Mercy (Sin City Outlaws #2)

Quickly I shuffle myself backward till I nearly fall off the end of the bed. Zeek stands abruptly, and runs his hand through his hair as he looks downward. His posture and frame mimicking someone in pain, or sorrow.

“Sorry, you were crying out like you were in pain. I tried to wake you up and you clung to me like someone was chasing you or something. I couldn’t help but comfort you.” His voice is deep, and throaty with sleep. Fuck how can he be so attractive this early in the morning?

“You okay, honey?” Looking past Zeek, Mildred is undoing her rollers, looking at me with worry. Donald sipping some coffee behind her. Glancing at the clock on the bedside table I spot the cuffs, Zeek must have taken them off of them. Which means I’m about to be placed in them, I’m sure.

“Yeah. I’m fine,” I croak. My heart beating so fast my vision blurs. I close my eyes, trying to erase the blurriness, before reopening them. Zeek is giving me a sideways glance, his fingers wringing each other. Only, he isn’t looking at my face. He’s looking downward. Following his stare, I notice I have my legs open, the shirt not covering nearly enough and my pink lace panties are on full display. Shit. At least I don’t have my period panties on, I guess. Shutting my legs quickly, I swallow hard.

Warmth floods my lower half, and my nipples perk. I like that he’s looking, that he wants me.

Zeek winks, a devilish smile fitting his face. His playboy demeanor is sexy, but I can’t help but roll my eyes.

“Not being a pain in your ass doesn’t include sex,” I inform curtly. Sliding off the bed I head into the bathroom to get dressed.

I just need time to process everything before I go climbing back on Cock-a-saurus Rex.


“WE NEED ANOTHER CAR,” Zeek informs, looking out the corner of the curtain.

“Sonny, I know I’m just an old man, but my wife and I drove across the country to see our daughter and I think we’ve been more than compliant.” Zeek looks over his shoulder, eyeing the old man. “All I ask is, please, don’t take our vehicle.” The old man looks down, before grasping his wife’s hand.

Zeek looks at me, and I try to convey everything I’m thinking by the look on my face. “Please don’t take their car.” Zeek nods, and looks out the window.

“I’m not taking your car, old man.” Zeek pulls out the cuffs from his back pocket and strides toward me. My heart sinks, even though I’m agreeing not to be a pain, he’s still putting them on me. Surprising me, he grabs the sheet from the bed and tears two pieces of material from it. Taking my wrist, he wraps the torn sheet around the sensitive skin to protect it from the metal rubbing it raw. The gesture is simple, yet speaks volumes about his respect for my well-being. His eyes never leave mine, as the metal clinks into place.

Grabbing onto the chain linking the cuffs, he pulls me behind him.

Walking out the door, the morning sun is barely rising.

“Good luck!” Mildred hollers as Zeek shuts the door. He looks around the parking lot, the only other vehicle a rusted old Volkswagen van. Its blue paint chipped revealing an ugly orange. The windows holding neon green curtains.

“Looks like we’re taking the stoner’s ride.” He yanks on my cuffs, and marches toward the ugly van.

Opening my door for me, like a gentleman, the smell of pot and body odor is overwhelming.

“You’ve got to be kidding me?”

“It’s either this, or the old couple’s car.” Glancing at him, I can’t help but furrow my brows with anger.

“Don’t you think you’ve terrorized that couple enough?”

A smirk slowly spreads across his face, and his hand rests on the van next to my head.

“Baby, I’ve only just begun. That shit back there, that was mere child’s play compared to what I’m capable of.” He narrows his brows together. “Now get in the fucking van.”

I don’t know if I’m turned on, or horrified. Biting my tongue, I turn and get in.

Glancing around the van, it’s lined with orange shaggy carpet, and has food everywhere.

Zeek shoves empty chip bags from the driver’s seat, and climbs in.

“Fucking moron.” Zeek thumbs the keys in the ignition, starting it right up. I shake my head, and cross my arms. Who just leaves their keys in their car? Seems a lot of people do out in the middle of nowhere.

“How long till we get there?” I yawn, ready for this trip to be over. Ready for everything to be over with so I can go back home. To my mom, my house, and my cat.

“Seeing as we gotta take the backway, and we’re in this piece of shit, who knows?” He stills, catching my attention. “Just so you know, the only reason I didn’t kill that couple and take their car…was for you.”

My nostrils flare, as I take a shallow breath in, my eyes never leaving his. Who the hell is this guy, and why do I love him again? “I would have killed them any other day, but whether you realize it or not, you’re changing the way I see things.”

Who the hell is this guy, and why do I love him again?

My mouth opens, my mind racing with thoughts so fast I can’t grab one to reply back with so I turn and look out the window.

Maybe there’s hope for us after all…