Hidden Desires

“That’s my daughter, Tessa,” Layla said fondly. “Why don’t you come in?” She turned and followed the toddler down the path.

Travis motioned for Rachel to come along, although she had no idea how she would be able to get her legs to make motion. She was still stunned by the revelation and the questions surrounding Travis’s wife.

“This will be okay,” he said, his eyes warm and reassuring.

She broke from her trance and followed Travis into the house, taking a seat in one of the flowery wing chairs that adorned the grand front room. The house had Layla written all over it. Tasteful pastels and soft yellow carpeting spoke of Layla’s eternal optimism and sunny personality. The room was adorned with photos that displayed the functional, loving family Carrie and Rachel always admired.

As Layla went to the kitchen to prepare lemonade, Tessa emerged from the hallway, carrying a plastic cup. She made a beeline directly to Travis, who had taken a seat on the couch. In her chubby wet fingers, she held out a Cheerio, and without the slightest flinch, Travis accepted the offering, popped the morsel in his mouth, and rubbed his stomach.

“Mmmm,” he said.

The toddler climbed on the couch, instantly enamored with Travis, and Rachel couldn’t help but return the sentiment. He seemed so comfortable with the child, so fatherly, that she suddenly wondered if he had children of his own.

“Do you have kids?” Layla asked, entering the room with a tray of iced drinks.

Travis accepted another Cheerio and answered, “No.”

Layla chuckled. “Well, you’ve made a fan out of Tessa. If she’s bothering you, just let me know.”

Tessa held out another tidbit and Travis playfully snatched it from her hand, tossed it in the air and caught it between his lips. The toddler let out another screech of delight and climbed onto his lap to settle in.

“Oh, Tessa,” Layla said, but Travis cut her off.

“She’s fine.”

Layla’s attention turned to Rachel. “You look so good. How have you been?”

“I’m good, thanks. Your house is beautiful,” she said, taking in the sight of the impeccably styled room.

She laughed. “Thanks. It’s not easy keeping it this way. Tessa’s not usually allowed in this room, but with another on the way,” she said, tapping her belly, “I think I’m going to be outnumbered soon.”

The three made small talk as they sipped the lemonade. Though it was nice seeing Layla, Rachel couldn’t hold back the discomfort of being there. The sight of her in this beautiful home and Travis playfully doting over her daughter brought back those searing pains of remorse. Not only had she never been blessed to grow up in a loving household like Tessa would, she doubted she would ever have the warm, stable life Layla had come to find. She felt like the odd-man-out in a room full of normal, functional people. It was how she always felt when surrounded by friends and their families.

“What is this about Carrie? Has something happened?”

Rachel shook from her thoughts and, once again, looked to Travis for help in answering Layla’s question.

“Well,” Travis started, adjusting in his seat, “Rachel came across Carrie’s diary, and there were things written in it we thought you might be able to shed some light on.”

“Really?” Layla said, turning her eyes to Rachel. “Gosh, it’s been a long time, but I can try.”

“We’re interested in the month between prom and graduation,” Travis went on. “She broke up with me just after prom.”

“Yes, I remember that.”

“Did she tell you what brought that on?”

“Well, yes. She didn’t want any attachments. She’d cut off everyone except for me. She wanted to sever all her ties with everyone, to make it easier.”

“To make what easier?” Travis asked.

“Her death, of course.”

Rachel’s heart began to race. She set her lemonade on the table, fearful that the trembling in her hands might cause her to spill some on the spotless carpet. She was unprepared for Layla’s words. She felt the blood drain from her head and she quickly became dizzy.

As if seeing the expression on her face, Layla added, “Oh, Rachel. I don’t want you to think…I mean, I had no idea what she was planning. You have to know that. The way she talked, I thought she was going on a trip. It wasn’t until after that I realized what she’d been talking about.”

The room went ice cold, despite the morning sun that cast through the large picture window. Goose bumps flashed over her skin and her chest went tight, making it hard to breathe. Though Rachel was quickly unraveling, Travis kept his professional calm, probing Layla’s memory in between the occasional Cheerio.