Dangerous Minds (Knight and Moon #2)

Emerson nodded. “It’s a wet, muddy rain forest. I couldn’t see anything but ohia trees and massive hapu’u tree ferns. I called your dad, and he says we’re about two miles inside the forest, and he gave me new directions.”

They walked another half mile down the tunnel and came to a dead end. They were facing a forty-foot cliff with a pool of water at its base. Emerson looked at the map.

“This has got to be Skylight Falls. It’s the second highest lava fall in the main tube. The main tunnel continues west from here. Mr. Yakomura says we need to find a side channel going north fairly soon or we’ll be getting colder.”

A series of ladder rungs had been embedded into the three-story cliff. Emerson sloshed through water two feet deep and pulled himself up onto the ladder.

“Be careful, they’re slippery,” Emerson said, climbing the rungs and waiting at the top for Vernon, Alani, and Wayan Bagus.

At the top, the tunnel became wide and low, barely tall enough for Emerson to stand upright. They walked another quarter of a mile before it opened into a cavern with another cliff and plunge pool at its bottom. This one was thirty feet tall, and no one had left behind a rope or ladder.

Vernon looked up at the cliff. “Well, this is a real pickle,” he said.

Emerson started to unpack his rock-climbing gear from his pack. “Not a problem. I’ll climb to the top and throw down a rope.”

“Wait,” Wayan Bagus said. “There is a sound.”

Everyone listened. Somebody or something was coming their way, and the sounds were getting louder by the second. There was no place to hide. They were trapped between the cliff and whatever was approaching.

“It sounds big,” Alani said.

A family of wild pigs suddenly burst into the cavern and ran past Vernon.

“Holy bejeezus,” Vernon said, plastering himself back against the tunnel wall.

The pigs panicked at the sight of the humans. They ran in circles, squealing and grunting, flashing in and out of the headlamp beams, their eyes reflecting the light. And then just as suddenly as they came they disappeared back into the tunnel.

“Stupid pigs,” Vernon said. “They near gave me a heart attack.”

Alani grinned. “At least they weren’t Bigfoot.”

“I should never have told you about Bigfoot,” Vernon said. “Next you’re gonna be telling me it’s another thing that ruined a moment.”

“It did!” Alani said. “There was the camping trip at Keokea Bay. We were having a romantic moment, and you were sure you heard Bigfoot.”

“Hey,” Vernon said, “that Bigfoot encounter I had was traumatic. Anyways I’m not currently worried about Bigfoot because everybody knows Bigfoots lack the hand-eye coordination to climb ladders, and the only way they could get to us is by climbing that rickety three-story one back at Skylight Falls.”

Emerson looked at Vernon. “An excellent observation.”

“It is?” Vernon said. “I was just kind of winging it.”

“Bigfoots can’t climb ladders,” Emerson said. “And last I checked neither can pigs. So where did they come from and where did they go?”

Everyone nodded. They’d missed an offshoot tunnel. They retraced their steps back toward Skylight Falls. They went slowly, carefully examining each fold and crevice. A small pig darted across their path and disappeared.

“There,” Emerson said, shining his light at the tunnel wall.

There was a small hole in the north side. It was just wide enough for a large pig to squeeze through.

Emerson got down on his stomach and peered into the opening. “I think it’s big enough for us to crawl through, but I can’t see the end.”

“If it gets much narrower, we’ll be stuck,” Vernon said. “Just like Winnie-the-Pooh in Rabbit’s hole.”

“I am small,” Wayan Bagus said. “I will go first.” He wriggled into the hole. A minute later he called back to Emerson. “I am in another tunnel, and it seems to head in the direction we wanted to travel.”

Vernon stuck his head into the hole. “Can we fit?”

“It should not be a problem,” Wayan Bagus said from the other side. “As long as you make yourself as small as possible.”

Vernon looked himself over and sucked in his gut. “You didn’t use your special powers to go where thought takes you, did you?” Vernon asked. “ ’Cause that’s not really an option for the rest of us.”

“The mind is everything. What you think you become,” the disembodied voice of Wayan Bagus echoed through the hole.

Emerson got into the hole and wriggled through, pushing his backpack in front of him. He was followed by Vernon and Alani. After about fifty feet, they emerged in a lava tube on the other side. It was slightly smaller than the first tube, and only Wayan Bagus could stand completely upright.

“This is good,” Emerson said. “I don’t know if it will connect to Tin Man’s compound, but at least we’re heading in the right direction according to Mr. Yakomura.”


AFTER ABOUT AN HOUR OF WALKING, THE sounds of coqui frogs filled the otherwise eerie silence of the tunnel. Emerson looked up to see a skylight just ahead and about eight feet above them. He got a boost from Vernon and hoisted himself out of the hole in the ceiling.

“Nothing but more trees and ferns,” he called back into the hole. “I’m going to check with the helicopter.”

Alani looked at her watch. “I’m not feeling good about this,” she said to Vernon and Wayan Bagus. “It’s taking us too long. It’s three A.M. Riley is at the mercy of these psychopaths. We have no idea if she’s even alive. And if she is alive, heaven knows what they could be doing to her.”

“I know what you mean,” Vernon said. “My unagi is acting up. I’m feeling all tingly. That’s either a sign of a naked woman nearby or some kind of danger. And I don’t see no naked women. Although now that I think about it the tingling is pretty strong, so it could be some naked woman is in danger. I sure hope it isn’t Riley.”

“Silence is a great source of strength,” Wayan Bagus said to Vernon.

Emerson dropped back into the tunnel. “We’re close,” he said. “We’re walking in the right direction. Mr. Yakomura can’t circle overhead much longer without refueling so we’re on our own for a while.”

“I don’t like that,” Vernon said. “That feels real insecure being that my unagi is giving me a stomach cramp. There’s something bad happening up ahead. I know it for sure.”

“What’s with this unagi thing?” Alani asked Emerson. “Didn’t I see that on an episode of Friends?”

“Wait a minute,” Vernon said to Emerson. “You told me I had unagi. I mean, I got it, right? It’s not like the time Tom Hanks brought you the sculpture, is it? I never bought into that one.”

“As you believe, so will you be,” Emerson said, once again leading the way into the black tunnel.

“So what’s wrong with me if it’s not unagi?” Vernon said.

“Maybe you need a bathroom,” Alani suggested.

“It’s not the same thing,” Vernon said. “I’m all in a knot. It’s like in Star Wars when you hear the Darth Vader music and your heart gets real tight, like it’s squished into a little nugget.”

“My heart feels like that too,” Alani said. “I’m worried about Riley.”

Emerson stopped and held up his hand. “This is interesting,” he said. “We’ve come to a brick wall.”

Everyone sidled up next to Emerson and stared at the wall.

“Here’s something you don’t see all the time,” Alani said. “Not many brick walls in lava tubes.”

“I reckon we’re at a dead end,” Vernon said. “I guess the only choice is to go back to that skylight we passed a mile or so back and search aboveground.”

“It’s precisely because somebody has taken the trouble to erect a brick wall that it’s imperative we find a way through,” Emerson said.

Vernon waved his hands at the sealed tunnel. “It’s a brick wall. How the Sam Hill are we going to do that? You got explosives in your pack?”

“No explosives,” Emerson said. “I have a Swiss Army knife and a spoon.”

“There goes my unagi again,” Vernon said. “Now I got a cramp in my ass. I’m telling you something is wrong.”

“I hear a noise,” Wayan Bagus said. “It sounds like a machine.”