his body engulfing me and feeling so comforting. All I could hear was the sound of the waves crashing, and the steady rhythm of his breath right near my ear.

I felt him shift behind me when he pulled one arm free and glanced at his wrist, letting out a groan. “I hate to have to do this, but I really need to get home. My boss will kick my ass if I’m late tomorrow.”

“Ah, the responsibilities of being an adult.” I jumped to my feet, brushing the sand off as I stood up. “I should probably be heading back anyway before Remy starts getting any ideas. I’m sure she’s already come up with a few.”

“Well, I’m at least going to make sure you make it back alright. Which way are you?”

”It’s not a big deal, Nick. Remy’s place is right on the beach, up that way.” I pointed in the opposite direction of Clammy’s.

We drove here, but we could’ve easily walked. It felt weird having a guy worry about me. I had always been so independent. Teddy never really worried about what I was doing, which was probably why I ended up by myself so much.

“I think I can handle walking you home. I’ll come back for my bike later.” I raised a brow at him at the mention of a bike, which I assumed meant a motorcycle. Nick definitely didn’t look like a biker. If I had to attach a stereotype to him, I’d say he was more of a sexy businessman with a little bit of an edge. The kind that you’d want to boss you around—you know, if you were into that kind of thing.

“Okay, I guess if you insist.”


I was kissing this girl before I even knew what in the hell I was doing.

It was like there was this magnet between us, and I fought against it the whole time I walked her back to the apartment complex where she was staying. Then, she had to go and peek up at me with that lost look in her eyes, and I couldn’t help myself. I just wanted to kiss her until she forgot whatever in the hell had made her so sad.

Where Kara was a little rough around the edges, and always wanting to be in control, Ally was the complete opposite. Everything about her was soft and sexy, feminine and fragile feeling. Her lips were stiff when they first met mine, and I could tell she was more than a little surprised by the gasp that I swallowed up when my mouth sealed against hers. Hell, I was surprised myself. But it felt so right.

And I could tell Ally felt the same way.

She instantly relaxed, letting herself fall gently against the door, hands knotted in my hair as she tilted her head up to meet mine. She even tasted sweet.

When Danny made his little deal with me, I had never expected this outcome.

Danny called dibs on Ally when he had first spotted her and her friend Remy. He said she was sexy but looked like a bit of a mess. I definitely agreed with the first part, but had no clue what he was talking about when he said she was a mess. So when Ally turned Danny down almost immediately, I knew I had to talk to her.

Yeah, she didn’t have a shit ton of makeup on, and her hair was thrown up into a messy looking bun, but that appealed to me more than anything. I’d never really been attracted to blondes, Kara being the perfect example with her black almost everything.

But Ally…there wasn’t even one word to describe her. She was almost as tall as me, with a willowy figure, but curves in all of the right places. And those eyes of hers. They looked a little familiar, and then I realized that’s because they were almost identical in color to mine. Not that I stood in front of the mirror all day staring at my own, but hers were beautiful. I could stare at those eyes all day.

But even in the short time that we had known each other, that wasn’t what I liked most about her. There was just something about her. She seemed airy, like she floated from one thing to the next, wherever life took her. I guess Kara was right when she said I was boring, maybe just a little. I always had a plan in life, and I always followed it. In a way, I think I was a little jealous of Ally’s carefree attitude, and the fact that she didn’t know where she would be tomorrow.

I at least hoped she would be here, because I really did want to get to know her, even if we started out as just friends. But friends most definitely didn’t do this to each other, or make it feel so damn good. I could tell she was into it by the tiny little noises that were coming from deep in her throat, and I stroked my tongue against hers roughly, loving the sounds she was making.

C.A. Williams's books