Cold Blooded II - Killer Moves (Nick McCarty) (Volume 2)

Gus leaned forward. He met Nick’s gaze without blinking. He never doubted for a moment the complexity of Nick’s statement. This was a onetime offer. That Nick would get him safely back to the States he had no doubt. It was entirely his decision what followed, but there would be no take backs. “Thanks for the option, brother. Do you want input whenever I’m involved, or does that carry a death sentence?”

Nick grinned. “I’d slit my own throat rather than put you down. I would, and could disappear without a trace with my patched together family, but as you know well, I love Pacific Grove.”

Gus reached across with his hand, which Nick gripped tightly. “No need to go all ‘Silence of the Lambs’ on me. I’m in. You’re right. My nagging you concerning business ventures was out of line. You do know getting out of the country will be a bit more difficult if Gil dies, right?”

The waiter arrived with their drinks, iced tea, and finger foods. Nick added another fifty onto his tray. “You have been most helpful. Thank you.”

The waiter thanked Nick profusely, and spun around on his way. Nick returned his attention to Gus, lifting his glass. “Buck up, matey. We’ll be fine getting out of the country. I picked the flight, bribed everyone Gil doesn’t have a clue about, and we won’t be staying here long.”

Gus toasted in return. “I can tell you based everything in regard to our flight out of here on the assumption our payoff and contract would be going to hell. Ever consider you may be a self-fulfilling prophesy?”

Nick sipped his Scotch, eyes turning into what Gus liked to think of as his Terminator gaze of icy hell. Jean had branded him with the nickname. It was appropriate. “I’d have been dead long ago ignoring what I’ve learned about people over the years. I’m real damn good at reading people and situations. Montrose made a mistake. You and I made a mistake pretending this was a little jaunt away from urban life boredom, Gus. Sometimes, it’s not a good thing for sleeping dogs like me to get poked awake. You can imagine how the thought of toning things down when I get back after this escapade will hit me. We’ll have to take your boat, The Loose Lady II, out on the ocean again in the less dangerous waters of Pacific Grove.”

“The Lucky Lady II, damn it! Don’t think for a moment I’ve forgotten about what happened to my first Lucky Lady, which you had bombed from orbit. You need to stop calling my new Lucky Lady pet names. You have Jean calling her Loose now too. Okay, we need to find you something more acceptable in the danger zone. Those marshals are always calling you for tips and questioning you. Why haven’t you worked out something with them?”

“Too clingy, and they’d put me in prison if I get out of line. Frank Richert had your first Lady bombed from orbit. It was I who made certain we weren’t on it when it happened. I’d like to know how I was responsible for it. I admit I may be influencing Danger Girl a little too much. It stems from Rachel and Jean duct taped in the back of a van, speeding away toward their deaths. Jean understood that when I wasted every one of those sons of bitches, they weren’t ever going to try anything like that again. Maybe she’s absorbing a little too much of my obnoxious side.”

“Ya’ think? Why don’t you reconsider ending Gil?”

“Mind your own business. Eat up, and let’s go back to our room. We’ll be leaving very early tomorrow morning.”

Gus pointed at Nick, while feasting from the finger food tray. “Forget Gill.”

“You forget, Gill,” Nick replied.


Something in his unconscious mind jagged Gus from deep sleep to wide awake paranoia. He heard the entrance door being opened. Gus moved quietly off the bed before the door opened all the way. Two men in masks took aim with weapons at his bed. Gus cringed as silenced rounds sounded in a muffled deadly conclusion. The two men pitched forward on their faces in the dark. When Gus opened his eyes with the room light flicked on, Nick was waving at him.

“Hi, sweet pea, how’s that forgetting Gil thing going for you?” Nick shut the door behind him. “I have two more in my room. Guess what? You get to clean. I’ll need to take care of our pesky Gil problem.”

Gus stared bleary eyed at Nick. He eased onto hands and knees, no snappy comebacks or other banter coming to mind at all. He was in a partnership with the most deadly individual he’d ever encountered at anytime, anywhere. The fact Nick had played the hand dealt him by Gus all the way through spoke volumes in a code Gus could not fathom. He acted instead, helping Nick roll the bodies into the bedding Gus quickly tore off the bed. It was a mess of his own making.

“My two are ready to be cinched up, Gus. Give me a hand with them.” Nick wrapped the last bundle with duct tape. “I’m calling in some extremely bad men to come over and collect these, and the two in my room. After you help me roll mine, pack your things, and stay out of the collectors’ way when they come. Leave the door ajar.”

Gus grabbed the duct tape, and gripped his friend’s shoulder. “You go take care of Gil. I’ll roll your bundles on my own. Thank you.”

Nick waved him off. “A picture is worth a thousand words, Gus. Want to take one while we have the bundles posed?”

Bernard Lee DeLeo's books