First World (Walker Saga #1)

Josian stood suddenly. “I don’t want her to go, Lalli. I don’t have a good feeling about this.” Worry lined his permanently young features.

She stood as well, reaching out to grip his arms. “I don’t want either of my children to take off on their own to some unknown planet, but if it’s that or the end of the world then I don’t think we have much choice.”

He scoffed. “End of this world, maybe. I’ll find us another one. A better one.”

I laughed. Josian took arrogance to a completely new level. “Can you transport the billions of people on all seven planets?”

With a resigned sigh, he shook his head in my direction. To Josian, those that weren’t family didn’t factor into his plan.

Brace joined the standees. “I’ll keep them safe, Lalli and Josian. Don’t worry, we’ll be back before you know it.”

Josian pointed his finger at Brace. “I’m feeling a decided lack of trust in you at the moment, Brace. I see how you look at my daughter.”

For the first time Brace’s eyes swung in my direction, before he looked back at Josian. Flushing a little, I stared at my half-eaten food.

“I promise I have no ulterior motives, other than adventure and keeping my friends safe.”

Brace was lying. He said that without an ounce of emotion, as if repeating a rehearsed line.

Josian turned his gaze toward me. I nodded at him. I wouldn’t be letting my guard down around Brace. Well, I’d try really hard not to, but if he looked at me I was a goner.

Francesca interrupted us. “It’s time now. Josian, you go, gather your family. You’re going to struggle to find them all. Some have made it their mission to remain hidden indefinitely. Start at the junction between the four quadrants of this universe. And you must hurry or you will miss something important.”

Josian frowned at her. “You’re getting on my last nerve, Frannie.” He marched to the end of the table, muttering about crazy sisters-in-law. Reaching down, he pulled me from my chair for one last hug.

“Stay safe, Aribella. Trust your instincts and make me proud. If you need me, I’ll find you, no matter the consequences.”

I reached up high to pat his shoulder, offering whatever small comfort I could. “Luce and I are used to looking after ourselves. We’ll be fine.” He nodded once. “I love you, Dad.” I wanted to say it, just in case.

He placed one hand on his heart, before raising it to his lips, kissing it and then touching it to my lips.

“May your journey away from me be short, but your experiences life-changing. Love you too, Miqueriona.”

I really should find out what that meant.

He moved toward Lallielle then. He touched her face before lowering himself close to press his lips to hers. It was short and ever so sweet.

Lallielle turned away as Josian opened a doorway in an unused corner. I caught a glimpse of fire and night in the far distance, and then with one last kiss blown in my direction, he was gone. The room felt empty. The absence of his presence was huge. Lallielle, looking lost, hugged her arms around her body tightly, but then she pulled herself together.

“Okay, it’s time for the rest of you to go as well. Grab your packs and trust no one but each other. These planets are unique and their inhabitants even more so. They will not think the way you expect.”

Samuel stepped forward first, hugging her for an extra moment. “Love you, Mother. Don’t worry too much. We’ll be back soon. Plus Josian and Aribella are pretty much indestructible.”

She laughed. “I wouldn’t be letting them leave my side if that wasn’t the case. The only reason you are going is I know I can’t stop you. You’re too old to send to your room now.”

Francesca ushered us out into the main hall. “Everyone, get your bags. Aribella will open a doorway. Don’t worry about Lalli. I will stay here with her.”

“That’s very reassuring, Frannie, since it’s your predictions that have put us all in this position. And most of the time no one has a clue what you’re talking about.”

“Shut up, Lalli. We aren’t too old that I can’t hurt you.”

Lallielle laughed. “Actually, sister, you’re much too old.”

Lallielle and Francesca had conveyed that they were well over a hundred years old, despite the fact they looked young enough to be twenty-five. Although neither of them would tell me their exact age.

Reaching down, I grabbed my pack. During breakfast, some food and other items had been added. The pack was light, but probably wouldn’t be on Spurn.

We gathered as a group in the main entranceway. Francesca handed me a photo. “This is the place on Spurn you want to picture.”

I glanced down to an island paradise. Pink-colored sky and weak-sunlight glinting off the sandy white beaches. Nice.

Lallielle stood before me. “Stay safe, Aribella, my daughter. I love you.”

Taking a deep breath, I threw my arms around her. “Thank you, Mom. I love you too.”